It's not all mad action

While a lot of things had been happening as of recent, such as the war or the new god being created or the first golden eye being born. Or maybe the hidden evil clans and cults hiding in the shadows while the veterans of the war now roamed the lands.

But now progress continues as the races of all the candidates move forward in all areas from battle to technology. They all focused on different things with the light sprites doing wonders with nature and light magic.

But when it comes to technology, they had none as they used and lived with the nature that surrounded them. While the now freed demonic hounds and owls were both cut short on their journey of magic. However, they both showed the ability to use wind and fire magic, among other basic magic.

For the 2 underwater race, they both of course had a good aptitude with water magic as it was a necessity. As for the blues, they seemed to lean more towards technology with the invention of copper weapons. They now focused on refining and perfecting their methods while still learning about other forms of technology.

The spiders didn't seem to care about magic put from they way they lived and worked toxins, and psychic magic seemed to be where they would go.

But not all races want to or care about magic. The lizard mens creator wanted dragons, so he would want fire magic but also seemed to be going down a strength path so body and blood magic. But this is all speculation as the spiders could focus on earth magic, and the light sprites may start using fire magic.

At the lower levels both in the game and in the universe, even an empire or kingdom more focused on magic will still use basic technology and the same way around.

But crazy fanatics exist everywhere in pretty much everything, so in the universe, there were 3 major groups, all wanting and thinking the same thing, just 3 different versions.

The major groups were the technological then biological and magical groups all believing they were the right and the others were wrong. They all existed to spread their message and combat the others as they vied for control of the universe.

Some believed magic was the right path to longevity and power, while others thought technology would surpass biological life forms. As for the biologicals, they thought that the ultimate form of perfection could only be achieved through evolution and general editing and overall improvement.

Now Jack and the candidates didn't know this, but whatever paths they decided to go down and focus on would lead them on the path towards one of these groups.

Now, these groups weren't the only ones. Some believed the combination of the 2 was superior, such as a combination of magic and technology or biological and some other niche group.

These groups all wanted more power, and the easiest form of that is the constant stream of winners from the games. A large portion of these factions were game winners, but there was also a small number who decided not to join any of those factions.

But now that we looked at magic and technology, and the things the candidate races may go towards, we should get back to the jackrixis .

So far, they haven't used much magic, and for the civilized races, it may be because they need a certain level of technology and organization before they can begin. While the monster races find using basic magic much easier and quicker to learn.

The Jackrixis did notice how some types of magic made hunting much harder, such as fire magic or darkness magic. Now they didn't know how this worked or why certain monster had magic and others didn't, but they started to see these monsters as more valuable.

But that was the hunters and fighters as the elders and more intellectuals tried to understand. And learn more about this strange substance, the blues called magic.

Minerva helped with this a little as the gods still had an obligation to provide blessings and knowledge. From the faith and loyalty their followers gave them but she made sure it wasn't too advanced or too much.

Jack trusted she wouldn't give the rixis nukes just yet, and the gods would keep both races on track. But now he had to deal with another problem that once more reared its head and it was the wave.

In case you forgot a wave happens once every 10 years for 3 days and for every 10 waves, the candidates or their race would get a skill.

Now, the 10th wave was much larger and deadlier than the other, so while the war and all these other things happened, so did the waves. Luckily, the normal waves just meant some extra monsters and animals attacking the jackrixis.

But the major wave of the 10th wave was something that, if not treated with respect, could destroy a candidate like it did before with chase.

Now, the candidates would need to prepare for the next wave that was coming soon and would give them another candidate skill. Which was much more powerful, and Jack could already suspect what the other candidates would try to get when it comes to skills.

"I'm guessing they're sick of not having a basic civilization, so they'll probably get an intelligence skill or technology something along those lines"-Jack

The progress was slow as Jack's race wasn't already at the kingdom level. His race didn't have Jackrixis riding Venxes or have trade caravans with trade routes. But they still were making steady progress and were still ahead of the other races in some aspects.

But soon, the others would catch up as they all started to equal out, and then it would come down to skills of both the race and the candidate but also. What niches they fit and thrive in and what weakness holds them back.

It will all soon come together into a large battles between the candidates, but for now, they were all a good distance between each other.