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Even though candidate 1 Hector Venules was eliminated, his creations still lived on as a pack of hounds, all with basic fire magic was chasing down a swift creature with 6 legs and 3 arms and had all pink fur and 4 pink eyes.

The hounds didn't stop their hunger and bloodlust unstoppable once it began, and they weaved through the foliage of the forest of yellow short trees reaching an average human waist.

Luck, however, wasn't on this poor pink creatures side, and it soon tripped and fell, and that was all the hounds needed. They were soon ripping into the creature, its flesh elastic as they pulled with their powerful jaws to consume the flesh.

Blood was everywhere as the hounds didn't care for mess or to finish the meal, and they ate until they were full and left, leaving a quarter eaten carcass.

This leads to dozens of insects and birds and other small predators to feast on the remains. As the hounds became one with the ecosystem, they had found their new place in the world. Without a creator, they wouldn't be able to have such large packs like they used to and would take much longer to evolve, and even if they did, the options would now be more narrow.

Candidate 2 Nancy Little was doing fine as she wondered around talking to the gods or giving advice. Helping them when she could as she came to accept, she wouldn't be fighting on the front line, which she was happy with.

Nancy just wanted to see her children, who she had no idea if they were safe or even alive. She thought it was best not to dwell on it, so she continued to watch the blues as they tinkered and falled trying to get an understanding of a world much bigger than themselves.

Candidate 3 Ida Kerry

Ida's race, the Venoids had started to explore more as they each now had even more groups trying different tactics using their camouflage skill.

Now that they had mated enough, most creatures stayed away from their area as they swept up anything that came to them.

Some of the new tactics they used were laying on the sand and staying still while blending in.Then, when prey came, they would rip it apart and slurp up the juicy insides.

A problem they seemed to have was that when they got in large groups and started hunting, they wouldn't stop until they were exhausted. So now they had to move to different areas quite different from how they liked to stay in enclosed areas.

Overall, there was a lot changing in their race as they tried new survival tacits and explored the sea.

Candidate 4 Gabriela Campos

The light sprites were doing great the forest and jungles they now lived in thrived as they carefully controlled the ecosystem. Using nature and light magic along with others like water and fire but to a much lesser extent.

The light sprites fluttered through the trees and hovered over the ground as the forest seemed to sing in happiness around them.

This, however, meant they were terribly weak both with technology and also physically. Compared to the blues, they were weak but had way stronger magical abilty and power and could also fly.

They also took control of all beasts around them, so they had the protection of lathe beasts and hidden hunters. In their forests and jungles, no enemy would go unnoticed, and no enemy would make it out alive.

Candidate 5 is Chase Stone, and he is also eliminated, but his race of giant owls lived on flying through the sky's like Kings and were now in a much better position. They had multiple groups all over and continued to spread mostly on mountains or tall forests where they could make their nests.

Some had large nests the size or Vans nested upon the sides of cliffs as the sea below smacked the base of the cliff. Or others who had nests near volcanos for the natural warmth and more space from all predators.

They mostly stayed the same, except they now used wind magic to make them faster despite their size. And could now go much further for longer than they use to be able to increase their strength.

They could use their claws or beaks to attack but could now also use their large wings as gaint serrated blades.

They did, however, continue to hunt all types of prey from above, whether it be picking them up and letting gravity do its work. Or crushing and slashing them to peices so they could feed them to their young.

Candidate 6 Naya Kabir

The Weaver queens had consolidated power, and now a form of hierarchy had formed with some old and some young being at the top. Many had died, especially the men who were used as cannon fodder and food, especially with the old.

The young had new ideas using the men more as slaves used to bring back food and patrol the area. The females sat back and got stronger and bigger gathering power while practising the use of magic such as dark magic or toxic magic.

So now a split had formed those older weaver queens went further into the dark, hiding deeper. In the deepest caves and ground eating any creatures or male who came towards them.

While the younger Weaver queens stayed up above, still in hiding while the males wondered above in the forest. Newborn female were given males as guards who they could use to watch them fight and learn for themselves without dying. It also taught them how to control and lead the males so that they could grow stronger.

Candidate 7 Wagner Hoffman

Wagner had put all his evolution points to his race, getting more strength and better defence while they also had a much higher magical affinity for fire and earth magic.

They now had thick natural armour that could easily deflect a sword or claw while also having a strong defence against viruses and parasites, which was helpful in the swamp.

This, however, didn't make him happy as he wanted dragons the real thing, not some walking tanks. It was his dream to make them come true in any way possible, and this was the closest he'd ever get.

Candidate 8 Hyun Jee Park

The swarm had now had miles of tunnels, and the similar enemy they faced had started to be weakened as the termites slowly lost ground. This didn't mean the war was over as termites did best when defending their nests and tunnels.

Now the swarm had more breathing room, and when you give into the swarm even for a second, they'll rip your arm off. Now, they started to consume the surroundings again and would soon spread out more.

The mutations they received differed from if they consumed living creatures or the nature around them. Some gained better camouflage while others gained more agility and strength it could be anything.

Candidate 9 Evaline Sato

The ocean lords had started to battle amongst themselves as they constantly wanted to show. Who was the strongest and most powerful while also showing strength through who slaughtered the most.

They started to crave for territory and riches that were naturally made from the sea, such as pearls and different coral structures with crystals formed in them.

They started to collect things and wear them as a status symbol as those with the most were the strongest.

As for the candidates themselves, they were all much less hands-on with their race than Jack, mostly giving skills, and they watched what happened. Some were more hands on such as but they were the very few, such as Hyun or Evaline.

But they would all see the game differently. Some would try different paths to win, and others would never know what to do.