Human reaction

While all the candidates were off world and far away, did you ever wonder what happened after they got snatched up. Well, everyone found out very quickly what happened once a very abrupt planet wide announcement was made.

In every country and language all over, even in the deepest cracks of the earth, an announcement was heard, and the screen was in front of everyone even if they had no sight or hearing they were sent vibrations they're brains could interpret.

■Hello humans of planet Earth■

■Your planet has been found to contain sentient life■

■10 candidates have been chosen at random from across your planet to represent humanity■

■They will battle to be the winner of the great Game of Evolution■

■Rejoice for you will become a part of the wider universal community■

■These are the people representing you, we hope you give them your support■

In front of people's eyes, 10 images appeared showing the faces of everyone in the game from Hector to Jack. Each had their names,ages, and country of origin.

Many were still shocked by what's going on with weird voices and the screen put in front of their faces. Luckily, it was presented as audio only if it would cause you harm, like if you were in a car.

But for a small number of people no less than 200 were more surprised to see someone they knew whether it be family or friends.

"Brother!"-older man

"Mommy?"-young girl

"That whore!"-angry man

"Ayyy it's Hector"-prisoner

These people who for some already wonder what happened to them were now being told they were to fight in an interglatic war game.

As for the candidates themselves, they didn't know about this with Jack and Nancy thinking that nobody would care about 10 people disappearing. But they did care when it was announced to all humans on earth who now know their faces.

This news quickly spread as governments across the globe scrambled to find out what the hell was going to happen. To both the planet and after the game ended, they didn't know whether to bring out the tanks or to prepare for talks with extra terrestrial life.

News anchors all over the world started to spit out everything they could about what they knew. Since everyone got the same information at the same time, they had to act more like conspiracy theorists guessing what might happen or wondering whose to blame.

These 10 people became the most famous faces on the planet with every government and secret agency. Trying to get information on them while the media rushed to interview their familes or friends.

This caused the candidates families and friends to be put into a cycle of interrogation rooms, random unaccepted interviews to then being stalked or shouted at by strangers. Who wanted to get famous for figuring out the secret or calling out the evil alien plot and the human conspirators.

After some kidnapping attempts by mad men or spy agencies, each country took these people under their protection whether they liked it or not.

It humours how humanity devolves so quickly once we are caught with our pants down. While the candidates were forced to evolve for better or worse so that they could continue to exist.

The 1st week of these people's lives were hell as if they looked up on a nice day at the beach. Only to find a tsunami coming their way, and they turn around only to find the earth caving in from an earthquake.

These people are old and young,sick and scared, worried for their family or friend stuck in a death game. They found this out because a day after the announcement, a large live screen all over the planet and on the Internet appeared. Showing Cagra when he was talking to the candidates in the room before they were teleported.

Large viewing areas were set up around the real-life screens, with some places being bulldozed while others were controlled by agencies whose job it was to study and analyze everything that showed up on the screen.

Entire task forces were set up while a global military deployment was engaged to keep the people from rioting. As of course, when humans are scared, we switch back to primal mode and start burning buildings and starting cults.

As for the candidates, they had their entire existence ripped open and look at through a microscope. As for if this was legal, the question wasn't even brought up as a joke, and soon, the candidates were some of the most researched people of the 21st century.

There were also nationalist groups that popped up claiming that this was their countries chance to rule the world. Whether it be the Japanese ranting about round 2 or the Americans wanting to stabilise their world position as number one.

Many racist groups also grew as, at times of great strife, we looked for simple differences to divide ourselves and climb above others. You had your white,black,asian, and even Latino supremacist who saw this as their chance to make a new hierarchy with them at the top.

All of this madness led to a lot of confusion,

fear,anger, and destruction with people taking this opportunity to try and change the game being played on earth.

A lot of weird topics were being brought up, such as the aliens being racist since no one from Africa or the Middle East was chosen. Another was that no native Americans were chosen, so the aliens must be the new colonisers using whoever wins as a puppet leader or dignitary

Now, none of this was true, but to the skittish and paranoid average human, these sounded like the hidden secrets they didn't want you to know. If there was anything to get out of, this was the humour the galactic community took from humanities reaction to the game. In fact, for some, this is what they liked the most and only watched for these parts.