A new type of warrior

Many decades ago, Naga and the rest of the warriors from the hound wars asked Jack to give them a purpose to follow. Now Jack didn't really know at the time what to do with them at the time, so he just told them to roam the lands, protecting the weak and keeping the peace.

That was the most Jack thought about it, and besides giving his thanks to Naga after her death, he forgot about them. Well, they didn't forget the task he gave them, and even after, they slowly died off from old age or in battle. Their children and the children of the many they protected and saved followed in their footsteps.

They soon received the title of Errants who wondered the land for however long they wished and protected the weak and kept the evil rixis in order. Some would roam for usually 5 years and take that time to become better fights and learn more about the world around them. While some would spend their entire lives roaming, never staying in one place longer than a week and not having a spouse or children.

This was a very new and exciting role to play in society, and many young and old rixis wished to join having the blessing of the creator but also a multitude of heroic past rixis legends who could be classified and Errants.

No one was keeping numbers on how many errants their are beside Minerva, but she would show them unless Jack asked. But the Jackrixis population was about 30,000 plus, and the number of errants was at 4000, which was quite high.

Let's not forget that an average rixis family had a minimum of 2 or 3 children, and that was just the base most had from 7 to 9. That was why the rixis population was still large with all the wars,disasters, and infighting. Even the mad chase to prove who the best hunter is until they fall off a cliff.

In a weird way, errants, we're the ones who kept mages in check as if they abused their power, they will come to stop them. Even if they kill the first 3 errants who come, 5 more would show up by the week, and they'll get them eventually.

The scariest errants for corrupt mages and leaders were those who believed in the ideology they spoke of, which was protecting the weak and keeping order. They were the most dangerous as they didn't care what power the enemy had they would die for what they believed.

"Hey Nyx, what's with these guys? Are they doing some fad?"-Jack

"Oh, they are just doing what you said"-Nyx

"I say a lot of stuff Nyx it's a problem I refuse to fix, so what did I say?"-Jack

"Er something like go protect the weak people ya know something you'd say"-Nyx

"Well, I sound elegant and kind, so you're wrong, but anyway, I don't remember that, but it looks like it's working, so I'm happy"-Jack

"Sure, if that's how your mind works anyway, I've got some wars to watch and a god to hide from"-Nyx

"Who would make the god of war scared?"-Jack

"I'm not scared it's just that Renka is annoying to me"-Nyx

"She's the god of emotion she creeps me out to, but that's why I made her she's powerful in an unorthodox way"-Jack

"I guess but anyway I'm going so bye"-Nyx

"And just like that, I'm a widow"-Jack

[]Impossible host is not married[]

"Well, look who it is my favourite robotic overlord"-Jack

[]Host I am not a communication companion I appear when asked or needed[]

"I love you too"-Jack

[]I do not[]

[]Anyway, there is a quest for you would you like to see it?[]


"How can I say no to you"-Jack

[]You have picked no host[]

"Wait, I was joking. Yes, show me the quest"-Jack

■Beat the heat■

■Greetings candidates. This quest is for your races to survive a disaster event for 5 years■

■You will each get a random disaster■

■Your disaster: Drought■

■Reward: 1000 evolution points,1 racial skill■

"Well shit that's a kick in the arse"-Jack

[]This is a flexible quest, so the reward changes with the disaster, and the timing is different[]

"Okay, well, a drought can kill thousands from both dehydration and starvation and changes the places people live"-Jack

[]Indeed some may get a tornado others may get an earthquake so for yours it's longer but could also be seen as more dangerous[]

"Well, it's up for debate, so hopefully, they'll pull through this"-Jack

[]Exactly host the disaster has begun[]

"I feel like i should have told the gods"-Jack

"I'm glad your wisdom has left you, Jack"-Minerva


Behind Jack was his gods and Nancy, who looked at him eyebrows raised with the only one who seemed indifferent was Caer.

"Come on, Jack, a drought really"-Renka

"Hey, it wasn't my choice it was random!"-Jack

"What's the reward?"-Themis

"Some points and a racial skill"-Jack

"Is that good?"-Caer

"Skils will always be useful, and as for points, the longer the game goes on, the less they're needed as the costs go up"-Minerva

"Yeah, at the start, they're really important, but 1000 points just to slightly increase a muscle isn't that great"-Nyx

"Yeah, but the racial skill could be crazy so who knows"-Jack

"Knowing your luck there's a good chance"-Renka

"By Queen and Country, I'll get a good skill if I have to cry for it!"-Jack

"This is our creator"-Caer

"Well, the rixis are tough. Im sure they'll be okay its the blues I worried for they're only little guys"-Nancy

"Yeah, they're little guys with massive brain. I'm sure they'll see the drought coming from a mile away"-Jack

"I hope you're right"-Nancy

"Oh come on, when am I not?"-Jack