Moving forward

Jack opened his eyes to see only Themis in front of him, looking at him as if he was peeling back each layer of his skin.

"Good morning Jack, I hope some of that weight has been lifted from your soul"-Themis

Jack noticed he was in Renkas realm and got up from the comfortable floor and looked around, but there was only Themis.


"Don't be stupid"-Themis


"You shouldn't apologise. It's okay that needed to happen, and we don't think less of you because of it"-Themis

"Uh..ok look, I don't know what to do now though"-Jack

"Just keep going, and don't stop until you win as long as you remember that you're not on this path alone and to talk to us about your problems. We should do fine"-Themis

"Um..okay thanks Themis I appreciate it. I'm going back to my place now, then"-Jack

"Alright, oh and Jack"-Themis


"It's okay to have limits. Just try not to think of them all in one situation and work with the things you have now to fix problems you have later"-Themis

"I will Themis thank you"-Jack

A portal opened back to Jack's space, and he was back home to his nice leather couch, which he called a settee since he's a brit.

He flopped on to it and then began watching the Jackrixis and Blues living their lives and decided to see how far the drought had gotten.

The frought started a while ago, but it wouldn't end for many more years, and so far, some plants started to die, and animals migrated to better pastures. So far, the rixis had noticed this, but it didn't affect them yet, but some elders were starting to worry.

The overall race of Jackrixis should be fine they're still very migratory and could pick up and move very easily. But some had decided to leave that life behind and make a more permanent home. They would have a hard time during the coming years, but even those who moved would find trouble.

A group that would make the most of this chaos would be the dark factions in the shadows who would horde food. Usually, by stealing it from others and burning what they couldn't take with them, making the coming famines much worse. If that wasn't enough, they were already starting to proactively hunt in groups in the wilds, taking out any lone hunter or unsuspecting group.

It seems that evil is never late to the party and had impeccable timing. Luckily, Jack inadvertently made a solution to this problem. This was the errants whose numbers surged whenever those factions came into the light. Brother and sister hoods were already being established, as new members flowed in at the chance of another challenge.

These groups numbered in the dozens to the hundreds or more and only started appearing now. After enough time had passed for an identity and culture to be established and spread.

Many of these groups were fresh and green, but some vertrans were still kicking around. They managed and guided these groups of youngster down the clean and righteous path and vowed to purge all evil in the lands.

So another month went by, and the rixis war machine started to get into gear, creating new weapons and storing food. Usually, rixis didn't need to store food since they were all born hunters and gathers that can always find something.

However, recently, whispers among the upper priests and elders spoke of a coming blight that people needed to prepare for. When they spoke, people listened. Even the none religious rixis as they knew the gods existed they just didn't want to pray or be subservient to them.

Clans started to have meetings in their halls, and tribal leader gathered in groups to discuss the incoming enemy they were told about aswell as the coming blight.

Ironicly enough, they weren't as worried about the enemy since they could fight what's to come, but you can't fight a drought physically.

Along the outer reaches of the rixis lands, scouts were looking for any foes on the horizons, but none could be found. This confused even Nyx and Jack since they couldn't understand why they hadn't found a single glimpse of the enemy.

"Could it be that they appeared or are just far away, and so it'll take some time to get here, or are they just very slow to get here?"-Jack

"Possibly they could be coming from the sea and are slow on land possibly from a part the Hydra aren't living on, but even then they should have spotted something"-Nyx

"Maybe it's a sentient race, so they're planning and watching from a far. Don't forget they may have some crazy evolution or magic"-Jack

"I'm betting at least one of those options, yeah, but don't some of the higher level monster get more intelligent and cunning so it could be one of them"-Nyx

"Oh yeah, they do, so maybe it's some crazy smart bear that's waiting to rampage through the lands and eat everybody"-Jack

"Yeah, but it would cause a frenzy to claim its skull and hide as the ultimate trophies to have"-Nyx

"You know I'm surprised you don't have more skulls Nyx"-Jack

"Well, I don't think we have enough time or luxury to splurge on looked at the moment, but if we win, I'll be sure to get a skull throne and plenty of animal hides"-Nyx

"Now that I think about it, I don't really have a style now, do i?"-Jack


"I don't know it just seems like everyone has a look and style, and I'm just being me"-Jack

"Well, they're you go, your style is you, and I like it, so stick to it, although you could get some better seating in here"-Nyx

"Well, I didn't know what my gods were going to come out looking like, so these are human sized, and you're the biggest of them all"-Jack