A blessing from fire

In the Apexian order clan, a young Acolyte was wondering the outer perimeter of the clans territory in the wooded lands. His name was Redvun, and he was born and raised in the order and was a faithful follower.

He had black skin,green eyes, and green hair that was short on the sides but long on top and flowed into a tied ponytail. A unique thing about Redvun is that he didn't have claws on either his hands or feet.

This was one of those rare genetic problems that still occurred but far less now with all of Jack's skills. But it would never go away, but the chances would shrink drastically, even then rixis were strong even with these ailments.

Redvun was 10, and he always wondered why he was born this way and if he was an abomination. Forced to forever be weaker than his brothers and sisters. Many gave him glances when he walked past, as his particular problem was very obvious. There were also societal views on rixis claws as they were seen as their first and last line of offence. They took pride and felt safe now that whatever happens, they can protect themselves and others with them.

So to see someone without them is strange, as the first question is how are you alive and not filled with anxiety,fear, and humiliation.

But Redvun didn't let his disabilities affect him and actually used it to become stronger as now he basically had human hands. This meant increased dexterity, so he found that using weapons was much easier.

All types of weapons he used came much easier to him to the point that he used 2 bronze swords. While also having 2 wooden spears on his back.

Beaking the wall put in front of him by his body earned him the respect of others, while his drive to be better only grew. He was now at a young age consider one of the best weapons wielders the Jackrixis had.

This led to him for whatever reason feeling a pull towards a cave away from his usual perimeter path, and he delved inside. Soon, he was in a dark cave that was suddenly a light as a ring of fire appeared in the centre of the cave.

Quickly stepping back, he was shocked at what appeared before him as he had heard about this before and what it signified. Dropping to his knees, he quickly bowed in reverse and piety at what was before him as a being appeared in the ring of fire.

A being appeared and had 6 hound heads with each head having 2 teeth filled jaws with 4 black spider like eyes on their face. On each head was 2 long chain like grey dreads that settled on its back. The body had 4 arms and hands while having 6 legs that eneded in hoves. These were all a mix of red and black skin that seemed to be carved of stone.

Now, this was quite a scary sight for most, but Redvun had learned about these beings from his teachers and knew if they were here for bad reasons, he'd already be dead. That only led to the other option, which caused him to be elated at his opportunity.

The hound as it was called in his teachers writing looked down upon him. Each head said a word to create a sentence.

"Redvun, you have been chosen by the glorious god of war to be given his gift, revel in this opportunity"-The hound

Two hands held his head, and one of the hounds mouths opened, a bright misty light wriggled towards his head and entered his mind.

He was allowed a few seconds to get acclimated to his new power before the hound spoke once more.

"Many obstacles are on the horizon, so use this gift to its limits to protect your loved ones and your people"-The hound

The hounds body began to turn into fire as it drifted down into the circle and reversed itself from where it appeared.

Blessing:Mob Mentality and gives a boost to strength and defence by 10% and lasts for one week.

Rage on earth: As long as the person is touching the ground, they get a 10% boost to strength and defence for 1 day.

These were the gifts he was given to him. Since Nyx and the other gods used them differently, some were never given more than one to an individual, while Nyx always put his chips on one person.

Many wouldn't say it out loud, but they all wished for Nyx's gifts as you got more, as long as you did well, he would keep giving it to you. While some gods, even if someone did well, wouldn't renew the blessings and moved on.

Each god had servants who gave that gods blessing and spoke their depression to the mortals while also working in their realms.

"Your wisdom and glory bring light to my life. Oh lord of war, I will not dishonour you. May i slay all your enemies"-Redvun

Soon, he got up and went back to his tribe and told them of his new blessings, which caused a feast to be held in his honour. Since he was blessed by Nyx, his priests were also the most happy and tried their best to cosy up to their gods new warrior.

"Did the Lords messenger give you any insight we should know?"-Order elder

"Just that obstacles will appear, and I will need to use my blessings to protect the people and my loved ones"-Redvun

"We will discuss this after the feast tomorrow for now. Have a good night, and I hope you continue to represent Nyx"-Order elder

Away from the order feast, other blessed appeared in the landsbas Jack watched from his leather throne.

"Hey, now that I think of it, how haven't I seen these servants before?"-Jack

"Hm, well, there's a lot going on, Jack, and they typically keep their distance when the gods are meeting, so maybe that's why"-Van

"I guess so. What's your servants look like then?"-Jack

"Oh, mine are small light blue and black shadows that have grey eyes and mouths that can appear from any shadow around"-Van

"Wow, sounds kinda cool. I'm guessing your servants and the others are a little like them also"-Jack

"Yep, so mine are a bit cheeky and curious while Nyx's are stoic and serious while Themis's are aloof and calm and so on"-Van

"Bur wait, Nyx isn't serious and stoic around me"-Jack

"Exactly around you, we are different because of the freedom you give us, but it doesn't change what we are at our core"-Van