Chapter Nineteen: Trapped in the Closet of the Past


Soleil sat next to me, one of my black blouses looking like a dress on her five foot two petite frame. The trees flashed by my window, the energy of the library growing stronger. My inner wolf howled for me to run away, my witch side telling her to calm the fuck down. Bloodsworth energy wafted in and out of my scent. What the hell did he want!

"I will need you to protect me." I sighed deeply, my eyes scanning the road ahead. She nodded silently, my shoulder still screaming with pain. My hand rested on my baby bump, a numb look dimmed my eyes. Soleil took my hand, her kind red eyes gazed warmly at me. Rubbing the top of my hand with her thumb, she cleared her throat.

"I know we will get that dark magic out of you." She comforted me weakly, unsure of her own words. "I can promise you as your half-sister or whatever I am." Smiling to myself, the black Victorian mansion loomed in front of us. A witch's shield protected the home, my inner wolf crying out for me to stop. Walking through, her growls echoed in my head.

"Shut up!" I ordered my wolf through our mental connection, a dull whine ringing in my ear. "I need to do this or we both die."

An elderly woman filled the doorway, her black robes dancing to their own rhythm in the magical breeze. Soleil gazed around with childlike wonder in her eyes, Sir Bloodsworth was watching us from a distance. His red eyes glistened with excitement, him waving at me. The blue eyes of the elderly lady followed mine, her hands clapping. Inky blackness covered the shield, trapping us in. Why wasn't he trying to attack me?

"I am Madame Magicienne!" She introduced herself cheerfully, her tight white curls bouncing around her head. "All witches are welcome here. Although it is just me." Smiling motherly in my direction, her hands cupped my face. My past few months flashed in her head, Madame Magicienne nodding her head. A tender blush rose to my cheek as she smacked the back of my head, a small gasp tumbling from my lips.

"What the hell was that for!" I demanded hotly, rubbing the back of my head. "I don't deserve an-" Narrowing her eyes, she shifted through the ragged cabinets. Biting my lip, Soleil and I were shaking in our boots. The dark cloud over the old lady's head scared us both, her knuckles cracking. Stepping back, her wrinkled hand slammed me down on a stool.

"You need a protection amulet if you are going to kill a dark witch, you nitwit." She grumbled under her breath, smacking the back of my head again. "Now I have to spend a couple of days removing the dark magic from your heart. The process is painful, but you deserve every bit of pain you are going to feel. My eyebrow twitched, her raw strength holding me down in the chair. How in the hell was she so strong? What did I get myself into? Soleil reached for me, the old witch smacking her hand away.

"You best go read some books or something." She warned icily, shooting her a kind smile. "She will be in solitary confinement until she works through what is trapping the pain in her heart." Jamming a needle into my neck, my world spun as blackness enveloped me.

Rubbing my head, white padded walls surrounded me. Alarm widened my eyes, no handle sat on my door. Only blue eyes peered in through the tiny rectangle of the window, my fists banging on the door. Wicked laughter erupted on the other side of the door, my eyes narrowing at the sight of her fucking glee.

"You are going to go through all of the dark times in your life until you come to grip with who you are." She chirped cheerfully, confusion flashing in her eyes at her sudden joy. "Have fun." Flipping her off, the walls waved around me. My breath hitched, the walls of my family home were around me. Looking down at my hands, I was six again. My hair danced in the breeze, my two parents standing over me. Blood, my blood pooled beneath my feet. Over and over again, they struck me. Their faces were blank, just the nauseating scent of alcohol wafting from their mouths. The small child in me was terrified as my whole body trembled. The urge to run plagued my mind, my father grabbing my wrist.

"How dare you become magical!" My father slurred, the stains on his white tank top making me shiver. A knock on the door stopped them from hitting me, fresh blood dripped down my cheeks. Fresh bruises covered my face, a six year old Hudson waiting on the other side. Gripping the door, tears streamed down my cheeks. His kind eyes twinkled with joy, choosing to hide my face in the darkness of my home.

"Do you want to play today?" He inquired sweetly, twiddling his thumbs anxiously. "School was boring without you." A small smile lit up my face, he really did love me back then. Shifting uncomfortably, he ran his hand through his long black hair. Biting my lip, I shook my head.

"I have a cold." I lied weakly, him trying to open the door more. "You can't catch it." Slamming the door in his face, the scene changed again to when I was ten years old. My parents had placed me in their dying car, stopping in front of the warehouse where the vampires had attacked me not too long ago. A ten year old Theros watched as I was dragged to a table, the vampires strapping me down roughly. Terror widened my eyes, the shimmering blades cutting my wrists. Blood dripped into buckets, Theros watching with wild eyes. Kindness sat in his eyes, the grown vampires taking bucket after bucket away. My vision blurred the vampires all dispersing, eventually leaving me alone. Theros popped up next to me, the lace hanging out of his velvet suit tickling my fingers. Undoing my straps, his nimble hands wrapping up my wrists. Sitting down next to me, his hair danced in the warehouse's air conditioning. His hands rested on his knees, a look of depression darkening his usually happy smile. He had always been lonely too, a can of soda and a package of donuts sitting in his hands. Had he always helped me when I needed it?

"I am sorry for their behavior and your shitty parents. I hate my parents, too." He chuckled lightly, passing me the soda and donuts. "You need some sugar, or you will throw up." Chunks flew up my throat, his slender hand rubbing my back. He wanted to be my friend, but why?

"Why do you even want to be my friend?" I wheezed, coughing up blood. "I am a little nothing that doesn't deserve to live." Taking my hand, my eyes widened with shock. His eyes bore into mine, his lips kissing the top of my hand. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, his head bowing in shame.

" Because you're awesome! You come here without complaint and feed everyone but me. No lady deserves this treatment. Judging by your reaction to my presence, you must have a kind heart." He commented softly, winking at me. "I promise to make everyone drink animal blood when I am in charge." We chatted through the night until my drunk parents dragged me out. That's right, even though those days sucked I had gained a friend. Fresh tears flooded from my eyes, using my sleeve to wipe my nose. The scene faded to the day my parents and half the clan died, the day I refused to give them my blood.

"You should have given them your blood." My aged father demanded venomously, my eyes looking at my eighteen year old hands. "You will be responsible for the death of half of the clan. You wi-" Theros launched himself onto top of him, dragging my dead mother behind him. Blood soaked the worn wooden floor, cold sweat drenched my skin. My face paled, the bloody remains of my father's throat hanging out of his mouth. Tossing it to the side, he offered me his hand. Taking it, his arms embraced me tightly. Screams echoed in the night, thunderclouds rumbling in the sky. Letting me go, he danced off into the night. A raw scream of terror exploded from my lips, Hudson rushing in behind me holding the head of Theros' father. Wrapping his arm around my waist, his eyes never left mine. Dropping the head, he clutched me close to his chest. Fat teardrops crashed on top of my head, everything becoming clear. He loved me, and Theros was always my friend. I never did anything wrong, my whole life just was a series of unfortunate events. The memory of him marking me made the screams die down. His first kiss with me, made the trees disappear, our wedding day exposing the white walls. My claws had torn up the floor, the door swinging open. Dark magic swirling around in the air as white magic devoured the black energy, scratches covering my face. My inner wolf was peaceful for the first time in my life, her white wolf walking up to me. Nuzzling against me, Madame Magicienne standing behind her. Petting her, her tail wagged. Never before had I felt such warmth, the only exception was when Hudson helped me.

"Your witch and wolf side is in agreement, and you realized that none of it was your fault." She explained gently, examining my face. "It seems all of your past wounds have come back to surface. Those will scar over, sorry about that." Fresh tears poured from my eyes, my wolf wrapping her body around me. Her soft fur brushed against my bare skin, her golden eyes gazing lovingly into mine. A rush of air blew around me, she was gone. Hudson rushed in, his smell making me smile. Crashing into my body, his tears soaked my shoulder.

"Do you remember the day when we were six and you came to ask if I could play?" I sobbed quietly, his eyes gazing warmly up at me. "I didn't answer the door because they had just beaten me. My magic woke up that day, the two of them horrified at me. I am sorry that I didn't see it then." His finger wiped away my tears, his real smile melting my heart. Kissing the top of my head, laughter erupted from his lips. Surprise widened my eyes, his lips pressing against mine sensually.

"I saw a couple of the bruises, but I was told to mind my own business." He admitted sheepishly, scarlet burning his cheeks. "I was just seeing if you were alive. You hadn't been to school for a few days, and yeah I kind of wished you ran off with me that day. That was the day I fell in love with you for real. No one ever held a candle up to you since that day. It was then that I knew that I would wait an eternity to be by your side. Yeah, I dated but I could never forget about you. When you got older, I was just happy you never left my side. You were the reason for so many of my break ups, they couldn't stand me being friends with you. If they told me that you had to go, they ended up being the ones who had to go." Chuckling to myself, his hand slid down to my slightly bigger bump. Cupping his face, my lips kissed him feverishly. Scooping me up, he carried me outside. Setting me down in front of Sir Bloodsworth, a crooked grin flashed on his face. His gray hair fell around his face, his red eyes dimming with shame.

"The love for your friends and people that don't even like you has shocked me." He admitted honestly, smoothing out his red velvet suit. "Let me help you. I have already defected from the hunters' society and could help you. I even had Madame Magicienne burn off the hunters' mark." Showing me his neck, a fresh burn mark sat where a symbol once stood.

"How can I trust you!" I spat bitterly, Hudson's touch on my shoulder assuring me. "You tried to kill me! Just like everyone else." A bemused grin danced across his pale face, his tongue sticking out. My eyebrow twitched, the corner of my lips quivering as Soleil popped up behind me. Resting, wrapping her arms around my waist. Her head against my back felt so nice, the warmth heating up my soul.

"See, one of your former enemies is hugging you." He pointed out jovially, flashing me a bright smile. "Did she not try to kill you?" Hudson snorted above me, Theros walking out of the bushes. Running over to him, an amused smile brightened his face as I slammed into his body. Patting the top of my head, fresh tears flooded from my eyes.

"What brought this on?" He wondered happily, his black vest standing out against his red dress shirt. "Are you okay?" Smiling brightly in his direction, he let me go. Teardrops crashed to the ground, my hands crossing. Clearing my throat, everyone watched the two of us.

"Thank you for killing my parents, and following through on your promise." I blurted out awkwardly, clenching my fists. "Thank you for talking to me when they drained my blood and when you gave me a can of soda and donuts every single time. Most of all, thank you for being my friend." Scarlet burned my face, his arms clutching me close to his chest.

"Aww, shucks." He teased lightly, Hudson growing a bit jealous. "We were destined to be friends from the start, but I never liked you like that. Don't worry Hudson. I always thought she was kind of like my wolf sister. I should let you go before he rips off my head." Letting me go, he leapt back into the bushes. Sir Bloodsworth winked at me before disappearing in the opposite direction, Hudson wrapping his arms around me.

"Wolf sister?" Hudson joked playfully, placing me on his back. "How is it you keep turning our enemies into allies?" Looking away from him, my fang punctured my lips. One thought chewed on my mind, his embrace on the day our parents both died.

"Why didn't you say anything that day?" I queried softly, fresh tears welled up on my eyes. "I would have started dating you that day. The way you clutched me close to your chest should have told me that you loved me, but you became so cold." Sadness dimmed his eyes, him cupping my hands.

"I didn't want to fall in love with you if you weren't my mate." He said numbly, his grip getting tighter. "It was my parents fault it all happened. They probably knew about the blood contract between Theros' coven and our clan. How could they use a child as a pawn? That is something that I don't get! I think if they didn't tell me on purpose I would have gone to protect you. I am the fool here. Yet I stood and watched as they hurt you. To my credit, you hid it well though. Enough depressing chatter, let's get home and watch a horror movie." Resting my head into his neck, he carried me to my car. This was how life should be, my heart fluttering away at the sight of him.