Chapter Twenty: Photos of Love


She looked broken in that room, her body now sleeping next to me. The witch had given me a black box, her chest rising up and down. Fresh cuts covering her whole body, the old witch saying that her old scars had come back to life. Apparently, she ripped at her face in the end with her claws. Shame dimmed my eyes, the bed creaking as I sat up. Pulling out a black box, my trembling fingers opened it. How could I not see the abuse? Ripping off the cover, photos of us flashed back up at me. The first one was when we were six years old, her blue summer dress making her look beautiful. Her chocolate brown eyes hid the pain of her life rather well, her arms wrapped around my waist. Scarlet burned my cheeks, her lips were kissing my cheek in the photo. Faded bruises covered her face, her excuse was that she had fallen a lot. Moving onto the next one, she always made me take a bunch of photos. Shifting through them, a small smile curled on my lips. The two of us stood back to back in matching cop uniforms, her sixteen year old self kissing my cheek again. Touching my cheek, heat rose to my cheeks. Whenever I was having a bad day, she would peck me on the cheek much to the dismay of my many girlfriends. Every time I broke up with a girl, she would spend the night at my place and hold me. How could I have been such a fool this whole time? She was telling me that she loved me all the time, growing up. My mind went back to a special memory of when we were six years old.

"If we never find our mates, will you marry me?" She asked softly, her six year old eyes gazing warmly up at me. "I don't want to be alone forever." Tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, a black and blue greeted my eyes. Tucking her knees to her chest, she sat in between my legs. Wrapping my arm around her, she gave me her real smile.

"Where did you go?" She asked sweetly, shaking me out of my trance. "Do you want me to make you a bit of breakfast?" Clutching her close to my chest, her eyes fell on the box on my bed. A small smile brightened her face, her fingers wrapping around the last photo we ever took together. It was her eighteenth birthday, her white summer dress hugging her figure while my eyes gazed down at her lovingly. The black suit I wore was out of place but she had asked me to wear it just for that day, her lips pressed to my cheeks.

"I kissed you on the cheeks every time you had a bad day because it was a quick glimpse of being your girlfriend. It was stupid of me." She continued softly, her fingers tracing my bare chest. "You would always let me do it. Why?" Kissing the top of her head, I chuckled lightly to myself. She looked so cute right now, the tender blush on her cheek making me blush.

"I loved it when you did it." I admitted sheepishly, attempting to look away. "So much that I kind of pretended to have bad days more often." Cocking her brow, she cupped my face. A knock on my door alerted us, James popping his head in. A red invitation sat in his hand with a couple of black boxes in his other arm, him setting them just outside the door. A black car honked outside, Sir Bloodsworth was waving up at us. Opening the envelope, it was an invitation to a ball. I thought that they didn't exist still, him tapping on his watch. Tossing her a box, her breath hitched. Running into the bathroom, the shower turned on real quick. Turning it off in a couple of minutes, she came out clean. Her scent makes me want to hold her, tossing on a black bra. She tossed a sea of golden silk over the head, the simple silk dress hugging her just right. The silk clung to her baby bump, her tossing me a black suit. Throwing it on, she pulled out a camera.

"Let's take a picture, like the old times." She offered excitedly, kissing my cheek as she snapped a photo. "Perfect. A white square with a black center printed out of the camera. Shaking it, she pressed it into my palm. A tender blush rose to my cheek, She looked flawless, her wet hair hanging around her face. The sweetheart neckline emphasized her breasts, shock twisting my face. Clenching it close to my chest, she pulled me downstairs. The golden heels sat on the bed, her worn black boots peeking out from the bottom of her hem. The door opened for us, Sir Bloodsworth passing us both a mask, a mischievous grin sitting on his face.

"We are going to a ball where half of the hunters will be." He explained calmly, crossing his hands. "You can either use the time to come to an agreement or you can kill them all. That is up to you. I know that I said that I would help you, but I won't get myself killed." She nodded in understanding, something plaguing her mind. The black box sat in my pocket, my fingers wrapping around it. Presenting it to her, she peeled the box open gingerly. Placing a black wolf shaped necklace, she smiled to herself. This was her own personal amulet, the tires screaming to a halt. The door opened, her placing her golden wolf mask over her face. Diamonds shimmered in the light, my black wolf's mask far less ornate than hers. Stepping out of the car, a million scents hit my nose. The white marble mansion loomed in front of us, something off about the whole situation. There were creatures of every kind, a man in a black mask sitting at a golden table. His hand rested on his hands, a bored look in his eyes. His eyes met ours, a wicked grin sending chills up my spine. Leaping out of his seat, he landed inches from us. His hand traced her cheek, a scoff tumbling from his lips. The white walls were covered with portraits of himself, my eyes rolling.

"It seems that an enemy is along our ranks." He mused playfully, slapping her across the face. "Monsters like you should be slaves." A growl rumbled in my throat, her hand in the air stopping me. A defiant grin grew on her determined face, a red blood blade spinning in her palms.

"Are you calling yourself a monster, Mr. Dark Angel?" She retorted cruelly, one of her eyes going black. "How about we talk about this in private? I wouldn't want to ruin your perfect evening." Humming to himself, laughter erupted from his lips. His own miniature silver blade spinning in his gloved palms. Cocking his head, everyone turned to us with weapons raised. The two of them were way too much alike for their own good.

"Now calm down, my friends. This is just between us. If any of you try to fight these three, you will all die." He warned icily, a person charging at us. "Such a shame." Snapping his finger, invisible cuts sliced them into minced meat. Silk met blood, the muddy blood coming to her boots. Her blade pressed against his throat, the blood of the floor soaking into her blade. Wincing in pain, her amulet glowed dangerously. Horror widened my eyes, her body was getting dragged down by all of the blood. Taking a step forward, Sir Bloodsworth held me back. Wanting to kill him, he only held me back with more strength.

"She is the only one who can kill him, you would die in seconds." He growled under his breath, his hand nearly crushing my shoulder. "She can handle this. He played his cards, now she will play hers." Splashing blood into the air, invisible wires were now visible. Launching herself on top of them, she sprinted away from him. Ripping the bottom of her dress off, blood poured from her nose.

"How is that angel blood treating you?" He taunted icily, showing her his cut palm. "It is impossible for any blood magic user to survive using it, my clever little bird." Charging at her, his wings unfolded. Black feathers drifted aimlessly, my hand catching one. Examining it, it didn't seem that special. Dodging his attack in time, orange fire spun above her head. A cry of shock exploded from my lips, his blade sinking into her shoulder. His grip got harder on my shoulder, her fingers wrapping around the blade and ripping it out. Her skin didn't burn, her flames turning black as the blood swirling into it. Her own blood covered her face, her trembling fingers wiping it off.

"You talk too much!" She explained simply, her blade transforming into her two blades. "Just die already if you refuse to help us take down the organization that killed your parents." Shock twisted his face, her blades slicing him up. Catching him before he fell onto his wires, she cut a single one. Wires whipped around, her vines protecting the two of them. Landing gracefully in front of us, she held her shoulder. Her wound had opened again, the blood pouring onto the golden floor.

"Why did you save me?" He inquired gently, her blades disappearing. "I tried to kill you." Smiling warmly at him, a gentle chuckle tumbled from her lips. Cocking her head, she poked him on the nose. His mask clattered to the ground, his long silky hair splaying out around him. His wings folded up, her fingers wrapping around a couple of his feathers.

"All of my friends tend to do that." She joked lightly, wincing in pain. "How about we fix you up, whatever your name is? You can be my new friend if you want, or you can run. Either way you are screwed, aren't you?" Her blood mixed with the feathers, her palm pressing against his slender chest. His black tuxedo reformed as white magic glowed around him. The light died down, all of his cuts sealing shut. Sitting back into a puddle of blood, he hovered his hand over her wound. The wound sealed shut, childlike wonder brightened my eyes. It was taking forever for it to heal, and he did it in ten seconds. The two of them glanced around, him snapping his fingers. The monsters and the blood decayed into a flurry of black dahlias, him holding her tightly.

"I am Graposo, the son of a couple of dark angels." He introduced himself in a composed manner, him grabbing her necklace. "Now to burn this slave mark off of my neck." The white energy from her necklace swirled around her neck, the mark burning off. Helping her up, they stood across from us. Patting the top of his head, he shot her a puppy dog look. Of course, she made another friend out of an enemy. Both Bloodsworth and I just stared at each other with blank looks on our faces, Graposo fussing over her. Graposo gazed over at Bloodsworth, the time stopping for both of them. The two of them couldn't stop staring at each other, Evie and I putting the pieces together. Laughing to myself, this was too good.

"You like him, don't you?" She teased childishly, getting inches from his face. "I can see that he just marked you the vampire way." Bloodsworth cleared his throat, a defiant look in his eyes. Turning to run, my strength held him in place. Graposo landed in front of him, his lips smashing into his sensually. Bloodsworth melted into his arms, the two of them blushing a crimson red. Rubbing the back of my neck, the two of them finally separated.

"The key to true happiness is finding the one who loves you, Grappy." She chirped cheerfully, grabbing him on the shoulder. "Your past is your past, so let's look forward to the future. I suppose you will be taking him home, Bloodsworth." The two of them leapt back in shock, her real smile hiding under her hand. Taking the two of their hands, she clasped them together.

"You can't be serious!" Bloodsworth exclaimed in disbelief, snatching his hand away. A dark cloud formed over her head, her face growing scary. The two of them held each other, their noses scrunching up. Patting them both on the top of their heads, they melted under her touch. Poking both of their noses, her hands were behind her back.

"You two will work so well that it is so scary." She proclaimed gleefully, looking super adorable. "You both had crappy parents, and can help each other heal. Trust me with this advice. If you love someone, just love them. I missed out on so many years because I was so stupid. Say cheese!" Pulling out a camera, Grappy kissed Bloodsworth's cheek as she snapped the photo. Shaking the photo, both of us laughed. A rosy blush tinted Bloodsworth's pale face, her pressing the photo into his palm, a honk alerting us. James popped his head in, Selena on his arm. The emerald sweater made her hair look like a brighter flame, her black jeans hugging her curves.

"Your taxi is here." He announced cheerfully, Selena looking much healthier. "Let's get out of here." Waving goodbye, she dragged me out to James' car. Selena's eyes glittered with joy at the sight of her, her curls bouncing around her face. Resting her head on my lap, gentle snores told me that she was sleeping.

"You really are something." I told myself, playing with her hair. "I love you, Evie."