Chapter Twenty-One: A Heart goes Ablaze


Watching Grappo chat with Bloodsworth made me beam with pride, both of them happier having met each other. The black Italian suits they wore made them look similar but slightly different, the noise of the restaurant stressing me out. Instead of focusing on the noise, my eyes fell on Bloodsworth's red dress shirt and the silk black dress shirt that Grappo wore. A plate of Caesar salad sat in front of me, my fingers trembling over the salad fork. Something was wrong at home, Hudson's inner wolf calling me back home. Standing to my feet, they both looked up at me oddly.

"I have to go." I blurted out awkwardly, putting fifteen dollars on the table. "Thanks for the meal." Sprinting out of the restaurant, my black lace rockabilly dress fluttered as I ran out of the restaurant. Climbing into my car, cars honked at me as I flew back home. Unable to focus, my fingers drummed on the steering wheel impatiently. Gritting my teeth, black smoke curled into the sky as I pulled up to our gate. Turning off my car, I leapt over the wooden gate. The place where the rescued werewolves were staying was up in flames with no one helping. Water swirled around my arms, Soleil running up behind me.

"Waves of water, put out this blaze!" I shouted over the hot crackling flames, sweat dripping off of my skin. "Vines of truth, find the culprit who started the fire." Green vines shot from the ground, a tsunami sized waves crashing over the flaming building. The flames died down, a soaking wet Hudson standing there with the seven remaining werewolves in his arms. Soot covered his skin, a quiet rage simmering inside of me. One of the clan members did this, and I needed to seek them out. Hell has no fury, like the clan's Luna scorned. Setting them down, panic gripped my mind. Dialing up my doctor friend, horror widened my eyes. None of them were breathing, the smell of a sleeping drug in their veins. Tears welled up in my eyes, all of them were burnt to a crisp. A wail of agony exploded from my lips, the vines dragging a dark haired werewolf with golden eyes. His six foot two form looked tiny in the distance, claws growing from my fingernails. Dirt crunched, his body stopping at my feet. Dropping my cell phone, tears of fury and agony streamed down my cheeks. Grasping him by his throat, a defiant grin sickened me. The rest of the clan gathered around us, my claws digging around my neck. Snapping his neck, his limp body dropped to the ground, my trembling fingers pulling a match box from pocket. His whole body reeked of bitter gasoline, his chest still rising up and down. A single match shook in his hand, the words struggling to come out of his mouth.

"That is the revolution's message to you!" He declared proudly, striking the match. "We don't want you as Luna, you stupid witch." The corner of my lips quivered, orange flames devouring his body. Letting him burn, everyone watched in horror. Collapsing to my knees, my fingers traced the nearest dead body. Standing to my feet, everyone watched as my wolf eyes flashed for a second.

"I will seed all of you assholes out!" I threatened gravely, Hudson trying to calm me down. "So what if I am a witch! What did that have to do with these innocent folks? I was going to send them home tomorrow, and now I have to tell all of the other clans what happened. Then I have to pray that they don't kill me. Stay in the common area, I am searching every single one of your homes. If there is any trace of your little revolution then you will stand in front of me. May the odds be in your fucking favor!" Stomping house to house, nothing turned up. A couple of people pissed their pants, five people stepping forward as a storm began to brew above my head.

"We wanted you out." They admitted shamelessly, standing proud and tall. "We hate you and your stupid witch powers." Hudson stepped forward before I could cause anymore damage, a dark look in his eyes. The five men cowered before him, his finger pointing to the gate.

"You have been banished." He barked venomously, dragging all of them to the gate. "Your behavior warrants death, but I am being merciful. She is Luna, and you dare disrespect her! Take a look around you, do you not see that people are happier than before. Everyday she checks up on the sick, and provides them with medicine that they need. She made you a community meal, and you dare say she is unfit. Get out!" Shivers ran up my spine, his black eyes boring into mine. Turning to run, he tossed me over his back. Hopping over the fence, Stephan shot me a sympathetic look. Sitting me down on a big rock, the rain began to pour. Cowering with my eyes shut, surprise widened my eyes as his strong arms embraced me tightly. Fresh tears flooded from my eyes, him only clutching me like his life depended on it. He needed me right now, his anger was through the roof. Both of us settled down, our eyes gazing lovingly at each other. Unable to contain my mixed emotions, another wail poured from my lips.

"I am so so-" I began to apologize, cupping the sides of my head. Kissing the top of my head, his head shook in defeat. Taking my hands into his, he wiped away my tears. Shame dimmed his eyes, his wolf screaming that it was his fault.

"You did the right thing. The clan will get over it, or they can leave." He comforted me, guilt eating him raw. "There had been talks of a revolution. I investigated everything, but never found any evidence. I am so sorry." Gripping the hem of my dress, cold strands of hair clung to my face. Dry leaves crunched behind us, a soaking wet Grayson and Latia watching us. His hair covered his gray eyes, Latia shivering in his arms. A beat up thermos sat in her shaking hands, a look of distraught written all over their faces. Scooping me into his arms, he carried me home. Following them, the warmth of the home merely heated my body not my heart. Wrapping a towel around me, the phone rang. Snatching it up, Bloodsworth sounded concerned on the other end of the phone.

"Are you okay, love?" He inquired softly, Grappy waiting patiently in the background. "You left in a bit of a rush." A lump formed in my throat, my shaking hand hanging up. The phone rang again, it was all of the other alphas trying to reach me. Ignoring the call, I sent a group text to them all. Grabbing my car keys, everyone watched in curiosity as I marched out into the steady downpour. Hudson chased after me, his tender voice not meeting my ears. Opening my door, he shoved me over. Clicking my seat belt, the engine roared to life.

"I refuse to let you drive in your condition." He explained calmly, trying to get me to look over at him. "Your wolf is still raging, and your driving would probably be erratic. To be honest, I haven't seen you like this since your parents died." Biting my lips, my emotional bottle about to explode. Who the hell was he to decide what I was capable of!

"Shut up!" I growled to myself, my wet clothes making me shiver. "You don't know anything about how I am feeling." His brakes squealed to a stop at a turn-off, his head snapping towards me. Taking my hands, his kind eyes stared into mine. Pressing his lips into a thin line, a ton of words were on his chest.

"I know everything about you. I know that you liked me back when we were growing up, and that you put yourself last. You would spend your free time with a nose in a book, even at my house. You love horror movies while I despise them, and most importantly I know when your emotional cap is about to fly off." He pointed out desperately, pressing his lips against mine sweetly. "You need to calm down. They won't be mad at you, and I am sure they will understand. Please let me take care of you." Chuckling to myself, I attempted to wipe the soot off of his face. He was right, no one knew me better than him. The opposite was true for him, I was his paradise from his world of madness. He couldn't win the battle, pulling out a bag of dry clothes. Stripping off our wet clothes, he watched with a pleasurable smile as I pulled a red and black plaid swing dress. His black t-shirt hugged his broad chest, him zipping up his jeans. Passing me his leather jacket, the leather smelled like him. My inner wolf yipped with joy, his woodsy scent relaxing my muscles. Starting the engine again, dirt crunched underneath the tires as he turned back onto the road. Trees flashed by our window, the trees turning to brick buildings. The brakes crunched to a halt, the red diner in front of us, the alphas all waiting for us patiently. None of them seem angry, but sad. Gathering my wits, Hudson pressed his lips against mine gently. Reassuring me that I will be okay, he opened the door for me. Guiding me in, my head bowed in shame. A rock sank into my stomach, the sadness in their eyes making me want to run. The vinyl squeaked as we sat down across from them. Alpha Evan smoothed out his gray t-shirt, his hand running his hand through his short gray hair. Alpha Blake shifted uncomfortably, his golden eyes peered into mine as he dusted off his gray business suit. Glancing over at Alpha Lucian, his red hair was a mess. His playful demeanor was now a severe energy, his white t-shirt all wrinkled. Clearing my throat, I had to make this right. Devin squished me in, a dark look frightening me.

"I am sorry that one of my own killed some of your kind." I wept softly, the fresh tears even surprising me. "I will let you all collect your family members, and I totally understand if you want to break the tre-" Evan touched my arm, a sympathetic smile on his lips. Teardrops crashed onto the table, several cups of coffee sitting in front of us.

"We aren't mad at you. If you tried to hide it, then it would be a different story. Please don't cry, it breaks my heart." He comforted me honestly, my guilt easing slightly. "It was a situation you couldn't control. You put the fire out, so I was thinking we could do a ceremony on the spot of the accident. We wouldn't have been able to put the fire out, so you guys already did more than we could. We will invite their families and start from there." Scribbling down their names, each of their faces flashed in my head as I wrote them all down. All of my emotions bubbled up again, all of them reading their lists. Fresh tears flowed from my eyes, my whole body trembling. I should have been there to protect them, my guilt gnawing away. This wasn't going to help my lack of sleep, and endless nights of staring at the walls of the bedroom. Hudson shifted uncomfortably, soot still all over his face.

"Sure." I choked out, barely keeping it together. "Bring all their friends and family members." The table trembled, my knee smashing against the bottom of the table as my knee bounced up and down. A wave of nausea wracked me, not sure if it was my pregnancy or my nerves getting to me. Leaping over them, my boots pounded towards the bathroom. Collapsing to my knees, everything I ate that day flew into the toilet. Cold sweat drenched my skin, my whole body shaking. A flutter in the bathroom disturbed me, my muscles protesting as I struggled to stand. Popping my head out, Grappos stood in the center of the bathroom. Black feathers danced aimlessly, his red eyes gazing upon me in concern.

"I couldn't have you not answering, my dear." He mused playfully, his delighted smile falling. "What happened, my pet?" His gloved hand lifted up my chin, his other hand examining my face. A lump formed in my throat, wanting to tell him everything. Was this his magical abilities?

"I was at dinner and some bastards burned down a barn with several werewolves that belonged to other clans. I should have been there." I wept into my palms, his brow cocking. "I am the worst Luna ever. They did it all because I was a witch. What the hell is wrong with people? I help them all over and over again, just for them to basically spit in my face." A snarl curled on his lips, a fancy black blade in his palm.

"I can kill them for you." He offered sincerely, his crooked grin telling me that he really meant it. "It is your order, my pet!" Shaking my head, my hands waving around wildly. That wasn't necessary and rather harsh, his hands cupping my face.

"No thanks." I chirped cheerfully, hoping he would get the message. "You should really go back home." Cocking his head to the right, a doubtful look twinkled in his eyes. Dragging me out of the bathroom, he folded his wings away. Everyone looked up at us, Grappy pulled up a chair. Leaning on the back of it, he introduced himself proudly.

"I am Graposo, and she is like my little sister." He bragged gleefully, offering me his hand. "I prefer Grappy, and I can promise you the help of all of the dark angels." A soft blush rose to my cheeks, Grappy taking my hand.

"I have to go to gather some friends, and make sure you call me once a day." He warned me icily, sliding me his card. "See you later." Snapping his fingers, he was gone. Hudson cleared his throat, all of us going back to planning. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, my mind wandering somewhere else. When will this nightmare end?