" I'm sorry." Jordan said walking up from behind me.
" For what?" I ask.
" For forcing you to do something you didn't want to do, and in the end as a result you ended up hurting yourself and now you can't dance the way you want to." he says all in one breath.
" It's Okay, I mean you didn't do it on purpose." He said, as we just stand there in silence for a couple of minutes before he speaks up again.
" I'm also sorry about calling you my girlfriend. I just wanted the made-up excuse for a girl to back off." he explains.
" I feel ya. Just don't do it anymore." I say staring of into the world of nature. I loved nature. It was so quiet and peaceful. I could just stay here all my life if I wanted to. I loved the smell, the view, the variety. I loved everything about nature. I could look at nature all day and time would fly by fast.
When I was younger, I loved it when we went to the beach or on camping trips. Even if we rarely had trips, I loved them.
I see Jordan walk behind me to his car and hear him crank up the car.
" Come on. It's getting dark." and with that I'm in the car and we're heading home.
When we get home, we don't say anything to each other just sitting in the car in silence.
" What was the violent kiss about?" and he finally breaks the silence with his death sentence. I smiled wickedly. I clear my throat and begin acting.
" Well, you see it was just in the spur of the moment to shut you up because you kept talking."
" So why did you bite me?" he looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. " That sh*t hurt man". That's because I wanted it to man, can't you catch a hint?
I got out of the car without answering him and went into the house, but before I could enter, he gave me his signature smile. It made me just want to punch it right off his face. Wouldn't that be a relief.
I went back into the house and got ready for bed. I let Cachire sleep in his room tonight. I'm trying to make him dependent on himself and not look for help every time he thinks something is hard because sometimes those people can't be there for you.
I was dreaming so peacefully until I heard my sibling fussing and playing around making noises. I can't say I'm a morning person.
So, I got up and picked out my clothes and set them on the bed. Today was Saturday so that meant I had to go to work. I have to work to provide for myself. If I want to do things at school, I got to get money somehow. If I want to get new clothes, I got to make the money myself. If I want to eat, I have to buy it myself so I don't starve.
My mom didn't support me up until I was finally able to get a job. Every now and then my father would give me some money, so that would go into my savings for me to get an apartment.
He's barely around because he works all the time, so he is oblivious to many things that go on in his house.
The only person I really have a relationship with is Cachire. My dad is barely here, so I don't really have a relationship with him either.
I set out a white long-sleeved laced crop top with a yellow circle skirt and some baby pink vans. I am not about to look raggedy so I buy myself the best clothes I could go for plus adding my own little style to it. Boots, specifically thick combat boots. No heels. Maybe wedges. I love me some dresses, but I also love having different aesthetics. I basically like any type of clothing except for kiddy designs. If it looks like it's meant for a little kid, I'm not about to wear it.
Rushing, I head to the bathroom with my towel and some other things and wait for one of my so-called brothers to get out the bathroom.
Walking in the first thing I saw was pee all over the toilet and floor. I hate it when they do that. Are they that lazy to just aim? If they can't aim then how come they want to play sports so bad, when using the bathroom is the easiest sport there is.
I clean up the mess then put my towel on the counter. I hop in the shower and start to wash my curly silky butt length hair. All natural baby. I'm mixed with Asian, Black, and Hispanic. My dad is Asian, and my mom is Black with Hispanic.
After a while of washing my hair, I get to washing my body. This also can take a while because of my body shape. Because I eat A LOT, I have decent sized hip shape and bust area, but because I dance, I lose all the fat that goes to my stomach and face. There was this one time when this random girl came up to me and touched my boobs and was sent to the infirmary because she touched me. I am not something to play with.
The audacity.
I step out the shower and wrap my towel around me getting to my facial routine. I reach to pick up my clothes only to be left empty handed. Oh gosh. Now I wish a bathroom was connected to my room right now.
I open the door carefully and peak my head out. Tiptoeing out as fast as I can down the hall to my room.
" Hold on I left something in the room." ARE YOU SERIOUS? Why do they pop up out of nowhere?
I jolt into the hallway closet beside me while hitting my toe. Man, that was so close. I swear they must really hate me because they be popping up at the wrong time. Oh wait, they do hate me.
I hear Hikiah walk past signaling that he was going back downstairs. I burst out the closet and rush to my room as fast as I can with both of my feet now being hurt not caring if I made noise anymore. I slide down the door fazed by the mission I completed. I feel like Keanu Reeves.
" That was hot," a familiar voice said. OH. MY MOTHER. FREAKIN. GOSH. please don't tell me that he saw me. " Nice body too. Mami looking goooood." Are you serious?
I pulled the towel back up my body that had fallen when I slid down the door and rush to the window shut it and closed the curtain. Putting on my clothes quickly I ran to the window. Pause, I tripped to the window yanking the curtain yet again making the metal part of it fall and hit the toe I stubbed.
Me being as overdramatic as ever grabbed my foot, lost balance, and fell to the floor with a loud thud.
"SUGARHONEYICEDTEA" I yelled. I just sit there holding my foot until I fell asleep.
Just Kidding. As a result, I am now walking like a penguin. I sprained one foot and stubbed the other.
I look at the time and grab my jacket that covers most of my outfit. Ignoring the tapping that Jordan is doing on the window I grab my bag and head out the door.
I head out to the library where I work while listening to some music. I hook my phone up to the car and the song that I've been listening to.
I continue to sing the rest of the way to work singing along to the song. When the song is finished, I get out of the car and walk in the library and check myself in.
This is going to be a long day.