After clocking in I start with the drop off box. On Saturdays I go to work at the library for six hours then go to a diner to work for another four hours and get home around about 6:50.
After working very boring hours in the library I pack up, clock out, and head to the diner.
While driving to the diner I have to quickly change into my work shirt, so I take off the shirt I have on while at a red light. While keeping my eye on the light I reach for my bag in the passenger seat and pull out my work shirt. I don't rush because if I rush it's only going to make me slower.
I hear a honk next to me and see some dudes in a Porsche.
" Thanks for giving us the view" the guy in the driver seat says. The window was up but I still heard him. Oh how I wish I had tinted windows.
I smile as sweetly as I could, lifted my fist up, and shot a bird. Putting on the rest of my shirt I drove off. Man, why do I get in these types of situations.
I walk into the back of the diner and put on my apron and started on work. I like working at the diner because that's where the most action be happening.
My favorite was when a couple was arguing and the girl threw her drink at the guy and the drink got in the guy eyes, so he started to freak out tumbling out of his chair while the girl grabbed his credit card and payed for everybody's orders and the orders for the rest of the night. And then on the way out she grabbed a cup of water and splashed it in his face and said " Stop embarrassing yourself. We're done."
Let me just tell you that, that was the funniest thing ever. I was the only one laughing while everybody just looked shocked.
I look around and it was just a little packed but nothing I can't handle. I was a couple of orders in before the dudes that were in the car walked in. Well shiitake mushrooms. I quickly go to the kitchen and put the orders on the rack. I wish I wasn't the only waiter here tonight. I guess I gotta deal with the pain.
I walk up to their table with my head held high. There was about six of them sitting down so I know I will have to write a lot.
"Hello, my name is Sage, how may I take your order?" I say in a confident voice.
"Well hello there Sage" the driver from earlier says testing my name on his tongue. " Can I get one shirt off with some ice?"
Oh so he wants to play like that huh. "Would you like that with a side of panties or a bra" I say looking him deep in the eyes. He looks at me surprised but keeps going. Got him right where I want him. While he was talking I secretly turned on the recording on my phone. This is going to be fun.
" Could I get both?"
" What would you want as the appetizer?"
"Can I get a hotel room for two" he says while he looks around at his amused friends. I quickly change my demeanor and start to sound offended and scared.
" I... I'm sorry? I can't do what you just asked sir. Imma have to ask you and your friends to leave."
He looks at me confused and stands up walking close to me." Come on babe, what are you talking about?" he says circling his arms around my waist.
" sir can you please let go of me please?" I say in a scared voice. I push him off of me and slap him. Yep that totally felt good.
"Why did you do that? Huh? Do you want me to do that to you because I will." he says raising his voice catching the attention some people nearby.
Now that I've got your attention. I stand up straight from my shrunken position and pull out my phone. Showing me turning off the recording while I look him dead in the eye.
" Sir as you can see, I've recorded everything you've said. With this evidence you can face a good few year in jail for assault. And from the looks of it you seem to have just started out in your career. So with a few years in jail it would deeply affect the way you will be living for the rest of your life. Who knows you might end up homeless or living with your parents... unless you already are" I say in a mater-of-fact tone.
He looked at me dumbfounded. His friends too. He looked so angry the vains in his neck were bulging. I wanted laugh so bad, but I had to keep my composure. He lifted his arm like he was about to hit me, and I was ready. I was ready to KICK THE SH*T out of him. I was getting ready to block his hit and punch him in the balls. Then out of nowhere he got punched. HE GOT FREAKING PUNCHED. Not by me, but by somebody else. Do you know how that feels? They just took the one fun in working away from me.
I turned around furious. It was Jordan. MOTHER FREAKING JORDAN. He dragged me out of the diner and into his car. He needs to slow down. I guess he forgot he hurt my ankle cause im about to hurt him.
" Are you Oka-"
" What do you mean 'What am I doing?', I just saved your life."
"No you ruined my fun."
"Your fun?"
" My chance of fun, freedom, REVENGE. Come on man you gotta know the basics", I turn my whole body to him " when you see a girl with freaking evidence in her hand that means she already got a plan. Do you understand?"
" So you did all of that to have some stupid fun?" what did he just say? Stupid fun. Does he not comprehend in that little tiny head of his what I'm saying?
"Stupid fun? STUPID FUN? You do not know what fun is to me. You don't know how I live. And all you did was make it worse for me," I look at him sincerely "can you listen to the words that's coming out of my mouth? You. Hurt. Me. You betrayed me and didn't even say sorry. You did it all for YOU" I say pointing in his chest. I get out the car and slam the door.
Limping my way back into the diner I head straight to the dude on the floor. Picking him up and putting him on my back I head out the door. I looked for the Porsche him and his friends was riding in and laid him in since the whole hood was down. I went back inside and grabbed a glass of water. When I got back I splashed the water onto his face waking him up. I looked at him in disgust.
"If you ever, and I mean ever try to touch, talk, or look at any kind of girl that way again... I will come find you myself and discipline you. You hear me?" I say looking at him. He didn't respond and just looked at me. " DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" I yelled. He flinched and nodded his head. "Good." I say and turn around walking back into the diner.
I still got three hours of work and I need the money. And so I continue and acted like nothing happened. I was heated the whole time. Being aggravated is not my thing, but it is today.
I get through the rest of work in a bad mood. I put up my apron and clock out. When I limped out the door I saw Jordan's car still in the parking lot. I rolled my eyes and get into my car. The only thing I can claim as mine. It was gift from my dad. He wanted his children to have transportation when needed, so he put it under my name.
I back out of the parking lot and notice Jordan's car follow mine. Such a pain. It takes twenty minutes to get home so I play some music to calm down.
I listen to a few more songs getting into my feelings if you know what I mean. Getting out the car I grab my bag and lock my doors.
When I get into the house I walk up into my room and take off my shoes. I can't leave my shoes at the front door or my siblings are going to take my shoes and claim them as theirs. It's still daylight outside, so I decide to clean up to clear my mind.
I walk to the boy's room and knock on the door and open it peeking inside. Cachire looks up from playing with his toys and smiles. He's so adorable.
"Wanna help me clean?" I ask. He just looks at me. "I'll take that as a no" he sure doesn't like cleaning. "Wanna sleep with me tonight?"
" Yes,please."
"Okay" I walk out and close the door. I always start with the hardest chores to get them over with. I start to wash all the dishes that have piled up. This usually takes me an hour. My back hurts from standing to long due to my weight and gravity pulling me down. The perks of being a woman. I'm really considering back surgery. I take a short break before returning to clean.
After cleaning the living room, bathroom, and dining room I head up to my room. By now it's about 9:30 the usual time the house is asleep. Cachire is already in my bed asleep, so I quietly grab some clean clothes and my towel and rag.
I take a quick shower and put on my clothes. I make sure to take my rag and towel so it won't be used. I put my things up and head downstairs to put my clothes in the washer. I head back up to my room and sit down at my desk. I finish all my homework's for the weekend and head to bed. I snuggle next to Cachire when I hear knocking on my window.
I get up knowing who it is, but I have to make him quiet so he doesn't wake up Cachire. I open my window and look at him like he's crazy.
" Can you stop my brothers trying to sleep. It's like 11' something."
"Sorry. Can we talk?"
"No.", and with that I shut the window and close the now wobbly curtain. I get back in bed with Cachire and snuggle him close again. I'm not alone I repeat to myself.