Chapter 13

" There are a pack of rouges, and they are looking for you." He says looking over at me.

My heart felt like it dropped out of my body. He told me that rouges are either rejected mates, expelled from their pack, or they were just crazy. He said that they will stop at nothing to kill and get what they want.

But there are good rouges. Rouges that pack was destroyed so they had nowhere to go.

Why are they looking for me?

"Why?" I say looking at him.

"They want your power. They tried that with your grandfather, but he had disappeared. Since they couldn't get to him they killed your grandmother." He said hanging his head.

"So they are coming for her?" Cability asked.

"Yes. They are only a few states away, but we still got enough time to hide her." He said.

" Hide? You want me to hide? I can't hide. Plus I'm about to have a baby dad. How am I supposed to hide that?" I ask. I'm about to lose my mind.

"Run. Do nothing but run." He said getting up coming towards my way.

"Where am I going to go? Huh? Do you know?" I say raising my voice.

"Listen to me okay? I want you to run. I don't care where you run but get far away from here. It takes about a day and a half for your scent to leave the area. I need you to leave as soon as possible. I don't know how close they are to us, but once they see you it is over." He said letting tears fall from his eyes.

" But what about Cability and Cachire. They have these abilities to." I say my eyes blurring from my tears.

" They don't have white hair. They are only going to look for you. I'll just make sure that they don't use theirs, but you can't do that." He says crouching down in front of me.

" But a lot of people dye their hair white." I say.

" We already packed your bags and got you a new identity and everything. Once you cross the pack territory stay in the woods for two days to make sure your original scent is gone okay?" He says ignoring me pulling me into a hug.

I just nodded my head. Why can't I just drive across the border? Why is he being so complicated?

"Can I say goodbye to Cachire?" I asked.

"Yea." He answered back.


Everybody was now in the back yard except mom. I kind of expected that though.

I walk up to dad, Cability, and Cachire to hug them. We were hugging for a while when I let go.

" I'm going to miss you guys." I say hugging the rest of my siblings.

I quickly let them go before I decide to stay.

I turn around crying and start walking away. I didn't turn to see the looks on everybody faces because I knew I was going to break down if I did.

Dad told me that the edge of the pack territory was about 3 miles away so I would have a while until I get there.

I didn't even get to say bye to my work people or Jordan. I didn't even get to say bye to Becka and say I was leaving her punk *as.

When I know I walked about five miles I stop to check what they had packed in my bags.

A wig, a new identity card, clothes, a fire starter, food, blankets, a map, my phone, a charger, shoes, water, and my stash of money plus some they gave me. How did they know where I hid my money?

After that I continued to walk until my feet felt like they couldn't no more. I was using the map on my phone before it died so I had to use the paper map.

While walking I came up to road and followed it so I could know when I'm in a new town.

Of course, I made sure I was still in the woods, but I kept my eye on the road so no one could see me.

It was about 6:50pm when I started walking, and was about 9 something when I last checked my phone so it was already dark by the time I stopped to get some rest.

I went a little farther from the road and into a clearing so I could make a fire. That should help my smell ware off quicker.

After setting up a pallet on the ground and setting up the fire I grabbed me some snacks out of one of the bags.

I can't wait until tomorrow when I can finally get a motel room or something. Sleeping on the ground is not it, although I still enjoy the nature.

After eating I laid down next to the fire thinking about everything that has happened today.

First I woke up to severe throwing up then Jordan offered to take me to the hospital where I found out that I was pregnant and with his baby. After that I had to go tell my dad which I was really scared of doing. Then me and Cability had a sister/brother bonding moment when my dad told me that I had to leave cause some rouges wanted to catch me which I think is stupid that he sent me off in the woods where they could possibly be. Now I'm sleeping on the ground waiting for my scent to be gone.

Wow. What a day. And it's already bad that I hadn't even taken a bath. I wish I took one after I got home from work last night.

I didn't get much sleep sleeping on ground, but I guess it's better than nothing.

Once the sun started to show I got up and headed back towards the road and continued my journey towards a town that had a motel.

It must've been around noon when I saw a sign that said welcome.

I got so happy I started running and didn't stop until I saw a motel. Thank you, Jesus. The Lord sure knows I needed you.