Chapter 17

I waited for 20 more minutes before my train came. I boarded my train and sat down in my seat.

This was first time outside of my state. The only time we traveled was when we went to the beaches that were only some time away. I haven't been on a 15 hour train ride before.

I've never even rode on a plane before.

After I put my bags up above me I take out my phone to look at cheap 2 bedroom and 1 bath apartments.

It didn't take long for me to find a 2 bed and 1 bath apartment for $700.

I looked at the pictures of the neighborhood and it seemed fit enough for me. Hopefully there are good job opportunities.

I quickly called the owner to meet tomorrow. Then I called a hotel and booked a night since I would arrive around 10:30.

The train left around 7 so I still had a lot of time on my hands.

I decided to text Cability to occupy my mind.

Me: Hey, how are you doing.

Cability: Oh so now she decides to text me.

Me: Oh watever. How have you been?

Cability: I've been good just trying to ward off somebody's baby daddy.

Me: Is he messing with you?

Cability: If you mean following me around every chance he has at school then yes.

Me: I'm so sorry. You didn't tell anything did you?

Cability: Are you serious? Dad would kill me if I said anything.

Cability: I guess I'll just have to deal with it.

Me: Sorry.

Cability: It's okay.

Me: How is Cachire?

Cability: He was sad when you left and didn't eat nothing for a few days, but dad made him eat.

Me: Awww. I want to come back so bad and give him a hug. Imma call you so I can talk to him later.

Cability: Ok.

Me: What is he doing now?

Cability: He's up in your room. Since today is early release from school I'm pretty sure he will go into your room.

Me: Is he always in there?

Cability: Yea. It's hard to get him out to.

Me: Just make sure he eats and takes baths ok.

Cability: ok mom.

Cability: Speaking of. How is my niece or nephew?

Me: Their fine. I just get morning and night sickness, bit after my first trimester it should be gone.

Cability: Did you throw up this morning?

Me: No. I guess I woke before I could.

Cability: Oh ok.

Me: I should get going. I have to eat something before I starve to death.

Cability: Haha okay. Don't forget about me.

Me: I won't.

I put my phone in my bag and get some snacks out for me to eat.

I've been on the train for a few hours and it was pretty good so far. They brought out some breakfast for me to eat. It wasn't all that, but it was good enough to eat.

Let's just say I'm getting a little picky about my food.

After eating I went to sleep. I was only sleep for a few more hours because the sun was still up, but it was showing I only had a few more hours left.

At this point I had to use the bathroom so bad. I got up and asked one of the people working where the bathroom was.

When I made it, the bathroom wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

The smell wasn't bad and the toilet seemed flushable.

When I finished I quickly washed my hands and hurried back to my seat.

I take my phone out and start playing some of the games to make the time go by fast.

For the rest of the train ride I was playing around on my phone.

When I arrived I got on the bus to a hotel. Since I didn't have a metro card yet I had to pay using the leftover change in my pocket.

It was weird to be on a bus full of people, but I'm going to have to get used to that.

When I got to the hotel I had to show my fake ID. It was kind of cool, but scary at the same time. I get my key card and head to my room.

I totally like getting hotels better than motels especially in NY. It was nice.

I place my bags in my room and head to the room for guests to use computers I saw earlier.

I log into one of the computers and apply to get a yearly MetroCard for transportation. I also made it t where I can pay with my phone

I put in the bank information my dad gave me and finish everything up.

I just love hotels. Access to so much stuff. Maybe I should go late night swimming.

I head back to my room and take a quick shower, so I can go to bed. After I finished I lay down and fall asleep.


I didn't have to go check out the apartment until in the afternoon, so I went down to the lobby to get me some breakfast.

When I get there I get me a waffle, some oatmeal, and 2 beagles with strawberry cream cheese.

I bring my food up to my room to avoid being crowded in the small dining area.

I was in the elevator with a few people when I felt someone touch my butt.

I mean d*mn I know I thick, but I'm not that thick.

I look back to see who it was and see an older man in about his 40s. I look forward and ask the lady in front of me to hold my food.

She looked at me weirdly before taking my plate anyway.

"Thank you" I say politely.

I turn around fast and knee the man in the balls making him bend over. I use this opportunity to knee him in the face feeling his nose break on my knee.

By now the people in the elevator were looking at me surprised. I leaned into the man's ear and whispered.

" If you come anywhere near me again I won't just make sure that your nose is broken, okay?" I say grabbing my plate from the woman thanking her again.

Just then the elevator door opened and I walked back to my room eating off of my beagle.

I open my door with one hand and walk in.

I set my food on the table in the room and went to my bags. I set out my clothes and necessities then continued to eat my food.

I quickly get dressed, brush my teeth and wash my face. I slept with the wig on so all I had to do was fix a little before leaving.

I'm sure I looked stupid when I went to get breakfast.

I made sure I got everything even getting the extra necessity stuff they give you.

I check out and head to the bus stop. Since my MetroCard won't arrive until a few weeks im going to have to pay using change for the next few weeks.

I forgot to text dad last night so I text him when I find a good seat to sit and secure my bags tightly to me.

Me: I made it. I'm on my way to pay for the apartment. Sorry I didn't text you I was busy.

Dad: That's good I was worried. It's good you still texted me because I was going to come and look for you.

Me: Don't worry I'm fine I can handle myself.

Dad: Okay.

Me: I'll talk to you later.

After I get everything settled I should go shopping for my baby.

When it comes to my stop I grab my bags and get off.

I look at the map on my phone to find my way to the apartment I was looking for.

It was only five minutes away from the bus stop, so that was good convenience for me.

When I get to the front of the building I type in the code that was given to me .

I hope this goes well for me.