
Lu Sichen staggered into his room. He was in a good mood. He finally married the woman that he has been thinking about for so many years

So even though he knew that he has been drugged, he did not plan to pursue the matter!

His eyes scanned the room and he saw the woman, his woman sitting on the bed. She blinked her eyes at him. It seemed that she was waiting for him.

Lu Sichen almost slapped himself when he thought of this. He knew that this woman hates him more than anything! After all, he had "forced" her to get married to him. There is no way that she'll like him.

The effect of the drugs that he was drugged with had already started to take effect. Even though he could still hold it in, he did not have any intentions of holding himself back at all.

He finally got the woman after so many years. He went through so much to steal her away from Lu Beichen. Now that she is his, why does he have to hold himself back?!

Lu Sichen grabbed his tie and pulled it away forcefully. Li Ran widened her eyes when she saw the actions of the man she had to admit, he was sexy! As a woman, even she could not resist his charm!

Was her brain filled with water in the past? Why did she give up such a good man? What is wrong with her?

Lu Sichen climbed up the bed. His actions weren't graceful at all! Li Ran already knew that he has been drugged but she did not expect him to be in such a hurry!

"Wait..what are you doing?" Li Ran asked, she placed a hand on his chest but he yanked her hand away and bit on it

Li Ran looked at the man in shock. Her poor maiden heart was threatening to beat out of her chest. She looked at the man wide eyed.

"Today is our wedding night. What do you think I want to do with you?" Li Sichen asked.

"What?" Li Ran opened her eyes wide to look at him.

Before she could protest, she felt a hot pair of lips on hers!

He was kissing her!

Li Ran tried her best to push him away because she wasn't prepared for it at all but with her strength she was no match for him at all!

Lu Sichen pried open her mouth and continue to kiss her.

He seemed like did not have any intention of letting her go!

Lu Sichen invaded Li Ran's mouth and sucked on her tougue.

Li Ran felt her mind go haywire. At first, she wanted to stop him. Then, she did not even have the energy to stop him.

At some point, she got swept away in his kiss and started to reciprocate.

Li Ran felt that this man had the ability to invade her life and turn her into his puppet who would do whatever he wants.

The both of them continued to kiss like that until Li Ran ran out of breath.

Lu Sichen noticed that Li Ran face was pale so he let go of her.

"Breath silly" He said with a smirk.

Li Ran finally remembered to breath. She glared at the man when she finally caught her breathe.

Li Ran pretended as if he did not notice her gaze.

Leaning down again, he continued to kiss her. Li Ran sighed in her heart. She made this man suffer in the past. She should just give in to the him. He has done a lot for her.

Before Li Ran could tell, all of her clothes were sent flying to the ground. She really did not know how he did it at all! He seriously.....!

Li Ran was brought back to the present when she felt a sharp pain!

He did not give her any warning at all! He just entered like that!.

Forget it.... forget it...since she has so many mean to things him the past, she will just take it as she paying him back. Anyway, she is determined to give her life to this man in this life!


Li Ran woke up because of the pain in her waist. She wanted to continue sleeping but she could not sleep any longer because of the pain.

She looked around but she could not find the man who is the culprit of her pain. She cursed him over and over again in her heart. She hates him! She really hates him!

She should not have let him do whatever he want with her last night. no, she should not have let that man touch her at all last night!

What paying him back because she was mean to her? That man is a beast! A beast in human clothing!

He really is terrible! He should just go die! No matter how much she begged him last night , he refused to let go of her! He kept pounding into her over and over again.

Right now, Li Ran felt like her body was going to fall apart! She really did not want to let the man near her ever again. He doesn't have a single shred of pity in him!

Li Ran was still cursing Lu Sichen over and over again in her mind when the door of the bathroom was pushed open and he walked out of the bathroom.

Li Ran who has been cursing him over and over again in her heart felt her mouth go dry when the man walked out of the bathroom.

He was only tying a towel around his waist. Li Ran's eyes could not help but land on his firm waistline. She swallowed a gulp. Why did she not notice in the past that the man that she married was so mature, handsome and sexy before? Why did she fall for that Lu Beichen?

Actually, Lu Beichen wasn't ugly on his own. But there is no pain with comparision.

In front of her husband, Lu Beichen could only be the dust on the ground! Li Ran was convinced that she must have been crazy in her past life for her to fall in love with that disgusting person!

She looked up at him and tried to get up to go meet him but she found out that she could not get up. Her legs were hurting so badly!

She was instantly reminded of the things that he had done to her last night. She kept begging and begging but no matter how much she begged, he just refused to let her go. How can someone be so mean?

The look of admiration that was in Li Ran's eyes changed to that of disgust!

Lu Sichen had already noticed that the woman was looking at him. At first, he thought that he could see some admiration in her gaze. Lu Sichen thought that he had to be crazy to think that Li Ran will look at him with admiration.

Before he could confirm whether he was right or not, he could feel a burning glare on him. Li Ran was glaring at him now. There was some disgust and hatred in the look.

Lu Sichen thought that this is the Li Ran that he knows!

She will never look at him with admiration! But no matter how much she hates him, he will never let her go! He finally got married to her, he did not have any intention of ever letting go of this woman!

"What are you looking at me for? Let me remind you Li Ran that you are my legal wife and what you did yesterday was just fulfilling your role as my wife! Don't think that I'll ever let you go in this life!" Lu Sichen said.

Immediately he said this he waited for the woman to start scolding or hitting him as usual but she did not do any of that.

Instead she was looking at him with a pitful gaze. Lu Sichen was surprised. Is this really the Li Ran that he knows?

Should Li Ran not hate him right now after he forced her to sleep with him? What is going on here?

"Li Ran" he called her name fiercely.

"Lu Sichen, you already slept with me last night! Don't tell that you don't want to take responsibility for it?!" Li Ran asked. She seemed like she was about to start crying now.

Lu Sichen looked at the woman who was sitting on the bed. He was confused he really did not know what he was supposed to feel.

"What? Don't tell me that you want to kick me after you are doing using me? Let me tell you Lu Sichen I won't allow you to do something like that! I'm your wife! You already slept with me! Don't think I'll let you off!" Li Ran said.

Lu Sichen was still looking at her dumbstruck. Is this really the wife that he married? The wife who doesn't want to have anything to do with hum?


( our ML masochistic?)