I Will Live Well(1)

"What? Don't tell me that you want to kick me after you are doing using me? Let me tell you Lu Sichen I won't allow you to do something like that! I'm your wife! You already slept with me! Don't think I'll let you off!" Li Ran said.

Lu Sichen was still looking at her dumbstruck. Is this really the wife that he married? The wife who doesn't want to have anything to do with him?

What is going on here.

Before he could think of what to say to her, Li Ran broke down and started to cry. "Waa...waa...he doesn't want me anymore. After putting on his pants, he just wants to abandon me, how can there be such a horrible person in this life? I'm his wife! How can he do something like this to me?" Li Ran cried.

Lu Sichen could not think of anything else right now. He just wanted to comfort his wife. He climbed the bed and crawled over to her. "Don't cry. Who said that I don't want you? I want you! How can you say something like that? I'm your husband...I want leave you.alright don't cry...don't cry anymore" Lu Sichen said.

Li Ran stoped crying immediately. Lu Sichen was specheless. What happened? Isn't she the one who was crying buckets just now? How can she stop so soon? What is going on here?

He just did not understand his wife at all anymore!

"Alright you promised me! You can't leave for any reason at all!" Li Ran said.

Lu Sichen nodded his head. He did not have any plans of leaving this woman at all! She is his wife. He won't ever leave her side!

Lu Sichen suddenly leaned in on Li Ran to kiss her. Since she is in a good mood today, he should take all the benefits that he can from her.

But Li Ran placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away.

"I haven't brushed yet!" She said.

He grabbed her hand. "I don't mind!"

"What?" Li Ran opened her eyes wide to look at him.

Before she could protest, she felt a hot pair of lips on hers!

He was kissing her!

Li Ran tried her best to push him away because she wasn't prepared for it at all but with her strength she was no match for him at all!

Lu Sichen pried open her mouth and continue to kiss her.

He seemed like did not have any intention of letting her go!

Lu Sichen invaded Li Ran's mouth and sucked on her tougue.

Li Ran felt her mind go haywire. At first, she wanted to stop him. Then, she did not even have the energy to stop him.

At some point, she got swept away in his kiss and started to reciprocate.

Li Ran felt that this man had the ability to invade her life and turn her into his puppet who would do whatever he wants.

The both of them continued to kiss like that until Li Ran ran out of breath.

Lu Sichen noticed that Li Ran face was pale so he let go of her.

"Breath silly" He said with a smirk.

Li Ran finally remembered to breath. She glared at the man when she finally caught her breathe.

Li Ran pretended as if he did not notice her gaze.

Leaning down again, he continued to kiss her. Li Ran sighed in her heart. She made this man suffer in the past. She should just give in to the him. He has done a lot for her.


The husband and wife walked out of thier room in good moods. They met the entire family having breakfast.

Li Ran's eyes went red when she saw the familiar faces. She remembered wrecking so much havoc on this family in her past life! They treated her well but all she could do to repay them was make life hard for them because she wanted to leave!

Her eyes landed on Lu Sichen's father Lu Xun. Since Lu Sichen is a child that he had in his old age, he was already 80 years old this year. This old man is the person who treated her well the the most. He doted on her like she is his real daughter. But she did not know how to appreciate the love that he gave to her.

She only caused problems for the old man. In the end ,he passed away in her fifth year of marriage to Lu Sichen.

The doctor said that he had been angered to death. But even at that the man still did not leave her. How blind must she have been to love a jerk like Lu Beichen?

She looked at her mother in law Tang Meiying. Even though her mother in law did not like her very much she did not make things difficult for her like some mother in laws. Anyway, she could not see herself liking a daughter in law that made life difficult for her own son! She won't be able to do it anyway!

In this life, Li Ran was determined to win the love of all these people. She was sure that she will be able to do it!

Her eyes landed on Lu Beichen. She glared at the man with so much hate. This is the man who ruined her life.

For the nth time, Li Ran asked herself, what did she see in this person for her to be so blindly in love with him? What was wrong with her brain anyway?

She noticed that he was glaring at Lu Sichen while Lu Sichen did not even look at him once. Li Ran really wanted to knock her head against a wall. It was clear that Lu Beichen is the one who has a problem with her husband. Why did she believe the story that Lu Sichen is the one who has bullied Lu Beichen in the past?

She must have been an idoit in her past life!

"Sichen, Ran Ran, the both of you are here. Come have breakfast" Li Xun said in an amicable voice. She did not know why but this man has always liked her.

Even when she did something wrong, he will never scold her. She did not understand why he was nice to her but in this life, she was prepared to repay the favor!

"Alright father" Li Ran called out in a sweet voice. The entire family turned to look at her. Li Ran rubbed her nose awkwardly. She did not blame them. In the past, whenever they had a meal together, she will never be so amicable. She will always find ways to cause problems for a happy family. Li Ran really was an idoit in her past life!

"Mom dad why are all of you looking at me like that? Let's eat. Sichen has to go to work. We can't let him be late !" Li Ran said.

Everyone did not look away from her. In fact, the shock on thier faces was more evident now. It was clear that they weren't expecting her to be like this at all.

In the end Lu Sichen was the one who took her hand and led her to a seat in the table. Since Lu Sichen was already seated, everyone went back to thier meal, each person with thier own thoughts.

Lu Xun looked at Li Ran. He was happy that this girl had finally thought things through. It seems that she wants to live a good life with Lu Sichen now. It's a good thing. He was really happy.

Tang Meiying was deep in thought. She could not help but think that Li Ran is up to another one of her schemes. She probably wants to devise a plan to run away again. Anyway, she did not have much hopes for the daughter in law. As long as her son can live a good life.

She can put up with anything.

Lu Beichen on his part was fuming with anger. He was really angry when he saw how Lu Sichen was getting along with Li Ran. Li Ran should not be getting along with Lu Sichen she should hate him more than anything!

Especially after the trick that he played on them yesterday! Li Ran is a woman who values her chastity. So much so that she had not let him touch her when there were dating.

He was sure that Li Ran will hate Lu Sichen even more after last night. But not only does she not seem to hate him, she seems to want to stick to him even more!

Seeing Li Ran and Lu Sichen being so lovey dovey to each other, he really wanted to go over and pull them apart! He believed that Li Ran is his! Li Ran is his property to dominate. She should not have feelings for other men! She is his and he can only use her and discard her after he is done with her!

It seems that he needs to talk to Li Ran today. He can't let her be brainwashed!