Sowing Discord (2)

Mentioning Li Ran's past relationship with Lu Beichen, she was just trying to sow discord between the father and daughter!

As long as Li Zhengguo continues to think that his daughter is a useless piece of trash, she will have a better opportunity of inheriting the company later.

Even if Li Zhengguo is biased to his own daughter, he won't want the Li Enterprise, a company that has been passed down for five generations to be completely destroyed in the hands of that idioit Li Ran!

She needs to make sure to eliminate Li Ran before things get out of hand!

"Uncle, after all, Li Ran used to love him so much. I guess that she must feel bad that she left him to marry his uncle. I think that she just feel guilty about it. Besides, she lives in the same house with him" Li An said.

She was happy to see that Li Zhengguo expression darkened as she continued to talk about Lu Beichen's relationship with Li Ran!

"What is there for her to feel guilty about?! She and Lu Beichen are already a thing of the past! Besides, I have never approved for my daughter to be in a relationship with that man! Our family will surely lose face if people find out that Li Ran was with Lu Beichen before! What does Li Ran want to do?! Does she want to embarrass our entire Li family and make us lose face? No, I can't take the chances! I'll call Li Ran and ask her to come home for dinner! I have to talk to her!" Li Zhengguo said.

Li An felt her heart sink to her stomach when she heard this. If Li Ran comes back home then, everything that she has said today will be discovered as lies! Li Zhengguo's impression of her will turn bad!

And if Li Ran is really thinking of spending her life with Lu Sichen like she said, her father will change his impresion of her!

No, she can't let this! She can't let Li Ran perform better than her! Li Ran is destined to forever be her sidekick! She is destined to forever be her springboard!

"Uncle, is it really a good idea to ask Li Ran to come? She just got married after all! She must be trying hard to get used to her new family. She must be having a hard time getting used to being someone's wife and daughter in law too. I don't think that you should pressure her too much" Li An said.

"No! I have to get her to come. I'll just ask her to come home with Lu Sichen. No matter how patient a man is, no one will be able to tolerate his wife carrying a torch for a member of his family. As her father, sigh, I have to talk to Lu Sichen also. I really hope that Li Ran will grow up soon and realize that everything that I'm doing is for her own good" Li Zhengguo said.

Li An knew that she won't be able to convince him to change his mind so she kept shut. She decided to think of this from another angle. Lu Sichen will be coming here tommorow.

In fact, she had only seen Lu Sichen a few times and it was only a passing glance. She was sure that if he sees her, he will surely choose her over Li Ran! She is better than Li Ran is every way anyway!

Except besides her looks, Li Ran can't compete with her in anything! She is not her match!

She was sure that Lu Sichen is not a petty man who will only look at the face of a woman!

As long as Lu Sichen is in this house tommorow, she was sure that she will be able to seduce him and get him to leave Li Ran!

"Okay uncle. You are right. You need to reassure Lu Sichen. I was just worried about sister Ran Ran. I haven't seen her in a long time anyway. I can get to catch up with her tommorow" Li An said. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Lu Sichen. She was thinking about how she is going to seduce him and make the man hers!

"Sigh, if only Li Ran is as sensible as you Li An. I won't need to worry about her so much!" Li Zhengguo said.

"Uncle, Li Ran had grown up without a mother since she was born! There's nothing wrong with her being a little willful!" Li An said.

Li Zhengguo's expression darkened in a frightening manner and Li An realized that she had said something wrong!

Li Ran's mother has always been a taboo topic for the Li family. When she came to this house, she was always curious about Li Ran's mother but she did not dare to ask at all!

She only heard bits and pieces from people over the years. Apparently, Li Ran's mother had gone missing about a year Li Ran's birth. No one knows what happened to her.

Some people in the family think that she ran away from Li Zhengguo who was dealing with some problems in the company back then.

But there was no way for them to know what really happened.

Li Zhengguo dropped his chopsticks at once. "I'm already tired. I'm going to bed Li An. Go to bed soon" Li Zhengguo said and walked out of the house.

Li Ran watched as her uncle walked away. She pouted her lips. What really happened to Li Ran's mother? What really happened that even Li Zhengguo would react like this?

Did she really run away from Li Zhengguo and her one year old daughter as the elders of the Li family said? Or is there something else that only Li Zhengguo knows?

Li An was inclined to believe that only Li Zhengguo knows what really happened. He did not try to explain all these years and he did not seem angry that his wife ran away.

It seems there's a secret about Li Ran's mother he's hiding.