She Changed!(1)

Li Zhengguo went back to his room. When Li An had mentioned Li Ran's mother , his mood had taken a sharp turn. He was sad…but he didn't know if he had the right to feel angry at all.

That year, maybe if he has not pushed that woman so much she would not have left him and thier daughter?

In the first few years that she left he blamed her badly. All that she had to do was stay put by his side. He was already busy with work, and yet she didn't let him rest at all.

He only did that because he just wanted to keep the woman that he loves by his side. He was really angry when he found out that she left him and her one year old daughter.

That was why even when people said that she ran off with some other man leaving her one year old daughter, he did not try to correct the rumours. She already left him, why should be protecr the reputation of that woman?

He did not want to at all!

But as he saw his daughter grow up without a mother, he started to feel bad for her. Because of him, his precious daughter did not even have the opportunity to grow up with her mother.

Because of that, he pampered Li Ran and gave her everything that she wanted.

He sighed. More than 15 years have passed. He was sure that woman isn't going to show up ever again. She must be happy to be finally free from him.

It was just…..she didn't even come to see her daughter once. Her heart…is it made of flesh?

Li Zhengguo sighed. There is nothing that he can do now. All of the mistakes have already been made. He should be focused on making sure that his daughter doesn't go down the wrong part.

He picked up the phone and called Li Ran. After a few rings, the person on the other side of the phone picked up.


Li Ran was preparing to go to bed when her father's call came in.

She picked up the phone at once and felt a wave of guilt come over her. In her past life she has completely hated her father. She felt that it was his fault that things turned out the way it did for her.

She felt that it was her father who forced her to marry a man that she did not love. He forced her to marry an evil man who took everything away from tht man that she loves.

After being reborn,she knew that she was wrong. Terribly wrong. Her father has always wanted what was best for her. But she misunderstood him.

In the end, he had to die lonely!

Li Ran made up her mind. This time she will make sure her father lives a carefree life!

Even if she can't do anything to help him, she won't add to his troubles!

She picked up the call. "Dad" Li Ran called out. Her voice was choking. She sounded like she was about to cry.

On the other side of the phone, Li Zhengguo was alarmed when he heard his daughter's voice. She sounded like she was crying.

"Li Ran! What happened? Did someone bully you? Tell me what happened!" Li Zhengguo said.

Even though he had called with the intention to scold his daughter immediately he started talking to her, he was worried if she was fine or not.

His daughter just turned twenty and she is already someone's daughter in law. She must be having a hard time right? What if her mother in law doesn't like her?

The relationship between a mother in law and a daughter in law is always the trickiest thing.

Li Ran put a hand over her mouth and tried her best not to burst out crying. How stupid had she been in her past life that she completely misunderstood her father who had nothing but love for her?

"Dad…no one…no one bullied me. I am fine. I just miss you" Li Ran said. It was tht truth. No one has bullied her. She could tell that her mother in law doesn't like her. But she won't like a daughter in law who makes the life of her son difficult either!

She was determined to win the favour of everyone else with her own efforts!

Li Zhengguo let out a low laugh when he heard this. To think that she is crying just because she missed him.

"You have only been away from home for a few days and you already miss me? When are you going to grow up Ran Ran?" Li Zhengguo asked. Even though his words sounded like he was scolding her, it was filled with love.

"I don't care dad! I miss you! I really miss you!" Li Ran said. She knew that her father thought that she was like this just because she had been away from home for a few days but the truth was that she had not seen her father in five years!

In her past life, he died five years ago. Alone and sad, her father died. She did not even get involved in the funeral process herself. It was Lu Sichen who arranged everything for her.

What she really wanted to say was, "Dad! I really miss you! I haven't seen you for five years!"

Li Zhengguo was surprised when he saw his daughter acting cute with him. Ever since he asked her to get married, she had been at logger heads with him. Every time the both of them talked, it ended with an argument.

He was happily surprised to see her acting cute with him again like a young girl.

"Alright, alright. You are a married womann now. There is no need for you to act cute with me. I called because I have something to tell you" Li Zhengguo said. He really liked the feeling of being able to communicate happily with his daughter without getting into a fight.

But he was sure that she was going to lose his temper once he told her what he wants to tell her.