She Changed!(2)

Alright, alright. You are a married womann now. There is no need for you to act cute with me. I called because I have something to tell you" Li Zhengguo said. He really liked the feeling of being able to communicate happily with his daughter without getting into a fight.

But he was sure that she was going to lose his temper once he told her what he wants to tell her.

Li Ran knew that her father must have called to tell her something. With Li An still living in her home, she won't be surprised at all if her father misunderstands her. After all, Li An has given everything that she had got to make sure that her relationship with her father was utterly broken in her past life.

"Dad, what do you have to tell me?" Li Ran asked. She could tell that her father was hesitating. Probably because he did not want to make her angry. She wiped the tears that were gathering in her eyes.

"Li and Lu Sichen have been married for a few days now. I wanted to ask the both of you to come back for dinner tonight. Do you think that you will be free to come?" Li Zhengguo asked. He knows that Li Ran hated being reminded that she is married to Lu Sichen the most.

But she needs to accept the fact that she is already someone's wife sooner or later.

Li Ran pursed her lips. She could tell how scared her father was when he told her to come home for dinner. Just how much has she scared her father so much that he is scared to talk with her?

She has to go back home and set her father's heart at peace!

"Don't worry dad! I'll be sure to bring him to dinner tommorow!" Li Ran said.

"Li Ran, I know that you didn't want to get married to Lu Sichen but this marriage is a good thing for you! You...." Li Zhengguo was already prepared to lecture his "foolish" daughter but he was shocked when his mind finally registered what she said.

"What did you say Li Ran? You are going to come?" Li Zhengguo asked. Are his ears playing a trick on him right now? Why will his daughter agree to come back home with Lu Sichen? Doesn't she hate him in the most in the world?

Li Ran laughed when she heard this.

"Dad, don't worry. I'll be sure to come! Dad, I was foolish before. Even though you were doing everything for my own good, I didn't know that. I kept fîghtîng against you. I'm really sorry Dad. I'll be sure to behave from now on. I know that you are doing everything for my own good! I won't go against you again" Li Ran said.

She had made a lot of mistakes in the past. She wanted to make up for all of them now.

Li Zhengguo blinked his eyes. He did not believe that he was talking to his daughter. Is this sensible person her daughter?

Did some kind of spirit possess her daughter? Why did she change so much? Even before he asked her to get married, Li Ran has never spoken to softly to him before!

She even apologised to him! When has his daughter Li Ran ever apologised to him before?

"Are you sure that you are my daughter? Where is Li Ran? Put her on the phone right now !" Li Zhengguo said. He didn't believe it. This can't be his daughter at all!

What caused such a big change in her?

Li Ran laughed again. She had really destroyed all the hopes that her father had on her in her first life. She has a long way to go if she wants to gain her father's trust again.

A few sweet words aren't going to do the trick.

"Dad, it's me. It's me your daughter Li Ran. Dad I know that I've done a lot of foolish things. I know that I've made a lot of mistakes. But I finally know that everything that you've been doing is for my own good! Dad, for a man like Lu Sichen , it's my good luck of three lifetimes that I've been able to marry him. Or else, how can I meet such a man?" Li Ran asked.

A man who is ready to give up his company, his responsibilities and even his life for her, three lifetimes worth of good luck still isn't enough for her to gain such a man.

What Galaxy did she save that she met him?

Li Zhengguo was shocked. He had confirmed that she is his daughter now. But...

"Li Ran....are you sure about this? What about Lu Beichen? Didn't you use to love him very much? You even caused such a big fuss just because I didn't want the both of you to get married!" Li Zhengguo said.

Even though he didn't want to mention this name at all, he had to ask. Li Ran has always been so obsessed with him. She kicked up a fuss and told him that he was only sending her off to get married because she wants Lu Sichen to help him in his company.

How did she change and become so sensible overnight?

What has happened to her?

"Dad, Lu Sichen is such a good man. If I leave my good husband and keep running after Lu Beichen, what kind of woman will that make me? Dad, our Li family might not be much compared to other families but at least you've thought me well! As a woman, I can't be so shameless! Besides, who is Lu Beichen compared to Lu Sichen? I was stupid before! Don't hold that against me anymore dad!" Li Ran said whining.

Li Zhengguo laughed when he heard his daughter say this. He didn't know what made her change like this but he really liked this change in her. He wished that it will last.

"Alright since you've said so, make sure to come back for dinner!"