Don't Have A Mother!

Li Zhengguo laughed when he heard his daughter say this. He didn't know what made her change like this but he really liked this change in her. He wished that it will last.

"Alright since you've said so, make sure to come back for dinner!" Li Zhengguo said.

He was really happy. It seems that his daughter has finally thought things through. She is no longer as stupid as she was before.

Who is Lu Beichen? He is just someone who has wild ambitions but doesn't even have the skills for them?.

Someone like that will only resort to using unsrupulous means to get what he wants.

He doesn't wait such a person for his precious daughter!

Even though he felt terrible to have his daughter married off to a man as soon as she turned twenty, this is the best for her!

"Alright dad. Lu Sichen and I will be there for dinner tommorow" Li Ran said.

Li Zhengguo nodded his head even though he knew that Li Ran could not see him.

He thought of something. "Ran Ran….don't you ever miss your mother?" Li Zhengguo said. His daughter has grown up without a daughter because of him. He has always felt sorry to her because he is the reason why she grew up without a mother.

Li Ran frowned when she heard this. "Do I have a mother, dad?" Li Ran asked.

Li Zhengguo felt his blood run cold when he heard this. "Ran Ran…" he called out.

"Dad, I've never had a mother before. Why are you suddenly bringing this up?" Li Ran asked.

There has never been a mother figure in her life as long as she can remember.

Growing up, she had heard extented members of the Li Family call her mother all sorts of name. The most popular one was that her mother is a shameless slut who ran away from her husband and one year old daughter with a young boy.

Li Ran did not know how true these rumours were. So one time when she was seven, she asked her father this.

She did not know what her father did but from that day, members of the Li family did not talk about her mother again, at least they did not dare to talk about her mother in front of her.

In Li Ran's heart, she really hated her mother. No matter what the reason was, she left her one year old daughter and she hasn't even come back at all to see her all these years. It was as if she was a stain in her life that she wanted to get rid of.

In her past life, her mother has never showed up before she died.

She only knows what her mother looks like because her father kept some pictures of her in his room.

She is a really beautiful woman…this is a fact!

But what kind of a mother leaves her daughter for twenty years and doesn't even come to see her?

As long as she is alive, Li Ran felt that there were no excuses for her behaviour!

At some point, she really hated her mother.. right now, especially after experiencing being betrayed by everyone that she knows and being reborn, she no longer hated her so called mother.

It was just that…she doesn't care anymore.

She doesn't have any more expectations from her mother so where is the hate coming from?

"Dad , I've never had a mother in my life! I really don't care about some mother who abandoned her own daughter. I'm perfectly fine the way I am!" Li Ran said.

In her past life, she used to think that maybe her father would nor have "forced" her so much if she had her mother with her. In those years, she really missed her so called mother.

But she was determined to live well this time, without her so called mother!

"Ran Ran…the situation with your mother is more complicated than you think. She did not run away with some young boy like those people in the family said. She is not like that!" Li Zhengguo said.

He felt that he owes his daughter since! He should not let his daughter misunderstand her mother!

"Dad, alright don't talk about it anymore. The reason why she left isn't important at all! She's been away from our lives for so many years. No matter the reason she left, even if she no longer wanted her marriage with you I'm still her daughter! How can she not come to see me once in all of these years?" Li Ran asked.

Li Zhengguo did not have anything to said to this. He actually agreed to what Li Ran said. No matter how much Zhang Miran hates him, Li Ran is still her daughter!

Her daughter that was in her womb for nine months! How can she not feel anything for her all these years?!

How can she not come to see her?

"Dad, I no longer care about that woman. I've never seen her since I was young, why should I care about her?" Li Ran asked.

Li Zhengguo sighed. Even though Li Ran says that she no longer cares about her mother, she could see that she cares. There isn't a child in this world who doesn't want the love of her own biological mother.

Zhang Miran…. that woman's heart is really made of stone!

How can she be so cruel to her own daughter?

"Ran Ran…" Li Zhengguo called again.

"Alright dad. There's no need for us to talk about those sad things. Im going to come home with Lu Sichen tommorow!" Li Ran said and ended the call.

She did not want her father to keep talking about his topic. She did not want to talk about that so called mother at all!

"Who was that?" Lu Sichen asked.

Li Ran turned to look at the man who had just come out from tht bathroom. He had just taken a bath and his hair wasn't completely dried yet.