Let's Move Out

"This is the last time that I will you tell this Lu Beichen! Li Ran is your aunt! The stunt you pulled today, don't ever try it ever again! You want everyone to misunderstand and think that she still has a relationship with you after being married to me?! Heh! You had better think again! Only an idoit like you and Li An will think that such cheap tricks will work! A person with half a brain will be able to see through this!" Lu Sichen said. He was so angry . He had heard the things that Lu Beichen said to Li Ran. He wanted to cause some misunderstanding between the both of them so that his parents will hate Li Ran and think that she is playing both thier son and grandson. 

He didn't even need to think with his feet to know that Li An is probably the one who put Lu Beichen up to this. Lu Beichen is the only idoit who will think that Li An is an innocent woman who won't hurt anyone. She is using him and he doesn't even know it!