Let's Move Out(2)

Li Ran shook her head. "No. I'm not worried about him. I'm worried that you will get into a fight with your parents if you hit Lu Beichen" Li Ran said quite truthfully. Lu Beichen will never be a match for Lu Sichen, who used to be part of the Army. 

Lu Sichen pursed his lips. It turns out that Li Ran is worried about him. It was a sweet feeling. 

"Li Ran, let's move out" Lu Sichen said. 

Li Ran looked at Lu Sichen wide eyed. When Lu Beichen was pestering her earlier, she had a thought that they should just move out of this house. Anyway, even if she didn't mind, Lu Sichen must feel uncomfortable living with her ex boyfriend who is his Nephew. The both of them never had a good relationship before and because of her things were now even more awkward.