Just then, someone knocked on the door.

"Su Min? It's me. Are you ready to do your make up now?" A timid voice asked. It was the make up artist that she was supposed to share with other actresses.

Su Min rolled her eyes. She really didn't want to do this but she didn't have a choice for now. She had to do what she had been told. If she wanted to get back at Li Ran, she needed to remain in the drama.

She plastered a big smile on her face immediately.

"Come in" she called out sweetly.


Su Min left the dressing room when she was done with her make up and custume. It wasn't her turn to film yet.

When she got to the main set, Ding Dongdong and Li Ran were the ones filming. She wasn't the only one watching.

Everyone else was also watching Li Ran act. Ding Dongdong was a superstar and they all thought that Li Ran was going to be overshadowed by her, but Li Ran was able to hold her ground and act alongside with Ding Dongdong.