Su Min had no idea what she was going to say to this.

"No, I don't mean that at all. I just...." She tried to say something to Qin Chu but he wasn't willing to listen to her.

He turned to walk away but then he suddenly stopped after taking two steps.

"Oh and, if we are talking about backers, we know who gets roles because of her backers don't we Su Min?" Qin Chu gave her a wicked grin as he said this.

Su Min looked like she wanted to cry. It was true that she had backers who made it easier for her to get roles. It was just too bad she could not make use of her backer to get herself the second lead role because director Kang refused to budge.

She looked at Qin Chu. She had no idea that he knew about this. He always looked like he did not care about whatever was going on around him.

"No, Qin Chu, did you hear anything about me? I am not doing anything that I should not be doing. I ..."