"I don't mind it if she's sucking up to me though, Su Min. Li Ran already said that she's a fan. It must be because she really likes me right?" Ding Dongdong said this with a calm smile on her face.

Su Min was shocked to hear this. Ding Dongdong did not have any of the responses that she thought she was going to have....

How was she supposed to make a big deal out of it when the person involved did not even think that it was a big deal? She felt like she had made a big fool out of herself.

"I...well, she's pretending to be your fan while wanting to suck up to you and...."

"How do you know that she's pretending to be my fan Su Min? You don't even know her at all. Are you just attacking Li Ran for no reason at all now?" Ding Dongdong asked her.

She didn't sound like she was picking on her. It seemed like she was just asking Su Min a question but everyone had already started to give her weird looks because of this.