"What?" Li An asked in shock. She really didn't understand what Su Min meant.

Su Min smiled. She knew that she had no idea.

"You heard me. She's doing it on purpose and playing with your head. As long as she keeps doing that, you'll never be able to get your lines right and you are going to keep NGing. It's something that some actresses do, especially when they don't like the person they are acting with. If this continues, you'd either have to give up the role or you'll be forced to leave. What did you do to her anyway? Why did she have to be so mean to you?" Su Min asked

She really didn't care, but she needed Li An to trust her so she had to act as if she cared what had happened to her.

Li An bit her lips. No wonder! And Lusi had acted as if she didn't know anything….as if she had done her job well and she was the one who messed things up! This was all her plan and yet she dared to act as if she didn't do anything wrong.