Su Min smiled. She liked Li An because she didn't waste time beating around the bush. She knew that she wanted something and she went straight to it.

"I just feel bad for you, Li An. You are being picked on in your cast and you can't even do anything about it since she didn't do anything to you physically. And your sister….sigh….she doesn't seem to care about you at all. It's not fair. You are her sister. How can she just act like you don't exist? She didn't even mention you at all and if you hadn't showed up, she won't have said anything about you. That's just mean.

I can see that you really care about her a sister but it's clear that she doesn't care about you. I feel bad for you" Su Min told her.

Li An bowed her head to hide the sinister smile on her face. So Su Min was here for Li Ran. Did she need her help to mess with Li Ran?