Mark pov:

After waking up my phone rang, it is Frank

"Mark, we need to talk, can you meet me now??"

Suddenly my head started feeling heavy as hell and started to flash images of yesterday. But in my mind, there was another thing that was wandering. I replied

"What happened???"

"Listen I am waiting downstairs hurry up"

"Okay I'm coming"

I rushed from the room and I saw that he was waiting for me. He looked so worried which made me more worried about myself, but I shrugged off my thoughts and went to him.

"Frank, what happened? You looked so tense??"

"Have you checked the Our School page on Facebook??"

"No, what happened??"

I took out my phone and I- I froze there, my heart stopped, my whole body was shaking and trembling, it is a picture of me and phi Kao, and the person who posted this had also tagged me and the people in the comment have already made us an official couple. I think it was taken at the time Kao tried to wipe off my tears

Before I could say something he speaks

"Is that true??"

"What- t do you mean?? You don't believe me ??" I said in a nervous voice.

"Of course, I believe you, then why would I have come to you!"

I sigh in relief inside. I don't want to lie to him, but I don't want to lose him. I'm sorry Frank.

"Aii Mark are you okay, if you need help just tell me I will help you as far as possible."

"Well I need one help, can you help me in deleting this post?"

"Of course, I was also thinking the same, they must have misunderstood you."

" Ah don't mind, no need to worry you always have me, as long as you consider me as your friend, not more than that."

It feels like a sharp pain shot into my heart, even though I'm acting normal, but his every word is killing me inside, it has now really become hard for me to live like this, suddenly without knowing my tears started falling out.

"Aii Mark are you crying??"

"Don't worry I am here with you. I'll remove that post and also I'll not let this happen to you again."

His concern towards me makes my heart ache more because after knowing the truth I will never have him by my side anymore. I sobbed inside and hold my tears,

"I'm okay Frank I'm not feeling well I'll go to my room now"

He left and I went to the washroom. I washed my face again and again until I stopped crying. But it doesn't help me and I again teared up badly I also opened the shower

I started to cry more and more, somehow my tears became dry but I was drenched. I took a bath and I sat back in my study space because I don't want to think about it anymore.

After spending some hours Frank again called me.

"Aii Mark you can rest now, I managed to remove that picture on Facebook."

"Thanks, Frank"

Well, I am a little relieved that that picture got removed from that page. But I have so many things to face further, I can't fall for my best friend (shit) I yelled at myself.

But sooner or later he will know, aaah what should I do, aah Mark think something... Well if I maintain my distance maybe I'll be able to control my feelings towards him.

I got up from my bed at noon and today is a holiday so I binged on some series to relax my mind.

The next day I woke early in the morning and got ready for school.

While walking along the road I started to give my decision a second thought that if I started to maintain distance suddenly then Frank may find it suspicious.

So I decided to act normal in front of him.

While walking on the road I was scrolling through my Facebook page suddenly one post caught my attention.

It made my heart torn badly, and I again started to panic.

one homosexual couple has been exposed at our school and it was exposed by none other than my best friend Frank.

After reaching the school I went straight to my classroom, there was a big crowd and all the students were surrounding them and they were making fun of them and cursing them.

"What is wrong to love the same sex??"

One student yelled and also said more but I couldn't hear because everyone was making noises and mocking them badly.

I took a glance at them one of their eyes was so teary and his partner or boyfriend's face was so devasted, just because they found them gay they beat up them badly. One of them was bleeding so bad, and another is also injured badly

By watching these all my blood started boiling into anger, but coming to think of me, I am also one of them, sooner or later they will also find it.

thinking of this I couldn't control my tears and I went back to my home. It is already the final year and exams are also coming soon. I better stay at home and study.

I went back to my bed and slept, and suddenly my phone started vibrating.

I picked up the phone without checking and guessed who it was, Frank.

"Aii Mark, why didn't you come to school??"

"You missed a good thing"

The voice which used to give me happiness and peace, now it is giving me pain and making me angry.

"Frank, can we talk later? I'm busy doing something."

"Mark-" I hung up on his call again because I can't tolerate his shit anymore.

It's been so many days, I am feeling better than before. These days Frank called me many times but I kept ignoring them and also didn't text him back. I don't know what he is thinking now but I'm not sure about myself because I easily get triggered by others.

And I am also getting ready for the outcomes, I know sooner or later he will leave me. But it's okay at least I don't have to bang my head every day in fear of getting caught.

The day of the Final Exam~

Today my exam is gonna end. I am so happy that I don't have to face my fear anymore, I can be me the way I am.

After giving my exam I went straight to the canteen because I'm feeling hungry

I was walking with my drink and food but suddenly the drink spilled over me.

" WHAT THE HELL-!" " I yelled

"His eyes met mine eyes.

This time I didn't notice that his eyes were looking at me so intensely, because I was so busy cleaning my shirt.

He forwarded his handkerchief towards me and said

"I'm sorry for spilling the drink over you"

"I'm fine"

He was about to say something but someone made me leave.

I rushed from there and started to walk towards my home. A cold hand grabbed my hand and I turned over him and it was...