Mark pov:

I was walking towards my home suddenly a cold hand grabbed my hand and I turned over it was-

"Ai Mark, what's wrong with you??" Frank said as I turned over him

"What the hell is wrong with you, can you tell me please???"

"Frank let go of my hand"

"I won't until you answer me!"

"Mark you can tell me na what's going on with you I can help you"

I moved his hand from me and I started to walk suddenly -

"You are hiding something from me right"

I stopped and my heartbeat started beating faster as I got panicked again, I - I don't know what to do but sooner or later he will find it. I think this is the end. Let end this

I can't live like this for my whole year.

I slowly turned over to him, but somehow my eyes became teary and red and I am panicking about what he will do to me after knowing the truth.

"What do you mean I'm hiding something??"

"Come on Mark don't play beat around the bush I know you are one of them"

"What- what ?? I - I "

"Aah- I'm kidding Mark just wanted to see your reaction" he laughed loudly at me.

His same laughs remind me of that group who harassed me earlier because of these people I'm still hating myself and going through trauma. After what Frank did today I don't think I can forgive him nor do I want him as my friend anymore. It's better to be left alone than to have a homophobic friend.

Slowly my blood started to boil into anger and I yelled at him.

"Yes! YES!! I am one of them, what if you want to beat me like them and expose me???!"

"I am not surprised to know because I knew it the day you left the Bar when I was with Drake. You remember the picture posted by someone of you and that guy that is me and I talked with that guy later when you didn't come to school."

It felt like my whole world just collapses right now on the floor, how could he- I just kept standing there silently and shocked because I have never imagined that my best friend will stab me like this again.

"I wanted to listen from you that what you are and as I said I can't stand Gays so you better stay away from me"

He said and pushed me and left me miserably and I fell to the ground, I am feeling weak, torn, and having a sense of betrayal.

But that's okay because at last, I don't have to hide it from others, I am free to like and talk with anyone else I want. I have already gone way worse than this being a victim of cyber bully and harassment what worse can happen? I don't know from where I am getting this optimism in me but I love the way it hurts and how it is making me realize my surroundings and what to prioritize.

I got up from there and started to walk towards my home. While I was walking I didn't realize that two beautiful eyes were looking at me.

I went home and I started to look for some new series.

It is too cold today so I decided to make pork rib soup

"Aghh.." I yelled as the hot soup spilled over me in the excitement of getting to watch a kiss scene of both lead actors in the series.

I got up from there and started to clean it and suddenly it reminds me of that guy who earlier spilled my drink over my shirt.

Without realizing I started to smile like a stupid, I shrugged off the thoughts and went back to my series.

It's been one month now and I got into Mahidol university. I chose the faculty of arts and communication.

I also shifted from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and I am living in a university dorm with my roommate named Yacht. His nickname is Pond.

He is a pervert minded but he is caring towards his friends.

Well, it is a new start in my life. I hope this starts to be better than before.

I went to the line with Yacht to get our name tag suddenly a girl approached us and said

"Sorry, can I enter the line from the middle please, please" she acted so cutely that we couldn't deny her and let her stand in front of me?

After getting our name tags me and Yacht was about to leave but-

"Hello, I am Sammy, and you??

"I am Mark and he is Yacht"

After introducing ourselves we chatted a little and became friends.

So after entering college we had to choose a club for extra points in our grades so we discussed it. I chose Drama club as I am too much into series and drama.

I was walking through the canteen and suddenly I heard a noise coming from the faculty of engineering, without realizing a man bumped into me. I didn't see his face because he was running so furiously.

After that, we sat at a table, and later Sammy joined us

"Hey guys what you two are eating looks so delicious "

"Ai Sammy you should eat less, you are already this chubby."

"Huh I don't care haha I will start my diet from next week till then Mark let me have your food"

"Ai Mark today I have football practice so I can't go home with you today"

"Ah it's okay I'll go on my own," I said and I went towards the washroom

a shadow of a figure came in front of me. It was that guy who had spilled the drink over me on my shirt.

I looked at him, his gazing kinda giving me a weird feeling but I ignored him and started to walk.

Suddenly a hard ball went towards me and I-

"Are you okay Nong"(brother) he asked me

"I'm okay- "

"I'm Neau you are ??"

"I'm Mark"

"Oh, you are fresher right?? , you can come to me whenever you need help okay" he patted my head and left from there

He wasn't the earlier guy he was someone else he is tall and handsome too and also has a charming smile, ah, at last, I will now have someone who will take care of me. Never mind it is late now I should go back to my dorm.

I was walking on the road suddenly a light flashed in my eyes and I got pulled away by someone it was -