Hospital corridors, people come and go.

Ye Fan didn't care, squatting in the corner and crying.

"Your mother's stomach tumor has become malignant. If you don't pay 100,000 yuan for surgery, you will only have one month to live." The

doctor's cold words were as piercing as needles.

But Ye Fan couldn't come up with the expensive cost at all.

The adoptive father, Ye Wujiu, disappeared a year ago while running a boat, and the adoptive mother, Shen Biqin, fainted from a stomach tumor and was hospitalized. Ye Fan, who had just graduated, became the pillar of the family.

This year, in order to treat his adoptive mother, Ye Fan not only exhausted his family savings and borrowed all the online loans, but also went to the Tang family to become his son-in-law.

He worked as a cow and a horse in the Tang family, and lost his dignity, only to get half a million.

But the money ran out in a blink of an eye at the hospital.

Ye Fan now has a mobile phone and ten dollars left in his body.

"One hundred thousand more, one hundred thousand more..."

Thinking of the number the doctor said, Ye Fan felt a deep despair. He was exhausted, where would he go to collect these one hundred thousand.

But he couldn't just watch his mother die.

"No, I must borrow 100,000 yuan."

Ye Fan wiped his tears and stood up with gritted teeth: "I must never let my mother have trouble."

He decided to risk his dignity to borrow money.

Ye Fan came to the first house and rang the uncle's house.

Auntie opened the door sullenly.

Ye Fan desperately begged for his aunt's gift: "Auntie, my mother needs money for surgery..."

"I want more money? I want more money? Isn't it enough to give you two hundred yuan?"

"Go, go, go, don't come. Here, we don't have relatives like you who are greedy for money..."

Aunt said while pushing Ye Fan out, then slammed the security door shut.

Hearing these bitter and mean words, Ye Fan shivered in anger and slammed his fist on the wall.

He knew that people were indifferent, but he didn't expect that the uncle who stole his father's ancestral house would not give one-tenth to help.

Ye Fan had no choice but to shamelessly ask other relatives to borrow money, but they all closed the door.

They also warned Ye Fan to stop harassing him, or else call the police and arrest him immediately.

Then, the landlord also called, and if he didn't pay the rent within a week, he would clear Shen Biqin's room.

The online loan company even made a life-threatening cry.

Ye Fan bravely called Tang Ruoxue who was traveling in the Maldives.

Tang Ruoxue hung up the phone in annoyance when she heard that he asked for money.

The mountains are exhausted.

After the cold wind blew on the street for a long time, Ye Fan wiped away his tears and came to the Zero Degree Bar.

This was opened by his ex-girlfriend Yuan Jing, no, it was his former roommate Huang Dongqiang who borrowed 5 million for Yuan Jing to realize his dream.

Of course, because of these five million yuan, Yuan Jing left Ye Fan and went into Huang Dongqiang's arms.

With the gimmick of high school flowers, the business here is very hot, and it has become a gathering place for many rich second-generation Zhonghai.

Ye Fan also became a laughing stock.

Although Ye Fan felt ashamed to come here, but thinking of his mother's surgery fee, he could only walk into the Zero Degree Bar.

He also believed that Yuan Jing would borrow the 100,000 yuan in the past.

There were people playing guitars and singing songs in the bar, and the atmosphere was lively and noble.

The fragrance here makes Ye Fan feel inferior.

Ye Fan walked into the hall, and the audience instantly fell silent.

A dozen men and women in Chinese clothes looked over.

Ye Fan also looked at Huang Dongqiang and Yuan Jing.

From Huang Dongqiang's eyes, he saw high spirits and strong disdain, but he did not see a trace of guilt.

Yuan Jing was wearing a low-cut vest, revealing a white belly, and the lower body was a pair of short hot pants.

The fair skin and two slender thighs, coupled with the beautiful face, are very eye-catching.

However, her indifferent and arrogant expression made many people dare not look at each other.

She looked at Ye Fan without emotion, that indifferent feeling, like seeing a dog on the street.

Yuan Jing's best friend Yang Qianqian jumped off the high chair:

"Ye Fan, why are you here?" The

tone of voice was disgusting.

Ye Fan mustered up his courage: "I'm here..."

"We don't need cleaners here."

Yang Qianqian sneered: "Let's go."

She always looked down on the poor Ye Fan, and it was she who tried her best to match Yuan Jing and Huang Dongqiang .

Ye Fan hurriedly waved his hand to explain: "I'm not here to be a cleaner, I'm here..."

"Twenty-eight lemonades, one hundred and eighty cocktails, can you afford it?"

Yang Qianqian sneered and said, "Even if you have money in your pocket The pocket money donated by the Tang family, we don't welcome you here." Huang Dongqiang snorted

: "Damn, bad luck, I didn't read the almanac today, and I bumped into the trash."

Huang Dongqiang and the others already knew about it.

A dozen men and women laughed when they heard the words.


Ye Fan daringly stepped forward, watching Yuan Jing was about to speak, a beautiful girl shouted again:

"Take off your dirty hands, leather sofa."

She also waved her hand in front of her nose, as if Ye Fan came out like a stinky ditch.

Ye Fan retracted his hand as if bitten by a snake, blushing red.

He knew he would be humiliated, but he didn't expect to be so heartless.

He gritted his teeth and blurted out, "I'm here to find Yuan Jing."

"Yuan Jing, let's go out and talk..."

Ye Fan hoped to save the last bit of face.

Yuan Jing's slender legs were raised, and her fair toes flashed in the light. There was no sarcasm or movement, but this was precisely the biggest dislike.

The corners of Huang Dongqiang's mouth evoked a sneer:

"Yuan Jing is my girlfriend now, not just whoever you want."

He also rubbed Yuan Jing's leg in a demonstration.

Ye Fan's cheeks were hot: "Yuan Jing, I really have something to ask you, let's go out and talk."

Yuan Jing looked at Ye Fan without responding, just arrogant and indifferent, like looking at an insignificant ant.

"Fuck off, I'm sick when I see you."

Yang Qianqian shouted impatiently, "Don't ruin our mood."

Looking at Yuan Jing who didn't leave a fig leaf for himself, Ye Fan was very disappointed and sad, but he still squeezed. He said :

"Yuan Jing, I want to borrow 100,000 yuan from you."

Ye Fan promised:

"Don't worry, I will definitely pay you back, I can hold your ID card and graduation certificate here..."

"Ten Ten thousand ?"

Yang Qianqian exclaimed exaggeratedly:

"Ye Fan, do you want to borrow one hundred thousand? Your whole body is not worth one hundred yuan, so you dare to borrow one hundred thousand?"

Ye Fan looked at Yuan Jing and explained, "My mother needs surgery. Qian..."

"I know this is abrupt, but I'm really waiting for help, I beg you."

He also took out his mother's medical records, hoping to impress Yuan Jing.

Huang Dongqiang looked at him like an idiot:

"Your father is missing, and your ancestral house was taken away by your uncle. Now the house is rented. You are the son-in-law of the house, and you haven't got a job yet. What are you borrowing 100,000 yuan?

" Ye Fan was either busy with his mother's illness, or served the Tang family's food, drink and lasa, and never found a job in the company.

So it's still a homeless person.

"When my mother's surgery is over, I will look for a job right away, and I will definitely be able

to pay it back." Ye Fan felt ashamed.

"Yuan Jing, I beg you, my mother is going to have an operation, and I really need this money..."

At this moment, Ye Fan felt humble and really like a dog.

Yang Qianqian sneered: "We are not your father, your mother needs money for surgery, it's none of our business?"

"Yuan Jing, help me."

Ye Fan looked at Yuan Jing and begged: "The money will definitely be returned to you. Yes. "

Everyone looked at Yuan Jing.

Yuan Jing looked at Ye Fan with a cold expression, and in a tone that was even colder than her expression, she said something that chilled Ye Fan:

"Lend me money? Don't you think it's ridiculous? What's the relationship?"

She sneered: "Do you think we still have an old relationship?"

"Don't be too affectionate."

"There is no white swan that cares about a toad."

Ye Fan looked at it in astonishment. Yuan Jing, it's hard to believe that she said this.

"You can't come in our circle."

"You can't borrow my Yuan Jing's money."

"I don't even have the slightest relationship with you."

"By the way, when I was dating you before, I When I was sick, you gave me a piece of Tai Chi jade, saying that it would keep me safe."

"Now, this piece of Tai Chi jade is returned to you, take it to keep your mother safe."

Yuan Jing took out a piece from the drawer at the bottom of the table . Tai Chi Jade, expressionlessly threw it into Ye Fan's hands:

"Let's go, don't come here again."

"It's inappropriate for you to be in the Zero Degree Bar, and you'll be blocking Dong Qiang and me."

Her voice was calm, Without the slightest arrogance, he pressed the person to the ground, as if looking at an ant on the ground from the sky:

"Being a person, you must have self-knowledge."

Yang Qianqian pushed Ye Fan away: "Go away, toad."

Ye Fan looked desperate.

Huang Dongqiang suddenly said, "I can lend you 100,000 yuan." Ye Fan's eyes lit up and his whole body was excited

: "Really?"

Huang Dongqiang smiled and said, "Kneel down."

But soon regained his composure.


Ye Fan knelt down straight.

Knee pain, heart pain even more.

But for the sake of his mother, Ye Fan has no hesitation.


Yang Qianqian and the others laughed coquettishly. They never thought that Ye Fan, who is known as the hardest bone, would kneel in front of them like this.

Someone picked up the phone to film this scene.

Yuan Jing raised her snow-white chin, proud like a princess, and even more contemptuous:

a man with no backbone.

Huang Dongqiang went to the bathroom and came back with a cup filled with yellow liquid, and placed it in front of Ye Fan with a snap.

"Drink it on my knees."

Huang Dongqiang threw out a bank card: "I'll lend you this one hundred thousand."

Looking at the glass of liquid, Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, and then became angry:

This is urine!

"You bastards!"

Ye Fan threw the cup over: "It's too much to deceive people."

Yuan Jing and the others screamed and were in a mess.

Huang Dongqiang was furious and gave an order: "Fuck him!"

Ye Fan turned around and ran.

Seven or eight playful youths rushed up.

Two fists were no match for four, and Ye Fan was quickly defeated.

He leaned against the wall and covered his head with his hands.

He was completely unconscious in his hands, and just held his head instinctively.

The head was protected, but other parts could not be protected. After a few heavy punches, Ye Fan began to bleed.

Yuan Jing and Yang Qianqian exclaimed happily.

In their opinion, Ye Fan's counterattack was rebellious, so it was purely his own fault for this fate.


Huang Dongqiang stepped on Ye Fan's head.


Ye Fan's hands that hugged his head finally loosened, and he slid weakly along the wall to the ground.

He passed out.

A tent of blood flowed out of the palm, seeping into the simple Tai Chi jade...

"Whoosh-" The

light flashed away.