"I am a Tai Chi medical fairy. From today onwards, you will be my descendant. You will get my Tai Chi Sutra and the jade of life and death, hang a pot to help the world, and help people and myself..."

Ye Fan felt that he was in an ethereal void, accompanied by the sound of inheritance , the huge amount of information flooded into my mind.

Martial arts medical skills, mysterious acupuncture methods, cultivation techniques, and constant impact...

When a piece of life and death jade poured into the palm of his hand, Ye Fan couldn't help screaming:


Ye Fan woke up, he found himself in the hospital, with scars all over his body tired.

He tried to think back, remembering that he was beaten by a group and thrown out of the bar.

The pain in the head also confirmed this.

But he was still panicked to find that the dream was still clear:

"Could the dream just now be real? This is too ridiculous."

Ye Fan muttered, but when he closed his eyes, he was shocked.

He really has a "Tai Chi Jing" in his mind.

"Is this dream too real?"

Ye Fan still didn't believe it, and then opened the "Tai Chi Jing" and practiced according to the above method.

As long as there is nothing to cultivate, the jade of life and death and the "Tai Chi Sutra" are just a joke.

But the fact made Ye Fan stunned again.

In less than half an hour, he felt a small heat flow in his dantian.

Then, the heat flow swept the limbs and bones.

Everywhere I went, it was very comfortable.

At the same time, in the palm of his left hand, there is a Tai Chi diagram vaguely showing... Life and

Death Jade.

White lives, black dies.

There are seven rays of light on each side, the shadows are very light, but the layers are distinct.

Ye Fan thought it was accidentally contaminated with the pattern, and wiped it on his thigh with his wrist a few times, but found that the Tai Chi pattern still existed.

And also turned.

In the next second, a message suddenly appeared in Ye Fan's mind:

Status: Thirteen scratches, third-degree damage to the five internal organs, and a slight concussion on the head.

Cause: Caused by violent group beatings.

Repair or destroy?

Ye Fan was stunned on the spot, what is this?

He subconsciously issued a repair instruction, and saw the life and death jade turning, and then a white light disappeared into Ye Fan's body.


Then, there was an abnormal change in the body.

The blood vessels heated up uncontrollably, and then the whole body was hot, Ye Fan felt that all the cells in his body were running, and they were running wildly in the body in groups.

Bones also crackled.

It didn't take long for Ye Fan's body to shake violently, the pain all over his body completely dissipated, and the abrasions on his arms and face also healed.

At the same time, the white light on the Tai Chi map dimmed a bit.

"This is a wonderful repair."

Ye Fan was excited. People repaired antique calligraphy and paintings, but his life and death jade can repair physical diseases.

It seems that everything in the dream is real.

This is truly a gift from God.

Ye Fan got up from the hospital bed and rushed to the inpatient department as quickly as possible.

He pushed open the door of his mother Shen Biqin.

Looking at the skinny mother with her eyes closed, Ye Fan rushed over and put his left hand on her stomach.

Status: Anemia, myocardial strain, gallstones, malignant transformation of gastric tumor...

Cause: Many years of hard work, inaccurate diet, and erosion caused by wind and cold.

Repair or destroy?

Ye Fan blurted out: "Repair!" The

life and death jade moved again, and five pieces of white light sank into Shen Biqin's body.

The mother's body instantly became a battlefield, with countless cells boiling and rushing, as if thousands of troops were fighting and charging.

"Boom—" Before

long, Shen Biqin's head shook.

Ye Fan subconsciously shouted: "Mom—"

Shen Biqin slowly opened her eyes, her pale face became more rosy:

"Ye Fan, I'm hungry..."

Ye Fan cried with joy.

He withdrew his left hand, and at the same time found that only one piece of the white awn of the life and death jade remained.

Obviously, the more serious the disease and injury, the more white light is consumed.

Ye Fan didn't think about how to restore Bai Guang, he just wanted to take good care of his mother now.

Fifteen minutes later, Ye Fan brought a bowl of white porridge and carefully fed it to his mother.

This was the first time Shen Biqin had an appetite to eat in half a year.

After eating, Ye Fan called the beautiful doctor over again.

After checking, the doctor was shocked: "How is this possible?"

Shen Biqin is fine.

Knowing that her health is not serious, Shen Biqin will be discharged from the hospital no matter what.

In addition to the cost of hospitalization, there is also the fear of staying in the hospital for a year, and I want to go home early to feel the breath of life.

Ye Fan couldn't beat her, so he could only go through the discharge procedures.

When going through the formalities, Ye Fan thought that there was not much left in the account, but unexpectedly, he refunded 95,000.

When he asked, he realized that someone had deposited 100,000 in the hospital account yesterday.

When Ye Fan checked, it was Tang Ruoxue who made the money.

His heart warmed, and Tang Ruoxue still had him in his heart.

Ye Fan kept 5,000 for his mother, and the rest of the money was transferred back to Tang Ruoxue, and then he packed up and was discharged from the hospital.

It was just that when Ye Fan came to the gate with the help of the old man, three expensive luxury cars brushed them past.

Fast and furious.

The wheel almost crushed Shen Biqin's toe. Ye Fan shouted angrily: "How did you drive? Are you in a

hurry to reincarnate?"

Shen Biqin softly advised: "Ye Fan, forget it, forget it."


"Dare to scold Huang Shao, are you fucking courting death?"

Then, Huang Dongqiang and Yuan Jing's group appeared.

"Yo, it's Ye Fan? Boy, is it tough? You came out so soon?"

Seeing Ye Fan, Huang Dongqiang leaned over immediately, and walked towards Ye Fan without smiling, "Bronze skin and iron bones."

"Your mother has also been discharged from the hospital?" "You ca

n't borrow the money, and are you going to go home to die?"

"Would you like me to sponsor a pair of Nanmu coffins?" A

group of companions laughed, with disdain and teasing in their eyes.

Yuan Jing was as cold as ever, seeing Ye Fan even more disgusted.

Ye Fan's humbleness and kneeling for borrowing money yesterday made Yuan Jing lose interest in humiliating Ye Fan.

Ye Fan's voice sank: "Huang Dongqiang, you curse my mother, courting death?"

"Court death? What the hell are you?"

Huang Dongqiang's leather shoes knocked on the ground, his arrogance was very arrogant: "Who gave you the courage to challenge me?" The

young man with earrings echoed with yin and yang: "Isn't it enough to be beaten yesterday?"

Several beautiful female companions covered their mouths and chuckled.

"Kneel down, kowtow, and apologize."

Huang Dongqiang pointed at Ye Fan: "I think this has never happened, or I will send you mother and son to the morgue."

Ye Fan's eyes froze when he heard this: "Don't deceive people too much." Huang Dongqiang

sneered: "What's wrong with bullying? You don't agree?" Yuan Jing's voice was indifferent: "Ye Fan, don't be brave, just kneel down and apologize, Dong Qiang is not something you can provoke." "Young man, young man, everything is negotiable!" At this time, Shen Biqin also held on to the angry Ye. Fan, stood in front of him and smiled at Huang Dongqiang: "Master Huang, I used to go to your house to do housekeeping. I know your mother, give me a little face, don't get to know Ye Fan." "He is young and ignorant, and you have a lot of adults. Let him go." Shen Biqin smiled. "Give you face?" Huang Dongqiang sneered and spit on Shen Biqin: "What are you? Why should I give you face.

"An immortal dares to save face, can you fucking afford it?" "

For anyone, this rude and rude way is considered an insult, but Shen Biqin did not dare to fight back

. The sadness of the choice.

"Doing this to my mother, are you courting death? Ye Fan 's

fists clenched tightly, his face full of anger and he was about to rush up, only to be held by his mother.

Seeing Ye Fan's stubborn stubbornness, Yuan Jing was very angry: "Ye Fan, are you still brave?" Is Dong Qiang the one that your mother and son can offend? "

You can kneel soon, it's not like you haven't knelt before. Everyone knows the bottom line, so don't put on any pretense." She tried hard to mediate ,

one is that stepping on Ye Fan has no sense of accomplishment, and the other is to show her generosity in front of outsiders.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fan did not appreciate it at all: "Don't worry, I will never kneel again in the future.

Yuan Jing became impatient: "

If you don't listen to my advice, I will leave you alone." "

"Without my face, you might not even be able to save your life."

She raised her chin arrogantly.

Ye Fan shouted unceremoniously, "Go away! " Yuan Jing's pretty face became cold: "

Dong Qiang, I don't care about him, you can do whatever you want." "

Young Master Huang, Ye Fan is ignorant, please bear with me, don't worry, Ye Fan will never provoke you again in the future. "

Seeing Huang Dongqiang's fierceness revealed, Shen Biqin hurriedly dragged Ye Fan behind him: "Let's forget about this today. "

With this little money and a little thought, please invite Huang Shao and the brothers to have tea." "

Shen Biqin took out 3,000 yuan from his pocket, bent down and stuffed it into Huang Dongqiang's pocket


Huang Dongqiang slapped Shen Biqin's face with a backhand.

Shen Biqin subconsciously exclaimed: "Huang Shao..."


Another crisp sound exploded.

"People like ants, dare to ask me to forgive?"

Before Shen Biqin could react, Huang Dongqiang kicked out.

Shen Biqin snorted and stumbled backwards.


At this moment, Ye Fan's figure flashed.

Before Huang Dongqiang could see clearly, he felt his neck tighten.

Ye Fan grabbed Huang Dongqiang's neck, and then slammed against the window of a luxury car at a speed that was too fast for everyone to react.

"Bang!" The

shocking impact, the window burst instantly, and blood splashed from Huang Dongqiang's head.

Terrifyingly powerful.

It wasn't over yet, Ye Fan threw the dizzy Huang Dongqiang to the ground, kicking his arm mercilessly.


With a crisp sound, Huang Dongqiang's left hand was broken instantly.

A companion was stunned for a moment, then rushed towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan didn't even look, and slapped him five meters away with a backhand slap.

Nose bleeding.

The audience was dumbfounded.

No one thought that Ye Fan was so powerful and fierce.

Shen Biqin also opened her mouth wide.

Ye Fan didn't stop, and hooked his fingers to the remaining people: "Come on together." The

four of them roared and rushed over.

Ye Fan directly crushed with speed and strength.

One punch, one kick.

"Bang bang bang -"

The four who rushed up were all beaten down by Ye Fan, their noses were blue and their faces were swollen, and their hands and feet were broken.

"You—" The

audience was shocked.

Several beautiful girls looked at Ye Fan in disbelief, and they never thought that this trash could fight so well.

"How could this be?"

Yuan Jing couldn't accept the result in front of him, Ye Fan actually beat so many people?

She wanted Ye Fan to kneel and beg for mercy, not to see Ye Fan kill the Quartet.

Looking at the good people around, all of them were full of horror, and even looked at Ye Fan with admiration, Yuan Jing's heart shrank fiercely.

A nameless flame suddenly rose.

Ye Fan, who was dumped by her, should be useless, how could he suddenly become so powerful?

Did you take drugs in the hospital?

Yes, it must be like this, otherwise it would not be so powerful.

Then, Yuan Jing gritted her teeth secretly:

What if you can really fight, what kind of society is it now, you can fight, you can beat a knife, you can beat a gun, and you can beat the country?

Without education, background, and connections, you are destined to be mediocre in your life.

After a self-comforting catharsis, Yuan Jing's heart gradually calmed down.

At this time, Ye Fan was slowly walking towards Huang Dongqiang.

"Boy, do you dare to hurt us?"

Huang Dongqiang was also stunned, but still aggressive: "You know, what are the consequences of touching me?" Before the

latter finished speaking, Ye Fan slapped him in the face.

Huang Dongqiang's two teeth fell and his mouth was full of blood.

Then, Ye Fan grabbed him by the neck: "Tell me, what's the consequence?"

"Ye Fan, that's enough!"

Yuan Jing stood up angrily: "You've already made trouble, if you don't stop, you'll regret it..."

"Pa— —"

Ye Fan slapped Huang Dongqiang in the face again: "What's wrong?"

Huang Dongqiang roared, "You bastard!"


Ye Fan slapped again.

Huang Dongqiang covered his cheeks, his face full of resentment, but he didn't dare to return his mouth.

Yuan Jing was also furious: "You—"

In her eyes, only Huang Dongqiang can teach Ye Fan, and Ye Fan is not qualified to harass Huang Dongqiang.

Ye Fan patted Huang Dongqiang's face lightly: "Tell me, what is the consequence, what is the calamity?" Huang Dongqiang was very aggrieved, but he finally gritted his


"I admit it today, what do you think?" Slapped

at his throat:

"Slap yourself ten times, apologize to my mother and make up for it, or I will ruin you."

Shen Biqin tugged at Ye Fan's sleeve: "Ye Fan, forget it, forget it."

Huang Dongqiang looked at Ye Fan eyes, inexplicably frightened.

Although he felt that it was really humiliating to be bullied by Ye Fan today, he believed that Ye Fan could do it.

Because he felt that Ye Fan had changed, and he was no longer a cripple who could be bullied at will.

Huang Dongqiang could even feel the coldness of Ye Fan's fingers.

If you challenge again, you will only be trampled even more miserably. Today, let's endure it for a while, and then think about killing the mother and son another day. Huang Dongqiang's mind is spinning.

So he bowed his head to Shen Biqin with difficulty:

"Auntie, I'm sorry..."

Then he slapped himself ten times, and took out thousands of dollars in compensation.

Although Shen Biqin was worried, she still felt proud when she heard the apology.

Ye Fan stared at Huang Dongqiang, caught the resentment in his eyes, and knew that Huang Dongqiang would retaliate sooner or later.

As soon as he thought about it, life and death brightened.

At the same time, a line of information appeared in Ye Fan's mind:

Status: Early stage of liver cancer, plum blossom virus, broken arm.

Causes: Drinking too much alcohol, smoking banned substances, being beaten...

Repair or destroy?

Ye Fan flashed the idea of ​​destruction without hesitation, he knew that it meant aggravating the condition.

A piece of black light was injected into Huang Dongqiang's body.


Ah—" Huang Dongqiang screamed inexplicably, and then slipped from Ye Fan's hand to the ground.

advanced liver cancer.

Ye Fan shouted: "Go away—"

Huang Dongqiang took Yuan Jing and the others away with grievances.

Looking at Huang Dongqiang's embarrassed back, Ye Fan flashed a ray of light.

This is a dead man...