The Impossible Daughter

"Ya... Daehuyn, it's already been a whole month since you've been here." Heechul started when he spotted Daehuyn eating and studying.

"Yeah, he needs to hurry up so he can get a taste of the midnight shift. Now that's work." Minseo added.

"Don't be stupid; the afternoon switch is worse; six hours of patrolling the whole compound under the hot sun," Jangho added.

"Yah!" Daehuyn banged the table, getting their attention. "Seonbae, if you don't mind, I have less than a week to get ready for my final test."

The other guards looked at each other before erupting in a fit of laughter. Daehuyn looked frustrated as he stood up to pack his tray and leave, but not before one of his seniors stopped him. It was one of the few female guards, Soyoung.

"Can't you dumbasses see that he's working hard and needs to eat?" Soyoung asked to defend Daehuyn.

"Ya Soyoung, you don't have to go that far, we were just messing around," Jangho started.

"Oh, if you have time to mess around, why don't I start by telling Daehuyn what you three scored during your entrance exam."

"Relax, Soyoung, so what if you scored higher than us, can't we still have fun?" Minseo snapped.

"Ah yes, how silly of me. I should also tell him the consequences of letting a girl score higher than you, or better still, should we relive that wonderful day." Soyoung smiled wickedly.

"Let's go, she's always been a monster," Minseo said, tapping the other two to leave.

Soyoung said to Daehuyn, "Finish your food. You need a balanced diet to study well. Those three won't be bothering you for a while."

Daehuyn bowed without saying a word and got back to his studies. It wasn't like he needed saving, to begin with. Soyoung left and, after a while, came back with her tray. Daehuyn looked at her confused.

"Don't worry about me, I'll just eat here," she said, and Daehuyn nodded, ignoring her whole presence.

After a short while, Daehuyn's phone started ringing. He wasn't used to the highly advanced technology phones yet, so he was allowed to use his old one. He flipped the phone open and answered.

"I need you to meet me by the stairs in the main house now," Yeonseul said before cutting the call as usual. He was used to this by now, so without a word, he packed his tray and left the dining hall. He ran over to the main house where he was asked to come and met Yeonseul where he said he would be.

"Sir," Daehuyn addressed, as usual.

"On special demand by the chairman, you'll be accompanying Miss Hana to school today. It's already her second year at Seoul National University." Daehuyn was shocked but nodded nonetheless.

"Throughout this week, you'll follow the young lady to school and back. It'll be part of your test to know the road. Understood?" Yeonseul finished.

"Yes sir."

I have assigned who you'll be working with. She should be here anyhow."

"Oppa, it's been a while." Soyoung walked into the house.

"You were almost---"

"Late? Lighten up, Hana isn't a child anymore," Soyoung explained.

"That's my fear, and if you keep talking like that, she'll believe she's grown and doesn't need protection!" Yeonseul snapped.

"Chill Oppa, I've got this," Soyoung said.

Daehuyn stood there confused. Wasn't she the same person who helped him back in the dining hall? She seemed so playful now. Was it because she's familiar with everyone? She did talk like she knew the others back in the hall. Yeonseul cleared his throat.

"Daehuyn, you'll be working with Soyoung, one of our finest guards," Yeonseul introduced while Soyoung faked a blush, but it looked like it affected Yeonseul.

"Kim Dae Huyn, please take care of me," Daehuyn said, giving a slight bow. It was then Soyoung noticed him.

"Oh, it's the new kid. It'll be my pleasure. Don't worry, Noona will take care of you," Soyoung said with a smile.

Daehuyn took this time to quickly analyze the potential walking disaster in front of him. She had short brown hair and light brown colored eyes. She had a pear-like shaped ear that signified that she did sports, particularly judo. She was at least 5'6 and looked a bit smallish, but he was sure that if Yeonseul stood up for her then she was probably worth more than he thought. Suddenly,

"Unnie!" Hana shouted from the top of the stairs. She rushed down as soon as she spotted Soyoung and stood in front of her.

"Ai ai, is that really my little mochi Hana? Aigoo, you're so beautiful now," Soyoung said with a smile. Hana smiled, diving straight for a hug.

"Unnie, I'm so sorry I got you suspended. It was all my fault," Hana said in the hug.

Soyoung said, "II'll make the same mistake over and over again as long as it makes you happy." She looked so close to Hana, something that Daehuyn thought was impossible. Yeonseul cleared his throat in disapproval and earned a glare from Hana.

"Miss, it's time to go. Soyoung will be escorting you as well as Daehuyn," Yeonseul said, and because Hana was very excited to see Soyoung, she completely overlooked the fact that Daehuyn, whom she had said to stay out of her sight, would be accompanying her to school.

The driver packed the car in front of the house as they waited for Hana to come out. Daehuyn would only have to go to school with Hana, and while she was at school, he would learn how to drive with the driver before he got his license. Hana skipped out of the house with Soyoung behind her. Daehuyn opened the car door, waiting patiently for her to go in.

As soon as Hana recognizes Daehuyn as she gets close to the car, the smile on her face begins to fade away. She steps back, and Soyoung is confused, but Daehuyn understands it's just the little princess being stubborn.

"Mochi, what's wrong?" Soyoung asked Hana.

Didn't I tell you that I didn't want you in my sight?" Hana said to Daehuyn, getting angry. Daehuyn sighed and then bowed at Hana, but he said nothing.

"Hana dear, you'll be late if you keep this up," Soyoung said, but Hana wouldn't move.

"I'm not going anywhere with this man," Hana said, folding her arms. Daehuyn stood there unfazed by the situation. He had one job and he was going to do it no matter the cost.

"Did you think I wouldn't recognize you if you cleaned up a little? Geochin man," Hana said, eyeing Daehuyn closely.

"It's been a while, young miss, and I'm glad to see you're doing well," Daehuyn said, completely dismissing her previous remark.

"Don't ignore me!"

"Then shall we leave?"

"You-uh-ah!" Hana screamed.

"Hana please, don't be like this. We'll talk about this on the way. For now, we need to get you to school." Soyoung gently carried Hana into the car, even against her will. Daehuyn smiled that he didn't have to do it himself and entered the front seat.

The drive to school was loud and full of unnecessary tantrums. Hana screamed about how nobody listened to her and how she was going to fire everyone in that car and how she was going to make us pay and whatnot. Immediately they got to school, Hana didn't even wait for the doors to be opened for her; she immediately came down and stormed into school.

"I'll give you a call when we're ready to go back," Soyoung said before following after Hana, Daehuyn bowed at his senior as she walked away.

The driver took them both to a private driving course, which was the site for the new project Moon Industries was working on. They were going to build one of the biggest theme parks in Seoul, according to the rumors going around in the dorms. Daehuyn was in good hands. Dong Man, the driver, was a bit aged but he was a seriously good driver. According to him, he had been driving for over 60 years and had worked as one of the Moon family's drivers for over 25 years now, so Daehuyn was in good hands.

After a few hours of just driving in a circle with different gears, Daehuyn was finally getting the hang of driving and if he continued like this, he would have his license in no time. When Dong-man suggested lunch, Daehuyn jumped right at the offer. They went to the nearest restaurant to eat, and since Dong-man insisted on paying for the food, Daehuyn offered that he chooses what they would eat.

"Two servings of Jajangmyeon, pickled relish, and kimchi stew." Dong Man ordered, but before the waiter would leave, Dongman's phone rang.

He answers the phone calmly, answering like everything was under control. Dongman ends the call and calls back the waiter, asking if they can get their order to go. Daehuyn is confused and waits for an explanation.

"Oh, forget me, Daehuyn, I forgot you're still new."

"Is something the matter?" Daehuyn asked.

"Well, the young lady has run away again."
