Danger (1)

Two years had passed since then, and I was now four years old. Time couldn't have passed by any slower, but these last few years had been filled with moments of growth and discovery. 

Practising the Ithrin technique of energy manipulation and instead using it on absorbing mana and circulating it throughout my body, allowed me to progress further. With each breath, I would visualise the flow of magic entering my body, circulating it throughout my veins, I felt stronger and more revitalised. 

Using the circulation technique allowed me to stay up well past what a normal child would be able to endure. In other words, I could stay up for as long as physically possible by circulating mana so long as my mental fatigue didn't catch up to me. I had honed my magical skills with determination, embracing my desire for power and curiosity of the arcane. 

During these last two years, I had gotten proficient in using the "Purgatio" spell to the point where I could cast it without a need for the required hand movement or chant. All I needed now was to simply point my finger towards a spot in our house that was dirty, and the spell would work when I channelled and thought of the spell.

That wasn't all I was up to, after carefully observing my mother's use of magic around the house I divided the magic I watched her use into 5 elements: fire, water, earth, wind, and dark magic. As I practised the different spells, I also eventually had grown used to them to the point where I didn't need the hand movements or chant at all. But if this was the case then why didn't my mother use chantless magic? Why did she need to use hand movements as well? 

Based on my own use of these spells I came to the conclusion that chanting and using the hand movements made mana use more efficient if the one casting didn't understand the flow of magic required to cast the spell. The chants and hand movements essentially served as a crutch, a guide to the flow of mana in one's body in order to get the desired output. With this knowledge and experience I began creating my own spells from the elements.

Speaking of which, my mother began working again after I turned four years old. She returned to work at the Guild Hall that so happened to be managed by Mr. Heidor, where she worked as a counsellor. 

The Guild Hall was a lively place, always bustling with travellers and mercenaries seeking work, a hearty meal, or a place to simply spend the night. I found solace in the comforting ambiance and laughter that filled the air…It was better than having to stay at home all day.

However, there were times when my peaceful moments were disrupted by two little imps that never left me alone whenever they would visit. Anna and Adam were Mr. Heidor's grandchildren, and they would always come by to visit. The two of them began living with Mr. Heidor and his wife not too long ago.

Anna was a spirited and adventurous five-year-old girl, while Adam, a year older at six, was more quiet and reserved. They were often accompanied by a group of their friends they made in town, who were all slightly the same age as Adam.

One day as the guild was positively bursting with mercenaries and travellers, I found myself surrounded by the boisterous group of children. They had noticed me sitting quietly and minding my own business, and it wasn't long before they pounced on the opportunity for a playmate. Drats! Despite being only a year or two older, they seemed much more imposing than me.

"Hey, Darian! Come play tag with us!" Anna's voice rang out, a cascade of enthusiasm flowing through her words.

The other children chimed in, urging me to join in on their games even if I looked unkeen. Whether it was the pure innocence of childhood or sheer obliviousness, I eventually succumbed to their coaxing. Ugh I hate kids… It's not that I wanted to play you know? I was forced to! Forced I say!

"Yeah, Darian. Come play with us." Adam's voice wafted over, soft yet infused with earnestness, his innocence starkly evident. The chorus of children joined in once more, harmonising their pleas.

With a begrudging sigh, I reluctantly set aside the children's book that was given to me and set out to join them. Anna's smile stretched wide as she welcomed me, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"I'm Anna. We can be friends, right, Darian?"

I heaved a sigh, my acquiescence laced with reluctance. "Alright, fine."

As we made our way outside of the Guild Hall, making our way to the open courtyard, the group of children had already decided on a game of tag, and without hesitation, they took off, their laughter echoing through the open space.

I struggled to keep up, my smaller legs working hard to match their pace. The older children dashed ahead, their agility and experience giving them an advantage. But I was determined not to be left behind. I tapped into the reservoir of magic within me, fueling my body with bursts of energy that allowed me to keep up, if only just. This was only possible by concentrating mana into my body's muscles, which I came up with a few days prior to this event. It was my version of body strengthening magic, even if it used up a lot of mana.

The game continued for what felt like an eternity, a whirlwind of laughter and squeals echoing throughout the courtyard. I stumbled a few times, my young legs unable to match the speed and coordination of the older children when I didn't use magic. But despite the challenges, I persevered, fueled by a mix of determination and a desire to prove myself to these…These…Children. 

As the game finally came to an end, the children dispersed, their energy spent and their laughter fading into the background. In need of a moment to catch my breath, I walked over to Mr. Heidor, whom I noticed was observing the scene with a twinkle in his eyes. 

He patted my head affectionately and asked, "Did you have fun, Darian?"

I nodded, with sweat trickling down the side of my forehead and still trying to steady my breathing. "Yes, it was…fun."

Mr. Heidor chuckled. "I'm glad."

Feeling a surge of curiosity, I mustered the courage to ask him a question that had been on my mind for quite some time. "Mr. Heidor, do you have more books at the inn?"

His eyes twinkled with delight as he replied, "Of course, young one! Knowledge is a gateway to understanding and growth. Come, I'll show you a special place, hohoho."

With a skip in my step, I followed Mr. Heidor to a small nook in the Guild Hall. He led me to a free bookshelf, filled with an assortment of books. They ranged from fantasy tales of knights and dragons to general knowledge books on various topics. However, to my disappointment, there were no books specifically focused on magic or the arcane arts.

'Tsk.' I tutted inwardly.

With an innocent smile, I thanked the old man. "Thank you Mr. Heidor."

"You're very welcome, kiddo" He said before turning to more pressing matters related to the guild.

As I scanned the titles of the different books, I picked out one that had caught my attention, it was a book on the different mythical and magical creatures that existed. With the book in hand, I settled into a cosy corner where no one would bother unless they really looked. As I immersed myself in the pages, I learned of the many different creatures that existed in this world from goblins to orcs, to wyverns and dragons.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, I would spend countless hours reading and absorbing knowledge written within the many different books. The Guild Hall became my sanctuary of knowledge where I could learn and inform myself of the world I lived in – and most of all, of our town Lumen. 
