Danger (2)

One sunny afternoon, as Darian sat engrossed in a particularly captivating chapter of some novel, the Guild Hall's door swung open, this usually would be nothing to fret over, but the entire hall fell silent. The group that walked in were clad in weather-worn armour, their weapons strapped to their sides, and their faces were etched with both weariness and triumph.

Whispers spread among the patrons as they recognised the group of people who had just come in. Darian, however, did not know who these people were. Intrigued, he set his book aside and turned to Anna and Adam who were sitting at a table close by doing homework given to them by their tutor.

"Anna, Adam, do you know who those people are?" Darian asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Anna, always eager to share, nodded. "Mhm, yeah! They're quite well known around the county. They're those adventurer thingies who work with grand-papi sometimes."

"They probably just came back from a mission in the nearby woods, hunting monsters or something." Adam added, his voice filled with a sense of awe as his gaze was set on a particular member of the group who had just come in. 

He had a rugged demeanour, and stood tall and imposing, with shoulder length brown hair and piercing green eyes. A scar bisected his right eyebrow, adding a touch of distinction to his features. He wore a black leather vest and matching pants, and most notably had a pointed hat with decorated feathers. His musculature could be seen not just through his clothes, but through his exposed arms, where his left shoulder had a tattoo of a winged horse.

As I pondered this question, my mother approached the adventurers' table. Her smile was warm and welcoming as she greeted them, her movements were confident and graceful as she discussed with them about their latest assignment.

"We took care of the orcs deep within Elunara Forest as per the quest details. Things were a little more difficult than expected, but things worked out in the end." The tall adventurer said.

"Aye Rufus don't be so modest, we absolutely crushed them!" One of the adventurers exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice. 

Another adventurer butt in, her countenance unable to contain the thrill she felt. "And let's not forget the big one, basically an Urukai!"

"Aye, aye settle down you dolts, had we actually come across an Urukai you bastards would be dead ahahahaha."

The adventurers burst into laughter, their camaraderie evident. One of them, a burly figure with a grizzled beard, slapped the strong-looking man on the back, joining in the mirth. "Ah, Rufus, always the joker!" he exclaimed, his voice booming with amusement. "But you're right, that thing was a tough opponent. We were fortunate to come out of that encounter unscathed."

Rufus grinned mischievously as he turned to face his comrades for a moment, his eyes glinting with a mix of pride and mischief. "You know, lads, I've always believed that it's the battles that truly make us stronger, be it sword in hand or magic at our fingertips. There's no substitute for real experience, no matter how much we study or train."

Listening to their accounts, Darian couldn't help but feel exhilarated. They were experiencing the very things he had been reading about for months in the books he had been reading inside the Guild. And more so, he was intrigued by what the strong-looking adventurer, Rufus, had said. Perhaps he was right. Perhaps, Darian thought, he should start paying visits to the forest under the guise of playing. 

As Diana finished discussing with the adventurers details of their payment, they quickly made their way to Mr. Heidor's office and disappeared for quite a while before leaving the guild with happy faces.


I nodded at what the adventurer, Rufus, had said, my mind buzzed with possibilities. While it was dangerous and we risked getting hurt, it also gave me the excuse of not just real-world experience should we cross any danger but also a means to get away from prying eyes as I had barely been able to practise my magic these last two years. With each passing moment, my dream of becoming a powerful mage got stronger and stronger. 

Unable to contain my wants any longer, I got up and went to my mother, who was now sitting at the front desk of the Guild Hall. 

"Mama," I called out, doing the cutest fact I could possibly muster. "Can I go to the forest and play with Anna and Adam?" I asked.

My mother glanced at me, her facial expressions showing a mix of concern and worry. "Darian, you know the forest can be dangerous. It's not a place to be taken lightly." She cautioned.

"I know Mama, but I promise we'll be careful, we'll only play near the edge and won't wander in. And Anna and Adam will be with me."

"Yeah we'll be with him." Said both Anna and Adam, as they heard me speaking to my mother. 

My mother sighed, clearly torn between allowing me to explore and keeping me safe. After a moment of consideration she gave a reluctant nod. "Alright, but Anna and Adam have to ask Mr. Heidor, and you have to promise you'll stick to the trail near town. You promise?"

"I promise, Mama." 


Waiting outside the Guild Hall, Darian patiently sat on a nearby bench for Anna and Adam as they were busy asking for their grandfather's permission.

"We got permission!" Anna said with fervour, both her arms up in the air celebrating as she exited the Guild Hall.

"You did? Really?" Darian inquired.

"Yep, but he wants both of us to wear these green necklaces." Adam replied, showing the necklace with a green jewel as a pendant around his neck. 

"What does it do?" Darian asked, tilting his head as he reached out to hold it.

"Honestly we don't know, but if it's something grandpapi gave us, we'll probably be okay in the forest," Anna shrugged. "Anyway, let's go have fun. Fun fun fun!" She exclaimed, eagerly.

"Of course! Let's go go go!" Adam said, matching his sister's excitement.


With renewed determination, the three of them ventured out into Elunara Forest's edge, their laughter echoing among the towering trees.

The forest seemed to embrace their presence, its vibrant colours and the melodic sounds of leaves rustling created an enchanting atmosphere.

As they walked along a narrow trail, Anna suddenly gasped, pointing to a cluster of bushes off the path. "Look! What are those strange-looking thingies?!"

Curiosity piqued, the three watched as there, nestled among the foliage, a group of tiny horned rabbits made their presence known. Their peculiar appearance captivated the three children with their shimmering fur and iridescent hues. Their horns, the main characteristic of the rabbits, glistened like a precious gem.

"They're so cute! Oh my goodness!" Anna squealed. "I've never seen these rabbits before, grandpapi always talked about them every now and then.

Gently, the three of them crouched down, extending their hands towards the little creatures. Surprisingly the rabbits didn't scurry away, likely used to human interaction. Instead, they hopped closer, allowing the children to stroke and pet their soft fur while emitting tiny, harmonious chirps of delight before hopping away into the depths of the forest.
