A Boy, The Forest & Ambition (2)

As I stepped through the front door of my home, I noticed how dirty I had gotten. My clothes were stained with dirt, sweat clinging to my brow, and my face smudged with remnants of my encounter with the goblins. It was then that I heard my mother's voice.

"Darian?" My mother's voice rang out from the adjacent room, filled with both relief and concern when she realised it was me who had come through the door. "Where have you been? It's late and you're covered in filth!"

I braced myself for the inevitable scolding I knew was coming, but at the same time I was happy there was someone who worried about me. Taking a deep breath, I walked into the room where she stood, her arms crossed and worry etched upon her face.

"M-Mom, I was in the forest," I stammered. "I was playing in the woods and I lost track of time." I lied.

My mother's expression softened for a moment. She walked forward, inspecting me closely, her hands gentle as she wiped away the grime from my cheeks.

"Dari', I understand you like exploring but you have to come home on time," she said, her voice tinged with love and concern for me.

I decided to plead innocent and leverage the fact I was still a child. "I'm sorry Mom, I got distracted while adventuring."

My mother's gaze softened further, her worry melting into a tender understanding. She brushed a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"I know, my dear. The forest is a captivating place, full of wonders and mysteries…" she said, her voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and caution. "But you must remember, it can be dangerous too. It's important to be careful and not wander too far. Promise you'll be more careful and come back on time next time?"

I understood my mother's feelings, a gentle reminder of the delicate balance I needed to maintain. While my strive for magical knowledge and strength was insatiable, I couldn't ignore the underlying weight of my actions on the people close to me. I was, after all, still a child to the only two people I could call mother and father in this world.

"I promise I'll be more careful." I said, giving her puppy eyes.

My mother smiled back at me, and this time there was genuine warmth and affection in her expression.

"Good." She said, patting the top of my head. "You know, Darian, you have to remember you won't always go running off and exploring in the forest, you'll be 15 in a few years, and…"

I had grasped what my mother was saying before she could even finish her sentence. She was talking about how at the age of 15 I would have to learn a trade so that once I became an adult I'd be able to make a living. 

Most children choose their parents' trade; for instance the blacksmith's son would learn to become a blacksmith from their father, the baker's son could choose to become a baker, and vice versa. 

'What does my father even do?' I thought.

Regardless, I didn't want to stay in this town for the rest of my life, much less run off to the nearby forest till the day I died. I wanted more, I needed to see and experience more of this world. And, the only way I'd be able to do that was by going to the academy I had read about in books or becoming an adventurer.

"...You can be anything you want to be, have you thought about it yet?" She continued.

"Mom, can I learn magic and become a mage?" I blurted out.

"Magic?" My mother's brow furrowed. 

"Yeah…" I said.

The room fell silent for a few seconds before my mother asked, puzzled: "Do you really want to learn magic?" 

"Yes, can I?"

"That's a little difficult, darling, you know not many people have talent in magic, and even if they did it's difficult to come by a mage willing to teach you…"

I pouted.

"Couldn't Lady Emily teach me?"

"Lady Emily…? Well she could…But…" My mother trailed off. "I'll see what I can do.

While Diana was pleased that her son showed a keen interest in magic, as is typical for someone his age, she believed it was important for him to discover firsthand the effort, commitment, and natural aptitude required to pursue magic. She wanted her son to understand that becoming a mage was not accessible to everyone, regardless of their efforts or money, and that life doesn't always unfold according to one's desires.


I am the light, guiding through the night,

Dispelling shadows, with radiant might.

I am the dark, where mysteries reside,

Unveiling secrets that cannot hide.

I am the air, swift and unseen,

Carrying whispers, in whispers so keen.

I am the shadow, elusive and sly,

Stealthily weaving through time's fleeting sigh.

– Unknown's song.
