A Boy, The Forest, & Ambition (3)

3 days from then, at the Guild Hall, Diana happened to come across Lady Emily. 

"Lady Emily!"

"Diana?" Emily responded, her face lighting up with a warm smile.

"How are you?" Diana asked, returning the smile and embracing her friend in a friendly hug.

"I'm doing good," Lady Emily replied, stepping back. "I was just asking the Guild if they could procure a few supplies for me. What's the matter?" She asked, noticing there was something bothering Diana from the look on her face.

Diana sighed and looked around, ensuring no one was within earshot. "Um, you see… My son, Darian, has been showing a keen interest in learning magic. He said he wanted to learn magic and become a mage. I know what he's saying is probably nothing more than a child being a child, but, well… You're the only mage in town who actually went to the academy and has experience. Would you mind checking his magical capabilities?"

"Come now, Diana, you know you can tell me anything, we practically grew up together! It's fine. I'll make time to assess his abilities, let's meet at my clinic when you can pass by."

Diana beamed with gratitude. "You have no idea how much this means to me, Emi', thank you."

And so another three days had passed.


My mother and father had taken me to a sort of clinic with a sign that read "Enchanted Remedies". Across the window outside of the clinic, a woman could be seen. I felt like I had seen her before, but couldn't remember where or when.

Entering the store, my mother and father greeted her. "Emily!" They both called out to her with a smile on their face.

Standing at 160 centimetres tall (1.6m, or 5 feet and 3 inches), Emily possessed an air of elegance and grace that seemed to captivate even the likes of me, she was pretty. Her flowing black hair cascaded down her back, framing her delicate features with its glossy sheen. Her piercing blue eyes, like blue sapphires sparkling with compassion, gave her an innocent charm about her. I didn't fancy her or anything, was it wrong for a man to simply admire the beauty of a woman?

Dressed in a flowing blue dress, Emily exuded an aura of serenity and elegance. Her attire, adorned with intricate patterns and symbols, seemed to say she was something with great knowledge.

"Ahhh! You're here!" Emily said, turning to the sound of my mother and father's voices.

Inside, there were countless shelves packed with flasks that looked like potions and other items that were all labelled with their respective names. All manner of herbs, roots and leaves were neatly arranged. Other than the counter, which contained a number of books, and tables nearby, the rest of the space was filled by various racks holding various bottles. The room smelled strongly of medicine and the tangy aroma of dried herbs and flowers.

Emily then guided us to a room where she had prepared tea and biscuits but I had other plans, upon seeing something worth more than gold itself. The space had walls lined with bookshelves, a treasure trove of books readily available.

Intrigued, I gingerly walked away from the conversation between adults, and picked up the nearest book, a guide to healing magic. It was then I remembered who this woman was, she was the one who saved Anna and I during that attack on the town. But why were we here?

Quickly forgetting what I was worrying about, I rummaged through the pages, discovering an abundance of information that I didn't know before. The book delved into the principles of mana, the properties of healing magic, and went into quick detail on simple spells.

The text described mana as a powerful force that permeated every aspect of existence, connecting all living beings and the elements. Mana was believed to originate from the very fabric of the world, flowing through the ley lines and converging in various concentrations. Mages were simply conduits that could harness, channel and transform mana to their advantage.

The book went on to explain that the process of channelling mana required a deep understanding of its flow.

'This is all very similar to what I've been doing and thinking.' Darian thought.

It was not merely a matter of reciting a chant or moving one's hand in the correct manner, magic required a deeper connection with the essence of the arcane, a synchronisation of one's mind and body in order to truly grasp it.

"So basically draw mana from what I called the mana core," he told himself. The boy affirmed that what he'd been applying over the last few years was right, his own self discovery of magic and applications of the arcane were all correct so far, but things had become interesting with what he'd discovered next: a new element!

"Light magic." Darian muttered to himself.

However, before diving deeper into the world of light magic and its applications to healing, his little impromptu reading session was cut short. 

"Darian!" A voice called out behind him. "What are you doing?"

The young boy turned around to see Emily, his father, and his mother standing there with her hands on her hips as she looked at him in disbelief.

"I'm reading." I replied, looking down at the book. He'd never seen such an expression on his mother's face before. She was usually very calm, but this time she seemed quite upset with him.

"You shouldn't touch other people's things without permission." She scolded me.

Understanding my mother's plight, I apologised. "I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Lady Emily, I got carried away since you had such wonderful books in your library." I bowed. What followed was an awkward silence.


Emily nodded, but didn't say anything except look at the boy up and down.

After a moment, Darian raised his head and looked at his parents.

"Can he read this?" Emily asked, breaking the silence while taking the book on magical healing.

Darian nodded. "Yes."

She looked at the boy, doubtful. There was no way a common boy with no formal education would even be able to comprehend the contents of the book he had just picked up. 

"Are you sure?" She asked, scepticism evident in her tone.

"Yes." The boy responded, not an ounce of incertitude on his face.

His mother then butt in: "We never taught him how to read, but he's been reading since he was young at the Guild Hall on days when I have work."

"You did say you wanted me to check your son's magical capabilities…" Emily said. "Well, child, give me your hand." She continued, placing a palm out towards the young boy.

Darian hesitated for a moment, then reached out and placed his palm atop hers.

Immediately, a warm feeling spread throughout his body. It felt like a tingling sensation, like the one he'd experienced as a baby.

A look of shock flooded Emily's usually calm face. She had never in her life witnessed a 10 year old with a dark purple mana core, and especially one this dense in mana.

"What? How is that possible??" She exclaimed before quickly taking a glance at the boy's mana core again and again.