
"So what am I supposed to do then?" Rigel asked Yvaine and she just shrugged. "Oh yeah, nothing? Will it cause you a lot to help me move these to the other shelf?"

"Rigel, train those muscles. What? You are one of the loudest and then you have nothing to contribute? You have the thick face, huh?" Yvaine responded while sitting in one of the chairs in Moira Academy's library.

If it wasn't because of these two, we wouldn't be given the task.

Is it a task? Maybe punishment stupid.

"Haven't I told you? I told you to stop talking, you still don't want to stop." I answered.

It's actually getting late and there is no one inside except for us so we can make noise.

"Wow! Wow, Stella. You're the one who was talking about vampires earlier." Rigel said while carrying the books as if he was really upset with me.

"Just admit that you're scared. What? Should I go with you and put that in the other aisle?"

"I don't want to marry you, Stella. No, thank you." He answered before walking away so I threw a shoe at him.

I'm so sure that it will hit him. But when Satan really is your troop, some shit will happen to you. My shoe didn't hit Rigel because someone suddenly appeared.

"What the--" He said as he lowered the hand he used to shield his face and looked at Yvaine and me. I sat down properly and cleared my throat before looking at the other direction.

"What are you supposed to say?" He asked. I just looked at him sideways and looked again at the other side.

"I'm not aiming for you." I answered as I played the book pages that are on the table in front of me.

"But you hit me."

"Then should I say sorry to you?" I asked. "You're not Rigel." I whispered and looked at him for a moment like a scolded dog.

He's always like this. Telling me what I am suppose to do. It's not like I don't know. I know what I should do, but when it comes to him, I don't know, I don't like him but I don't hate him either. Maybe I just got tired of him because since I was little playing outside, they were my companions.

I heard him took a deep breath before putting his hand inside his pockets.

"I can't with you, Stella." He said and turned his back to us. "I'm outside." He added before completely exiting.

"I'm not sure if he's menopausing or what." Yvaine said while returning the book she was reading earlier. I just shook my head and stood up to move the books on the table and Yvaine and I went out. We even turned the lights off and someone screamed.

"Hey! There's someone else here! The hell, man?!" Rigel said, and we knew he was running out so me and Yvaine's hurriedly closed the door and pulled it so he couldn't open it.

"Stop fooling around." Astro said while leaning against the wall while still wearing his cross bag.

"Do you want to change place with him, then?" I asked, while we're still pulling the door because Rigel was struggling to get out.

"Guys! You guys doesn't seem like a friend." He screamed from inside. Yvaine and I laughed and Astro stood up straight and approached us.

"Oh, I can't have this ugly bond with you." Yvaine said to Astro before letting go of the door and walking away. Maybe to get her bag that is still in the classroom.

"Let go." He said while looking straight at me.

"No." I firmly said, still holding the door. He smirked at me and he suddenly kissed me on my cheeks so I was surprised and got away from him. He then opened the door so Rigel hugged him.

"Dude!" He said as he looked at Astro before hugging him again. "You saved me. I love you three thousand, man."

I was just looking at them while they looked like fools. I guess they noticed that I wasn't moving so they looked at me slowly.

"Astrophel!" I shouted so Astro pushed Rigel.

"D-Dude... Run!" He said and pulled Rigel to run away from me.

That bastard. Who is he to kiss me? I will really bury him breathing.

When we reached half of the hallway, Yvaine suddenly went outside the room and cut Rigel so Astro left him running continuously.

"Time first." He said while gesturing with his hand and stood up.

"What's time first? It's time freeze, freaking stupid." Yvaine answered him.

"What do I care about you? And wait. Why did I run when I didn't do anything to you?" He pointed at me before returning his hand to his knee.

"I don't know, you fool." I answered and frowned from exhaustion. Rigel then left us to go inside the room to look for his bag.

"Where's Seren?" I asked Yvaine.

"I don't know. Maybe she passed our projects." She answered.

"Oh, there she is." She said when she saw Seren walking towards us.

"How was it?" I asked.

"It's okay." She answered when she got close to us.

"Seren, have you seen my bag?" Rigel asked her.

"No. What would I do with your bag?" She answered and went inside to get her bag. Rigel followed again, still looking for his.

"It's not in here, really. Yvaine, where is it?" He peeked at the door as if he was blaming Yvaine. Seren hit him when he left the classroom and said that he was repeating himself.

"I don't know." Yvaine answered and shrugged her shoulders. As if she was telling the truth She threw Rigel's bag at the height of the cabinet in the library earlier.

Rigel decided to go back in to find his bag so the three of us looked at each other and ran to the parking lot.

"Astro, start the car!" I shouted at Astro when we got to the parking lot. He was leaning on the car while talking using his phone.


"Start the car!" Yvaine yelled at deaf Astro.

This stupid ass, maybe he forgot to clean his ears.

When we got close to him, I grabbed the key from his hand and ran towards the driver's side and got in. I'm still struggling because it's too high for me. They also started to ride and Yvaine even pulled Astro by the sleeve of his blazer because he was obviously wondering what was going on.

"There's a zombie, idiot." Yvaine said to him and we saw Rigel running towards us carrying the bag that Yvaine hid.

They entered the car in a panic and this Astro elbowed me.

"Ops, sorry. I mean it, though." He said and grinned so I looked at him evilly.

"Hey, turn it on." Seren is seated behind me. Rigel then knocked on my window and I could still hear him shouting.

"Open the door, Stella! I'm not even joking! You guys are like trash. Come on, let me in." He said and I nervously put the key in the ignition but I was shaking because I'm panicking. I feel like he's really a zombie. This is Yvaine's fault.

"Let me do it." Astro said and placed in the car key for me to start his car.

I started to turn it on and we were laughing because Rigel was just standing there looking at us drive away while holding his blazer.

"Okay, stop now." Seren said, still laughing.

I stopped the car and opened my window to shout at Rigel.

"Rigel, faster! I'm hungry!" I said and he started walking towards us.

When he got close, I started the car again and I was surprised when his hand slipped through the window and pressed the horn.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." I said while laughing. Seren opened the door for him so he can get in.

"I'll drive." Astro said so I nodded but I didn't get down.

"What?" I asked him.

"I said, I'll drive."

"Oh? That's right. Go." I said and looked at his door. He just shook his head and got down while I just moved to the shotgun seat because I didn't want to get down.

They might leave me. What are they? Lucky?

Astro started driving and we just talked about anything we can talk about until we got to our restaurant.

We decided to eat outside because it's already late and we don't have a time to cook because of out punishment earlier.

We usually eat together, especially during dinner. That became our routine.

Sometimes the boys fetch us because we live in different condos, depending on what we want. Less hassle and stress.

But that's just a joke of course.

Having these two idiots knocking at our door in the middle of the night asking for food is freaking stressful.

I don't know what brand of drug they are sniffing and they will travel even further to beg for rice. Because Eoin is not around, no one is reprimanding them.

"We'll park, come on down." Astro said so the fools followed him.

I was about to open the door when he locked it.

"I thought you told us to go?" I asked while still holding the door handle.

"Yeah, but not you. What? I'll walk alone? No way."

"Then you shouldn't sent them down. Are you stupid?" I said as I rested my elbow on the door as if I have this big ass problem.

"Okay." He said when he was able to park and pulled his hand break. "Let's go, problematic monkey."

"Hey!" I blast and pulled him with his collar, but he just smiled at me, flashing his healthy teeth, so I let go of him and went out of his car.

I hate it when he does that.

I just walked into the restaurant and Astro just followed me.

"What's for dinner?" Rigel asked when we came upon them at a round table.

"Stupid. We're at the buffet, take care of your own life." Yvaine answered and stood up to go to the buffet. I followed her and get some food.

"You like my brother, don't you?" Yvaine asked me while taking a carbonara.

On a daily basis, that's how they are so I don't care anymore. What can I get from Astro by any chance?


"Why would I--"

"We know you do." Rigel cut me off. I grabbed the thong and stuck it in his mouth.\

"You're a gossip. This is me so stop deciding for me." I said and handed the thong to one of the crew. "Please just sanitize."

"Hey! I'm not sick, you loosen screw." He said.

"Are you sure?" Yvaine asked him as he stepped back so he left us as he fixed his hair and held his plate in one hand.

We continued to grab food and Yvaine turned around to go back to our table when she bumped into someone.

"The hell-"