
"What the-- Eoin?" Yvaine asked with wide eyes as she looked at the man who caught her. I even saw Seren who was busy getting her food suddenly got interested.

"Eoin?" Seren repeated that made Eoin chuckle.

"Yeah, it's me." He said and smiled at us. I came towards him and pinched his cheeks.

What? I was just wondering if he's real or I'm just hallucinating.

"A-Ah. It hurts, silly. It's me. Eoin." He said that's why I let him go.

So it's real. He's here.

He's back.

"Okay then, Okaerinasai, Mr. Takahashi Ohisama. Step aside and I'm hungry." Yvaine said to him and walked back to our table but he almost bumped into someone again if Rigel didn't pull him by the arm.

Eoin just shook his head because of her.

"Be careful next time." Rigel said as he looked at the person leaving that Yvaine almost bumped into.

"I'm fine, Rigel. Let's go." Yvaine answered and looked at Rigel while still holding her plate.

"What's fine? I'm talking to you. Take it easy, you're affecting other people." Rigel answered her but Yvaine just left him.

That stupid ass. She will fall to the ground but he will not let go of her plate.

I looked at Rigel who was just looking at Yvaine while his hands are in his pockets. I guess he can't accept the fact that he lost. I tapped his shoulder so he looked at me.

"Let's go eat, dude." I said while taking a bite of the fillet. He just nodded at me and took his plate.

"I'll go first. You guys are slow." I said. Eoin approached Seren to get his food too so I left them.

When we got to our table, we just ate and talked.

"Ouch~ That hurts." Seren suddenly said while we are eating and Astro just apologized for kicking her while still laughing with his mouth full.

Seren still has something to say, but Eoin started to talk.

"So, what's the plan?" He asked.

"What plan?" Yvaine asked back.

"Now that I'm back, what's the plan?"

"You're the one who comes home unexpectedly and now you're asking us?" Rigel replied before taking a bite of chicken.

"I got bored there. Anyway, since you guys doesn't have a plan, let's just go with the flow." He answered with a shrug.

"Me, I have a plan." I participated.

"We don't care."

"And I don't care either if you die now." I took it back to Astro while choking him jokingly.

"The guard is watching. Look." He answered so I let go of him and sat properly as if nothing had happened.

"I do have a plan. Let's gate crash." I continued smiling.

"Are you out of your mind? We're in uniform and then you're telling us we're going to a place where we're not even invited?" That's Seren.

Oh, what do I expect from miss 'no'?

"What's the essence of having rules if we wouldn't break them?" Yvaine asked while chewing.

"Right!" I answered while pointing at her because I knew she would come.

"Right right, did you understand what she said?" Rigel asked.

"Yes, you're the only one who doesn't get it, heh!" I resisted before returning my gaze to Yvaine and Seren.

"I'm in." Yvaine answered with a shrug, so I just looked at Seren who was obviously not going to come, and if she did, she would be forced to.

"Don't come then. You're hard to talk to--"

"Let's all go. Having a little fun would not hurt." Eoin cut me off so Seren took a deep breath before nodding.

I told you, even if she will come, she will do it because she will be left with no choice.

"Where are we then?" Rigel asked.

"Us? You're not coming with us, stupid."

"What if I shoot you in the head?" He answered Yvaine.

"How brave you are." She answered with a smirk, so Rigel just ignored him.

"Molly Johnson is having a party at her house today. And since we're not invited, we're going."

Molly Johnson is a cheerdancer. Just a plain brat bitch who thinks she can get everything she wants.

"Yes, why aren't we invited?" Seren asked.

"It's simple. Because she doesn't like us."

"Molly Johnson?" Astro reassured, so I nodded.

"I am invited."

"Oh?~ What are you? Can pass a model audition?"

"Really. You're the one who's not invited." Astro brags.

"Because I'm a busy person." He eased himself.

After we finished eating, we left the restaurant and went to Molly's mansion. When we were on the side of the road, we got off the car and simply walked closer to their gate.

"Is there a guard?" Eoin asked as Yvaine peeked near the gate.

"Nothing." She answered so we stood up properly and continued to enter. The blasting music is still clear even though we're still far from the front door.

"No hard drinks." Astro said.

"Of course, we're not here to party." I responded.

"So why are we here if we're not going to party?"

"We're here to ruin the party." Yvaine answered and opened the door.

The loud and smoky atmosphere welcomed us. You can also be blinded by blinding lights. Of course, that's why it's called blinding.

Students are busy having fun while chitchatting and flirting.

This is the life.

Supposed to be.

"Drinks." Someone handed a mojito to Seren with a smile. She accepted it but Eoin snatched the glass from her and poured the contents on the burn.

"It has drugs. Don't just drink anything with these kind of parties."

"I'm sorry and I'm not good and used with these kind of parties."

"It's not that you don't party, but don't accept drinks or anything from strangers in general. All of you." He said and casually walked towards the drinks.

Rigel walked towards the huge cake while Astro went upstairs. Yvaine is now nowhere to be found. She's old enough to do shits.

"Click it, Seren." I said and walked to where the dj was. I heard her complain but I just let it go.

"I feel like you want to go to the restroom, don't you?"

"How did you know?" He asked with a smile. "You take care of that." He said and went down.

The song that was about to reach it's plot stopped.

"Ops."I smirked as Eoin shattered a bottle of vodka, which echoed throughout the house due to the silence. He then continued to pour every single drink everywhere, capturing the attention of men, so they walked towards him.

Just as they approached him, the balloons fell from above, so Eoin got the chance to go out.

"Sorry, I hit it." Astro said casually before getting down.

"What the hell are you guys doing?!" Molly shouted who was next to her cupcakes.

"Having fun? What's a party without a little fun, right?"

"Why the fuck are you here, Stella?"

"To have fun."

"You fucking she-devil-"

"Sing her a happy birthday, fellas." Yvaine sighed holding the cord of the lights before pulling it out. Rigel lit Molly's candle while still smiling like a dog.

Annoyed, Molly marched towards him, but before she could even reach him, Rigel blew out the candle while Yvaine sprayed a fire extinguisher on Molly's face, which Seren took a photo of so everyone could see what she looked like when the camera flashed.

Even without the blinding lights, their reactions can be seen because of the light coming from outside.

"Oh!" Yvaine said, half mouth opened, acting shocked.

"Don't you dare show your faces to me or else--"

"Say cheese!" Seren continued to tease her and took pictures of her one after another with the others.

"Happy worst day, Molly." I said and blasted the music again before we run out before they turn the lights back on.

When we were outside, Astro's car, driven by Eoin, stopped just in time, so we got in. The others tried to chase us but couldn't catch up.

"Let's bring the ladies home first." Eoin said as we got out of the village. He also changed roles with Astro because he said he will drive.

While we were on the trip, it was like the uncle boys who are with me asked questions to Eoin who had just returned from Japan.

I'm also one of those who asked the question, but I'm not an uncle boy.

"Let the person rest." Serene said.

"Are you a human, dude? Dude, you're a human?" Rigel was still peeking at him so Yvaine hit him.

"Shut up. You're talking so much, your mouth won't stop."

I just asked." Rigel answered him before he adjusted his seat.

"Where are you staying tonight, bro?" Astro asked Eoin. "Guess your unit is not yet clean."

"Yeah. Where can I possibly stay? It's like you don't want me."

"Yeah, right-- ah! That hurts, Yvaine!" Rigel complained about Yvaine elbowing him.

"You can spend the night in my unit. The other room is empty."

"I was going to tell you to stay in my other room, but since Seren offered hers, might as well grab the opportunity." Astro said teasingly, so Eoin hit him on his chest.

"What?" He even laughed at the question. "I'm just saying grab the opportunity because you might not have a place to sleep in the end."

"Shut up, dude." Eoin said and looked at Seren. "Thank you for your offer, but I'll just spend the night at Kei's unit. I don't want to invade your privacy." He answered Seren.

"It's okay." Seren replied with a smile on her lips. Alright.

"Wait, who? Kei? A girl?" Yvaine asked. Eoin chuckled before shaking his head.

"No. Keiji is my cousin. I came back from Japan with him. He told me that he received an invitation from the Academy so he wants to try. If he doesn't like it, he'll just go back to Japan again." He explained at length.


"Why are you interfering with everything?"

"I didn't interfere with him, Rigel. I just asked, don't be a fool." Yvaine answered him so I just scratched my head.

"Did you miss this?"

"I did."

"E si Seren?"


"Nothing, dude. We're here." Astro said and stopped in front of Seren's building.

"I'll go ahead, guys. I won't save your asses when this got in to the office. Got that?" Seren said before opening the door.

"Thanks, Astro. Drive safe and welcome back, Eoin." She said and got out of the car before entering the building.

When she disappeared from our sight, Astro started driving again.

"Hey, where are you going to stay?" Astro asked Yvaine.

"Your unit."

"Dream on." He answered and turned the car to take me to my condo building.

After saying goodbye to them, I went down and stood in front of my condominium to wait for them to leave. But after a minute, Eoin rolled down his window.

"Go inside, dumbass." Astro said, peeking on the window.

"Okay, go." I even answered.

"Are you going in or what?"

"Are you leaving or what?"

"Guys, can you? Go inside now. Think about the people who can see you now. They might call the zoo and tell them that they saw a monkey lurking around." Rigel replied that the window was already open.

I was about to approach him but he closed his window and Eoin just chuckled.

"Just go in, Stella. It's getting late." He said so I just followed him and turned my back on them.

"Bye, ugly!" I heard Astro shout before they left so I just made a face while walking in.

I went straight to the mailroom to check if I received anything. When I opened my mailbox, there was a letter inside, so I took it to read it.

"Ms. Ice Princess? This isn't me. Are they dumb?" I said when I read who it was for.

I went straight to the front desk to leave the letter there.

"Excuse me? I don't think this letter is for me, so maybe they just misplaced it in my box." I said here. She took the letter to check and trace it but after a few minutes she returned it to me.

"The letter is addressed to you, ma'am. Besides, it also has your unit number on it. Maybe it's really for you, the sender just used a code name."

I accepted the letter again and thanked her before I left.

Who is it from? What Ice Princess? Did he just guess that?

When I got to my unit, I received a message so I read it.

"I'm home." -Astro

"What do you want me to do?" -Stella

"Take a hammer and hit it on your head. Goodnight." -Astro

I threw my phone on the bed to take a shower. He's really worthless to talk to sometimes.

What do I mean sometimes?

Just then, I told them to update me when they got home. When they forget, I ask them myself. So perhaps the monkey is used to to it.

After taking a shower, I left the bathroom while wiping my hair. I looked at the letter I put on the study table so I took it and sat on the bed.

"Should I open this or not?"

I asked Yvaine with the picture of the letter and put my phone down again while waiting for their answer.

"Open it." -Yvaine

"Don't." -Seren

"Why would he open it, it's not hers?" -Seren

"Then why did they send it to her address if that's not for her?" -Yvaine

"I don't know. Why are you asking me?" -Seren

"Oh Seren~" -Yvaine

I just scratched at their answers. What else can I expect from them?

I just took the letter again and stared at it.

"The hell am I going to do with this?" I wondered as I open the letter.

What am I going to do with this? If I'm just going to throw it, I should read it before I throw it away.

"To Ms. Ice Princess from Whites? Who are these people? They have these many acts in life." I said and continued reading.

"We would like to invite you to attend our new hotel's grand opening on February 18? Oh I hope I'm Miss Ice Princess now." I said and just put it in one of my books.

What am I going to do there if ever?

I just took a deep breath before laying down and I ended my day like that.