
"What? It's still early, Astro." I snapped at the person I was talking to on the phone.

My class is later in the day, and he already called earlier. He said I should have come down at seven o'clock because he was already outside.

This is ridiculous. I told him I'd be at school at ten o'clock later.

"How early do you think it is?"

"Astro, I told you to go first because my class will be at ten in the morni--"

"It's already 9:45, Ella." He cut me off.

I was taken aback by what he said as I looked at my phone clock. I just closed my eyes at 7:15. How's that even possible?!

"Shit." I murmured.

"Yeah. Shit happens, Ella. Go to the Academy now." He said and hang up. I immediately stood up to get ready to leave.

What bath? I took a shower last night so that's okay.

When I got to the school parking lot, I immediately got out of the car and ran to my first class. I'm late but maybe I can still insist.

"Can I still go in?" I asked without a voice to my classmate sitting next to the window. He shook his head so I just made a face and walked away.

What am I going to do there? Count my hair?

I just went to the cafeteria to eat because I haven't eaten yet. When I got inside, I waited for the person next to me to finish ordering because I was still contemplating on what should I eat.

"What's your best seller?" Asked the student.

"Everything is our best seller. We have removed the ones that students don't like, so everything on the menu is okay to order." The staff answered him. It looks like he doesn't get much of what was said to him so his forehead is furrowed.


"A-Ah uhm..m"

"Do you eat waffle?" I asked him. Maybe he's new here so I'll help him out.

He nodded so I pointed to the waffles on the menu.

"You can choose your own filling. What do you want?"

"Which one do you prefer?"

"Me? I usually order the blueberry with whipped cream one."

"Then I would like to try that." He answered so I told the sister staff that we have the same order.

"Are you new here? It's obvious that you're still groping."

Few seconds passed before he answered.

That's okay, at least answer.

"Yeah. I was invited so I thought I should give it a try. Besides, my cousin studies here as well." He answered so I nodded. "I'm Keiji by the way. You can call me Kei."


"Yeah. And you are?"

"Estella Hudson. You can call me Stella though." I said and reached for his hand.

"By any chance... do you happen to know Eoin?"I asked him. I remember what he said the other day, I just can't recall the name he told us.

"Hmm... I don't think I do."

"Oh, sorry. Ohisama is his real name." I answered when I remembered that it was Seren who named him Eoin.

"I was just kidding. Yeah, I do know him. He's my cousin. You guys call him Eoin, right?" He answered while taking the tray where our orders were.

"What's your relationship with him?"

"He's one of my childhood bestfriends. Didn't he tell you about us? I mean... Nevermind."

"It's fine, I get it. And yes, he does talk about you guys a lot." He responded with a smile. We sat down and just ate.

He said, his course is Mass Communication and he's ahead of us. Just like Astro.

While he was busy eating, I looked at him.

Kei looks like a model. Maliit ang mukha niya, but he has this apparent jaw line whenever he's at his side profile. His hair is black, almost like a 90's heartthrob haircut. His nose has this under-projected tip that also looks good with his side profile, and a natural pink lips.

He also has these close set eyes and long lashes that makes them look drowsy. Totally not my type. But I won't deny that he looks good. He looks neat and presentable. Maybe a lot of women are after him.

"So..." He started talking again after swallowing his waffle. I sat up properly when I heard his voice. He might think I have such a romantic interest on him.

"What are you taking?" He asked.

I drank my iced chocolate first before looking at him and answering.

"I'm taking pharmacy. Since I got really interested to how medicine works and also their side effects."

He nodded at my answer. After maybe fifteen minutes of talking, I arranged my things to stand up and leave the cafeteria.

He didn't say much about himself. He just said, his father is Japanese and her mother is Eoin's mother's sister that's why they are cousins.

He didn't grow up here, so he has no friends. He stated that he was a varsity basketball player at their university in Japan, so Moirai invited him to be an exchange student.

That's all, just a little.

"I suppose you know this building?" He asked me as we stood up. He showed me his building address and I said I know and I'll just go with him so he won't get confused in the search.

I'm hoping I can have plus points in heaven.

"Because it's also Astro's building. I mean..."

Why is it necessary to talk? Can't I just shave him when it's over? This is hard for me.

"You're fine." He said with a smile. Yeah, right.

"If you happen to know Astro, his building is also here. He's taking Broadcasting." I said.

When we finally entered the building, I met the two who escaped from the jungle.

"Oh? Didn't the zoo catch you last night?" Rigel asked while pointing at me while Seren is next to him.

"Are you a fucker? Huh?" I answered him, trying to hit him with my bag. "Why are you here? This is not your building"

"You too, this isn't your building but you're here." Rigel answered and looked at me from head to toe while looking behind me. "And you even succeed fooling a fine human being, huh?"

"If I punched your mouth, would you be quiet?" I asked him and rolled my eyes at him.

"This is Keiji by the way, Eoin's cousin. I saw him earlier at the cafeteria." I said that's why the two introduced themselves, so as Keiji.

Stupid how I am introducing him to them when Eoin should be the one doing this. I will just add this to his debts.

"You must be Keiji?" Rigel asked.

"Are you stupid? He just said that, didn't he? You're acting bright again." Seren answered him.

"I think this is what Eoin's talking about. You guys are fun to be with." That's Keiji.

"What's the fun? You'll just get constant headaches from them." Seren replied, making Keiji laugh.

"Why are you--"

"Yve! Did you just come here to freaking annoy me?" Astro chased after his sister who stopped running when she saw us outside.

Us? Maybe just Keiji.

Yvaine fixed her self, acting like a sweet 18 year old girl.

"Where is it? I'm going to use it in the labjsomkod. What?!" Annoyed, Astro let go of Yve's hand that covered his mouth.

"Shut up first. See you later." She said and started walking towards us. I turned to Keiji who was also looking at her, so I pulled my head back while holding back a smile.

I hope all, I guess?

Astro drew me in close and pointed at Keiji, which I knew he was asking who, but I just elbowed him and he murmured "selfish" before pushing me away from him that made me ducked a little because I might fall off my face.

I'll get back to you later, you fool.

"Hey. I'm Keiji Miyazaki. You can call me Kei, Eoin's cousin." He introduced himself and lend his hand to Yve that she accepted.

"My name's Yvaine Carson. You can call me Yv-"

Yve didn't finish her introduce herself portion to Keiji because Rigel started talking again. Is aunt sure that she has vaccinated this idiot?

"It's time to go in, you might forget that we just came from the penalty yesterday. I don't want to clean anything. Let's go." He said and dragged Yvaine with him. Seren followed them running.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Yvaine." Keiji continued, which made Yve smile so Rigel pulled him more.

"You'll be done with mom later!" Astro shouted at her.

"Astro, you look after him, huh? You're all grown up now. Bye." I told to Astro, who is now standing with his arms around Keiji's shoulders. I just shook my head and followed Seren.

Is it like that? It's like they've known each other for ten years.

"Seriously? That's your type?" Rigel asked Yve when I caught up with them.

"What are you saying, crazy ass? I was just introducing myself, what's wrong with that you stupid asshole." Yvaine answered him while fixing her clothes.

"Introduce, introduce, that's for high schoolers. What do you think, you're still a teenager?"

"Why do you even care?"

"Nothing. Did I say I care about you? Stop being assuming. I'm going in. Bye." He replied then left.

That one doesn't really do any good even if I do a cartwheel.

While walking across the field, I approached Yvaine slowly with my hands behind my back.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Yvaine-woooh! You're excited, aren't you?" I pushed her, causing him to collide with Seren, who only scratched her head.

"Are you stupid? I've been immune to looks like that for a long time. What's different about him? It's like nothing. I'm just surprised that Eoin's genes are so good. You hit the jackpot already, Seren— where is she?"

"She's gone. You have a lot of things to say, don't you? You seem defensive. I'm leaving." I answered and left her to go to my next class.

"I'm not defensive!"

Yeah, right.