
Seren's POV

"Eoin is back from Japan."

"Eoin? You mean Ohisama of Political Science?"

"Yes, girl. Haven't you saw him yet? He looks way more handsome than before. I wonder if I could be his girlfriend. I mean, I'm hot and I don't look bad, right?"

"Yes, you don't look bad because you're hideous." I murmured as I passed by those cheeky little brats.

Why would she dream of being Eoin's girlfriend? Mind you, she wasn't supposed to address him that. Why? Is Eoin's her best friend since we were young and dumb? The heck?

"Looks like you're flying on outer space again." A familiar voice said that made me lift my head up because I walked with my head bowed since I was looking at my shoes.

Hey, Eoin." I greeted him back he just gave me a quick smile.

"I was looking for you; I heard you're from Astro's building." He said, and I responded with a slight nod. "Anyway, I'm sure you've already met Keiji?"

"Yeah, he was with Stella earlier. What a coincidence, he met the most stubborn one." I answered shaking my head.

Well at least, not some other cheeky girl who will fantasize about being his girlfriend. Especially since their gene is really beautiful.

"What is that?" I asked him the obvious.

"You're not that stupid to ask me what a ukulele is."He answered with a little laugh. What does he mean I'm not that stupid?

I just looked at him while he was removing the ukulele he was holding from the case. As he pulled out the ukulele, I was amazed by the beauty of it.

It is the DeVine Hawaiian Koa Tenor Hibiscus 2003. Long name, I know, but I would die for it. Joke.

"Is it beautiful?" He asked me while holding the ukulele in front of me.

"What do you mean 'is it beautiful'? It's gorgeous, stupid." I said, waiting for him to hand it to me because I want to hold it.

He won't be offended by my interference because he's not selfish. Or maybe not?

"This is for you." He said and handed it to me. I accepted it out of my own accord and looked at it.

"You can joke aroung tomorrow. But it's really pretty." I said, still looking at the ukulele.

"I'm not joking, not even a bit. That's really for you. I have your name sculpted in it. Look." He answered and showed me the part where my name was engraved.

"Seren." I murmured as I caress it. "Eoin, you don't have to buy me this."

"It's nothing, Seren." He answered while leaning against the wall and still holding the case in his other hand.

"Nothing? How is this nothing when this is worth almost nine-thousand dollars? What do you mean nothing? Are you dumb? That's a lot of money."

"It's a gift, Seren. I wasn't with you during your twentieth and twenty-first birthday, so that's my gift to you."

"Still, this is too expensive. Don't try to buy me something this expensive ever again." I answered him and he suddenly snatched the ukulele from me and put it back in its case.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Taking it back? You don't want it anyways."

I snatched it from him again which is now its case.

"It's mine, no. You shouldn't take back what you already gave. That's wrong." I said and hugged the ukulele. Eoin just chuckled and patted my head.

"I'll go first." He said as he looked at his wrist watch. "I'll have my class in ten minutes."

"Sure. Thank you for this gift. I really appreciate it." I said and gave him a smile and he smiled back before leaving.

I looked at him as he walk at the hallway. He really knows me well. From what I want and want are my favorites to the things that I hated the most. From how I would cry on a sad drama series that I always watch to how I block my eyes on a horror movie.

He even knows that I would not fight back because that is my principle, or maybe because that is what I grew up with. I mean, I know how to fight for myself. I can defend myself, because what's the point of us taking the self defense classes that Yve tripped over if I'm not going to use them?

But still, I wouldn't do so. It's just my nature, I guess. And that's why Eoin would always be there for me whenever he heard something against me or something bad about me. Yve and Stella would do that also, especially Stella. I can even imagine her climbing a big man's back just to strike a punch.

But knowing Eoin, he knows that I will not go out of my way to defend myself because I will just ignore what I hear. That is why I know he knows what and who I am.

Of course, you grew up together, stupid. Lucifer's brother answered in my other ear.

I just shook my head at the same time as the bell rang so I went inside, after all I was right across from our classroom.

My attention was not on the lesson the whole class. I don't know if I'm just excited to use my new instrument or plainly, I just don't know.

"You are dismissed." Our Professor said and left. I stood up and packed my things to go out and have lunch with those who escaped from the Zoo.

I was about to pick up my ukulele when someone stepped on the strap of the case. Here we go again.

"I saw what happened a while ago." She said. If I could remember, her name is Kennedy.

"What happened?" I boredly asked.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Why did he buy that for you?" I frowned at his question.

How can someone be this stupid? Not to judge, but I'm actually doing it right now.

He really waited for my class to end just to waste my time? Come on. I'm silent when things are just he said she said, but if it's face to face, I can manage.

"Who bought what for me? And to politely tell you, if you're having a hard time talking to me, you can just shut your mouth. Why DID he BUY me that?" I asked, emphasizing those two words, as I looked at my ukulele she was still stepping on to.

"You don't correct me! I'm never wrong!" She hissed. Can somebody make her stop?

I can live in the same house with Stella and Yve, even with the three bastards. But this hellcat right here? I don't think so.

I can't even stand looking at her.

"Then sit." I can hear Yve's voice.

"You know what's your problem? Yourself. You don't accept mistakes yet you don't know how to fix them. If you want be always right, my suggestion is to study hard, got it? " I said, picking up my ukulele.

This is new and she stepped on it? What if I swing this on her face?

I'm kidding, Lord.

"I'm not asking for your opinion!"

"Opinions are what someone thinks or believes about something. On the other hand, suggestions are ideas that someone proposes to another." I answered while cleaning strap she stepped on.

When I looked up at her again, Yve grabbed Kennedy's friend's approaching hand and pushed her away.

Really? She will slap me? The courage.

"Sorry? You're blocking my way." Yve said while just looking at her sideways because she hit the desk when Yvaine released her. I can even hear the heavy breathing of Kennedy's friend.

Obviously, she's upset.

"Why are you so slow, Seren? Eoin will treat us. He might change his mind even if he doesn't have one."

"Yeah, yeah. Here, I'm coming. In a hurry?" I answered him and he turned his back on me. When he was about to pass Kennedy, the girl she pushed earlier was about to attack her.

"Try touching me, bitch. You will regret being born in this small world." Yve said boredly and just went straight out.

You don't want to messed with Yve. That woman doesn't do cat fights.

"Cat fights are for little girls with sensitive cry asses." That's what she said.

When we got to the cafeteria, Eoin was there with Stella who had just kicked Astro's knee.

"When I get hurt and can't dance anymore, I'm going to take you to the DSWD." Astro said annoyed while rubbing his knee.

"Why the DSWD? It's supposed to be the home for the aged. You're too old for this shit, idiot." Rigel joined.

"Oh really?" Astro replied to him while taking off his shoes that he would probably slap Rigel with.

"What if I hit you on the head with your newly bought guitar?" He added, so Rigel threw peanuts at him that made Astro stand up and run after him.

Rigel also left his seat and I was about to be hit so I avoided him with my ukulele.

"Oh, wow~" It's Stella. "Something is being protected. Is there gold there?" He asked me.

"I can buy you a sword of heroes when I sell it." I answered. But why would I buy him the sword of heroes? What is she, kung-fu panda?

"You said that." And she really believed me, huh?

"Why would he sell that? I heard that's from Eoin." Astro replied.

"Why do you mind if she sells it? It's not even yours."

"What's the event and you gave him that? Her birthday was like what? Last 3 months?" Yve asked before reaching for her iced coffee that had just been served.

"I wasn't there for her previous birthdays, so I bought her something so I can make it up to her." Eoin answered with a shrug and took a bite of his food.

"And you weren't there for my previous birthdays either? Why don't you keep your head up and make it to me?"

"Stupid, you're not Sam Smith." Stella replied to Yve after hitting her.

"Oh that's a different one. My bad." She replied before sipping from her straw again.

"But why don't we have one? I know how to play the ukulele too. Okay, at least a new keyboard like that. You know?" Rigel joined in, pretending to be keyboarding at the table.

"What are you, my sugar baby?"

"Oh!" Astro while still covering his mouth artistically. "Do you want one? I'm also looking for a sugar daddy."

"It seems like you're used to that kind of thing? That's how you bought your car, right? I knew it. I'll tell mom about you."

"Hey, you're a thick face. I bought it with my money. I'm going to report you to dad because you have a crush on Keiji." Astro answered Yve.

"I never said I like him!" She replied annoyed before stabbing his brother's hand with a chopstick who just laughed at her.

"How about sugar mommy? Don't you want one?" Stella asked him raising her eyebrows while resting her elbow on the table with chopsticks in her hand.

"Ew?" Astro returned to her while hugging himself.

Where did he come from? The convent? For all we know, he had a girlfriend before.

"Astro, babe, can you put lotio-"

"What if you just shut up?" I stuck tempura in her mouth.


I was surprised by Eoin's restrained shout. I don't know if they are too, but I'm just surprised.

I just looked at him in wonder while holding my chopsticks and blinked a few times.

"She's allergic to shrimp." He answered and removed the tempura from Stella's mouth.

"Wai-- Who? Me? No!" Stella replied and took the tempura again and ate it.

It was as if cold water had been poured over Eoin and he sat down.

Stella's never allergic to anything. She can even eat the skin of the banana. But really, we've been together since we're little and no one has an allergy.

I just looked at him as if I was fascinated by him. I don't know if the others could tell but he became bothered.

"You good, bro?" Astro asked Eoin and he just nod back.

"Maybe he forgot that none of us have an allergy to shrimp." Rigel whispered to Yvaine.

"Initial reaction, right? Because many people are allergic to shrimp?"

"You hit it."

"What if I hit you? You're just taking my food, you asshole. Give it back!" Yve answered and slapped Rigel's hand.

I took a glimpse of Eoin for the last time and he was just eating quietly. I just shrugged and continued eating to erase the thought of what just happened.

He's weird.