
After we finished eating, we left the restaurant. And like I said, the four never stopped arguing about something. They even joined Keiji in their fun.

"What do you call a magic dog?" This question made Eoin just shake his head and opened the door of his car.

"What what?" Astro asked.

"How about I what your face? Where's my key." Stella spread it in her palm so Astro gave it to her in annoyance.

"You even stole it from my bag, huh." She added before pressing it and walking away.

"So, what is it, dude?"

"A labracadabrador!" Keiji answered happily. I laughed at the faces of the three, especially Astro, who's nostrils were bigger, and left in a huff while looking at Keiji angrily.

"I'll go first, I'm tired." He said before passing him.

"Are you calling that a joke?" Rigel asked.

"You just don't get it."

"Oh, yeah? Why, how about you, did you get it?" Rigel asked Yve.

"Yes. Maybe tomorrow." She answered, so Rigel left him shaking his head.

"Drive safely." Keiji told Yvaine so I just turned my back and walked to leave them. I can feel butterflies in my stomach. Just a bit.

When I got into my car, I received a message from an unknown number.

"Have a safe drive, beautiful."

I looked around me.

Astro, Rigel and Stella are now driving away. Yvaine got on her motorcycle and started to light it. I looked at Eoin's car and he's already starting it while waiting for Keiji to get in.

Who was that?

If they changed their number, they will tell me. Besides, text is not a trend with those creatures.

I just threw my phone on the passenger's seat and started my car to go home.

When I got into my condo, I just took a shower so I can rest after. When I left the bathroom, I sat on my bed to transfer my things to my other bag because I only have three courses to go in tomorrow.

While I was taking out my things, I saw Stella's book. She forgot to take it earlier.

When I took it out, an envelope fell out. When I picked it up, I recognized it as the envelope Stella had sent us. She even asked if she could open it because it wasn't hers. And of course, knowing Stella, she opened it.

After all, she opened it, maybe it's not bad to take a look.

I opened it and read it. It was an invitation to a grand opening of an hotel. I just shrugged and stuffed it back into her book and then into my bag.

When I put my bag on the chair by my study table, my cell phone suddenly rang.

"You home?" -Unknown Number

I'm contemplating if I should reply or not. Because what if I say yes, and then someone rings the doorbell in my unit, enters, and tries to murder—

"Whatever. I'm not going to answer." I said and threw my phone on my bed

and lay down to rest.


Stella's POV

I woke up early to go to school early because my classmates said they had something to do. You would think that, I believe in them that they are also early.

I'm just early because I'm going with Astro because he also goes to school early. Because I don't have gas yet.

"Don't make me a fool. I know you have more gas, you just don't want to use it because it's freshly cleaned." Astro who just came out of my unit because he waited for me to finish.

"Why are talking so much? If you didn't agree, you wouldn't be here now. I can take the bus." My answer.

Of course, it's a joke. Why would I take the bus when I could drive? I just need to go get him because... Nothing, I simply want to.

"Is there anything else I can do now that I'm here?"

"I think, nothing." I answered and grabbed his key from him.

I really want to use his car because he has this all black Mercedes Benz X Class that he also bought. Maybe he even danced at the gay club that I know so he can buy this.

I want something like this too. But because I can imagine how angry my mom could be, I'll just shut it.

"What the hell? Why don't you just bring your car if you're the one who's going to drive?" He answered annoyed. I just ignored him and got in his car. It's like I've climbed the stairs to get to his car because it was a bit high for me.

"Can you be more careful, stupid." He said when I bumped my head.

"It doesn't hurt, you're overreacting."

"Why would I be worried about you? I'm worried about my car... Can you stop, Ella?" He was very annoyed.

"What? I'm just warming it up."

"Yes, but that's too much. You thought you were going to join the revolution--Heeyy!" He shouted when I started his car. He even held on to the handle so I laughed even more.

"Estella, I'm not kidding, slow the fuck down."

"Okay, okay, chill." I laughed and slowed down. "You're so nervous. I didn't know you're scared to die."

"Shut up." He said who is already sitting properly because he can breathe easy now.

"This is not like your car, Ella, where when you accelerate it's just cool and chill; my car is bigger and more dangerous."

"Yeah, yeah. You talk too much." I responded and just drove with an average speed until we reached the school parking lot. I also saw Yve's motorcycle so I parked Astro's car right next to it.

"Astro" Someone shouted when we got off.

"Let's get started? I've been waiting for you for a while," she said as she approached and even slipped on Astro's arm, raising my brows that had been furrowed earlier due to the heat of the sun hitting my face.

"Can't you rest first? Start right away?" I whispered to myself before fixing my bag.

"Sorry? What did you say?" She sassily asked.

"Ah, nothing. I said, zip it up." I replied before leaving. I even saw her check her skirt before I passed them.

Is she stupid? She doesn't have a zipper.

I went straight to Seren's building because I forgot to take my book from her yesterday.

"Seren? Where's Seren?" I asked her classmate outside. He pointed to Seren who was just sitting in her seat.

"Hey, you didn't return my book."

"What do you mean I didn't return it? I feel like it's my fault that you didn't take it. There." She said as she took it from her bag and handed it to me. "I saw the invitation."

"Yeah. Interesting, right? We're coming." I said.

"What do you mean we're coming? No one is coming. You yourself said that it's not for you, so basically, you're not invited."

"Basically, basically. Whatever. In events like this, you can enter as long as you have an invitation. Besides, this event appears interesting, because why would they make the mistake of sending an invitation?"

"I don't know." She answered with a shrug. "Why are you asking me? It's just that I won't go with you. Besides, I'll be going home that day so even if you force me, it's really not possible."

"Fine. I'm leaving." I said and left. It seems like I can't force her.

I entered the room and just waited for my class to finish. I don't understand anything about this professor either. I'm just sleepy.

When it was over, I packed my things to go out. I'm going to visit Yve to invite her next Saturday. Because that's the event and it's boring if I'm the only one going.

I don't want to invite Eoin because I will only get scolded if he asks where the invitation came from. Astro can't either because he won't allow it and he might even me report to mom. Of course Rigel will be the last person to invite. He might do something stupid there.

"Hey." Yve is leaning against the wall and still has a lollipop in her mouth.

"What? I don't have a penny, leave me alone."

"What if I slap you twenty times?" She answered me before standing properly and held her lollipop.

"Seren mentioned the invitation that you received. Are you coming?"

"Me? Come on. It's us. We're going."

"Call." She answered and took her lollipop and walked away.

"Hey! Formal attire will be worn!" I shouted but she didn't seem to hear me. She might come wearing a gear suit. That stupid idiot.

"Have you seen Astro?" Someone asked. I looked at the woman earlier who looked like she was conceived in the awful creature.

"No. You're the one who's with him earlier, so why are you asking me?"

"Who are you to answer me that way?" Her response made me smirk. Am I being fooled?

"You. Who are you? Who are you to ask me about Astro?"

"Cause he's my suitor, dumb bit-"

"Bitch, I want to say sorry but I guess I won't do that. If what you claim is correct, Astro has yet again chosen the wrong ugly ass girl. Do you not have your mirror with you? "You can put your fake lashes on a broom on the road," I answered and bumped into her on my way.

Where does she get her courage? And why do I care if Astro is courting her?

"Ella, lunch." Astro greeted me when I left the building.

Speaking of the devil.

"Huh," I sarcastically replied, faking a smile. "Some flirt that you are courting is looking for you, and she discovered my building."

"Who? Chantal?"

"You see, I just said flirt but you immediately know who it is."

"Because I said it's lunch first and I will pick you up and Seren also. And for the record, I'm not courting her." He answered and we started walking.

"Why not?"

"Because you said she's a flirt."

"She is but... But you know, not that much. Belle is better, I guess?" I answered while playing the rock with my feet while walking.

I slipped and almost fell when I misstepped, but Astro chased me down and grabbed me around the waist. We just looked at each other for a moment before I pushed him.

I'm suffocating. He's too close.

"But she behaved worse than Belle." I answered as if nothing had happened and we started walking again.

"If you're going to ask me, just find someone else. But if you want a sweeper in your unit, she can be one because of the thickness of his eyelashes." I said and he just laughed.

When we finished having lunch, I met my blockmate and asked me if I could help her bring kits to the court for the varsities so that in case of an emergency they can use something.

"Hey, Stella!" Kei waved to me. They were on their training. I also waved back to him before we entered their locker because they said no one is inside.

After we put the kits, we went out.

"Were you with Yvaine?" Kei asked who was on a break.

"Yeah. We had lunch. Maybe she came back in at the training room."

"Which room?"

"At the building beside the main building. Maybe shooting." I answered with a shrug.

"I see. I didn't know that." He said and smiled. "Anyway, we'll continue. I'll see you around, Stella."

"Sure." I said and we parted ways.

"I can tell that you know Keiji." Lyra, my blockmate.

"Yeah, he's Eoin's cousin. It'll be kind weird if I don't know him." I said with a chuckle.

It's no wonder that people here know him immediately. First of all he is Eoin's cousin who the girls are crazy about. Second, he is a varsity player on the basketball team that the girls are crazy about as well.

"Because I heard something about him." She said that caught my attention. We are now in the hallway and are walking.

"About what?"

"That he looks innocent but he's not. They say he was seen once in a nightclub."

"Lyra, what do you expect from people who are in their early 20's like us? Just stay at home? What are you? People are not monotonous like you. It's natural to explore. I've been into nightclubs, too, Lyra. I don't know why is your life so boring?" I said and shook my head.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Hey, Lyra, it's just a nightclub, what are you thinking? Not that I am defending him, but somehow I am. He's nice. Who is he with?"

"They said he's with his teammates."

"See, I told you. You're acting like Keiji's mother who is only twelve years old. Let's go." I said and pulled her to walk faster because the bell rang.

Like, the person just went to a nightclub?

She really has this boring life.