
Yvaine's POV

"Where the fuck are you? I was out here for a while now." I asked Stella annoyed. If only I had the invitation, I would have entered the exact moment I arrived.

"You can't wait, can you? I told you earlier that I haven't left yet. Also, why are you so fast?"

So I'm the one who can't wait now? I have been here for what? An hour?

"I'm here... I knew it... You're really stupid." She said before hanging up. When I saw her car, I straightened up because I was leaning against the wall. She got out of her car and she's wearing this black sheath one shoulder evening dress with her midnight blue hair tied up in a messy bun.

Dressed up?

"Are you serious right now, Yve?" She whispered loudly to me as he approached. You get that. Unless you are also stupid.

"What?" I asked him annoyed. If she can look at me, as if I look like a very ugly alien. I mean, I'm ugly but not too much. And I'm not even an alien.

"That's why you're so fast because you're on a motorcycle and that's what you're wearing. I knew you'll wear that motorcycle suit. What do you think we're going to, track? You can't wear that, Yve."

"What else can I do, this is it? Why didn't you tell me? I should've worn a wedding gown."

"What do you mean that's that? You can't enter. What you should wear is on the invitation." She answered and pulled me. We approached the valet to whom he handed the key earlier.

"I'm sorry, but can I have my car back? I forgot something." She said so the Valet nodded. "We'll just follow you."

When we got to the parking lot, the valet left us and Stella opened her trunk.

"What the hell, dude? Do you actually bring those around?" I asked her when I saw the dresses in her trunk.

"Are you such a professional gate crasher?"

"We'll never know when we'll need it. Anyway, choose." She said and pushed me to come closer.

"What color should it be?"

"Just black and white." She said and shrugged. I looked through her long dresses and only one was white, so I had no choice but to take it.

It's an A-line long dress with slit in it. Great, how can I even ride my bike with this?

"That's it, let's go." She said and dragged me again with her and put me in her car with her holding my head. "Make it quick."

"Can you wait? Why is your car even more crowded than a public restroom." I complained because it was difficult for me to remove my black fitted jeans.

When I finished getting dressed, I got out of her car.

"Don't tell me I'll wear this with my heeled boots?"

"If you want you can." She replied so I pushed her. She was out of balance and clung to her car before walking towards the back.

"Oh. You choos-"

"Give it to me." I answered and grabbed the white ankle strap heels from her and wore them.

"All done. Let's go. Hurry up, you're so slow." I said and walked away while fixing my hair. I heard the sound of her heels because she was chasing me, and this brat even pushed me.

"I invited you and now you're leaving me?" She complained.

"You're the one who invited me? Stupid, maybe you're forgetting, we're just gate crashers here because that invitation isn't really for you."

"Whatever. You talk too much?" She answered when we reached the entrance of the hotel.

"Your invitation?" A man the size of the Incredible Hulk asked. Hulk with an earpiece.

Stella handed over the invitation, which I know is praying that they don't know who Ice Princess really is. Because by chance, we won't be able to enter and we'll just waste our time together.

The guy looked at us from head to toe at naiinip na ako. Is he going to let us in or what?

"I'm with her." I said and pulled Stella and they let us in.

"Drinks?" Asked the server with a tray of champagne. Stella and I took it and walked again.

The Hotel's Grand Lobby is huge. It has this white and gold motif with a big ass glass chandelier.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted that you have all come here to celebrate the grand opening of our hotel. All I ask is that you enjoy this party and have a pleasant night." The speaker said and the music blasted. Not too loud like those party music at the nightclubs. But just this fancy instrumental music.

I looked around. People are chit-chatting like they have known each other for a long time. Well, what do I expect from this luxury life of these people.The world of the rich is small, especially entrepreneurs.

"Do you notice anything?" Stella suddenly asked me. We were here at the other end and just watching the people.

This is boring. It's better that Stella took me to the nightclub.

"What?" I asked her back.

"I haven't seen anyone else dressed in white yet."

"Me. Are you stupid?" I answered before taking a sip of my champagne.

"Yeah, except you. Isn't that odd?"

"What's odd? Maybe they just chose black over white. That's why I chose this too, because usually, with this kind of event most of the people wore the darkest color.

"Well, yeah. You look like the owner." She laughed before drinking champagne.

"Don't you think this is a little boring?" She asked again. Well, at least she felt it.

"What do you mean a little? This is literally fucking boring, Stella."

"Is not that I don't know." She also answered annoyed. "I didn't know that it'll be this boring here. I thought this would be an interesting event, but it wasn't. Let's just go to Drew's."

"Who is that?"

"You forgot Andrew? I don't think so." She answered while looking at me with obvious disbelief. "Really? Andrew, your high school crush with doe eyes that others say looks like Eithan Lee. He's even planning to date you, isn't it? He just thought you had a boyfriend."

"Ah, yeah, I remember. And so?"

"It's his birthday. Aren't you invited? You have the same course, but you don't know."

"Maybe I heard about it but I just can't remember. Let's go there then." I said. We left our glasses on a table and started walking when the lights suddenly went out. It was quick but I felt someone pulling on both of my arms.

This isn't Stella, and neither of them is Stella.

I tried to shout but I couldn't do it because a man's hand was already covering my mouth. When my eyes adjusted properly, I only saw that they were pulling me to the back. People can't see me and they can't even hear me because the surroundings became loud again.

I looked in front of me and it seems liked they're taking me outside because there is a door at the end of the hallway. Two armed men ang holding me and I had to think of a way to escape.

I acted like I'm suffocating from this guy's hand so I pretended to be dizzy and passed out. Maybe they won't drag me to the floor like I'm some dead person.

"You carry her, I'll go first." The other guy said, maybe to go out first so that those outside can be ready, whoever they are.

When another man was about to pick me up, I opened my eyes and elbowed him in the stomach. After that, I kicked his balls and pulled his gun outwith a silencer and beat him on the head with it so he lost consciousness. The other guy didn't reach the door yetso he turned around at the noise made by his companion.

I slightly tilted my head because I'm starting to get upset. I cocked the gun and fired at his foot. Of course, I'm an advanced officer, I know how to fire a gun.

When I hit him I ran back to the lobby. I can't escape through the exit, I know there are people waiting there.

I was so close to the doorway when I bumped into something. I didn't think twice and just cocked the gun again and pointed it at him.

A man wearing a black tuxedo with a charcoal hair color looked at me and raised his hands. After a while he lowered one of his hands to unfurl his coat and showed me his badge. He's an agent.

When he noticed that I was relieved, he pulled me out and gestured me to throw the gun because people might see it. When we got outside, people were dancing and we don't have a choice but to blend in.

"Can I?" He asked and I nodded as a response. He held me by my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You look young to be a guest here. Who are you?"

"Yvaine's my name."

"Still a student?"

"Yeah. From Moirai."


"I'm a student of Moirai Academy." I replied. We're just casually talking while dancing so that others won't notice that we don't know each other.

"I was a student there. I'm Aiden by the way." He said and offered me his hand so I accepted it.

"Aiden Lewis, I'm an agent." He said with a smile as we shake hands. After a moment, the instrumental changed and so he held my hand and pulled me. We are walking, almost running because I know there are people watching here like the ones who took me earlier, and I know he knows that too.

What does an operative doing here anyway? There will be no one like him here if they don't expect anything to happen. And I'm just thankful that he's here, because otherwise it would be more difficult for me to go out.

When we were near the exit of the hotel, I stopped so he looked at me.

"I'm with someone."

"What?!" He asked in shock.

"I came here with my friend. She's with me before the quick black out happened. I need to find her." I said and was about to turn around when he pulled me.

"I will look for her. For now, I need to get out of here and you will stay in my car."

I nodded. I don't want to lose and force him to come with me because he know what he's doing.

"Her name is Estella Hudson. She's wearing a black sheath one shoulder evening dress."

"What else? Be more specific."

"Ah... Uhmm..." I'm trying to think of anything that's shouting 'hey I'm Stella, look at me!'

"Uhmm..." Damn it! Come on.

I can't think of anything. I'm even gripping at my dress.

"She has a midnight blue hair and... and... and she will not listen to you or believe you easily." I said and I turned around and hurried out to the exit. When I went out the door it was quiet outside.

The exit was located at the garden area of the hotel that is also close to the parking.

I ran while looking for my key in the pocket of the shorts I was wearing. Aiden also gave me a key and when I reached the light pole I looked at it.

"He told me to wait in his damned car but he gave me a motor key? How fortunate." I whispered to myself and just started running again to go to Stella's car when I suddenly tripped. I heard someone so I turned and saw the guys who were with me earlier.

"Great! Fuck!" I said as I removed my heels and threw them before running away again, when someone pulled my arm and covered my mouth.

"Shh. Stay still."