Chapter Nine

Chapter 9: The Accident

Selena's POV

Is she a fraud or is this a dream? 

"Is it really hard to believe? Don't worry. You are not the first to think this way. I'm not that young….  but, not to brag I'm a really good writer and editor. Give me a chance and I can prove it. " She chuckled

I looked at her with the look that says 'I don't trust strangers' and she waved at me.

"It's Okay. " She stared at me for a long time and sighed  "You have potential Selena, I've read a couple of your articles even those from when you were at the Maher Journal.  ALK, I won't say needs you. But, will climb another step quicker with you there. I just don't understand why you chose freelancing. Why don't you apply to ALK and give it a try" She shook her head and smiled

" In two days there'll be an event at the Princess paradise hotel. Try and be there. I'll contact you some hours before the event.  Freelancing is cool and all but it's hard to find a good site with good pay. You understand that perfectly. Even if you don't sign a contract. You'll get stories worth thousands there. I can promise you that." She tugged her damp hair and got up.

'Bye' She mouthed and walked away.

That was weird. She just literally had a. conversation with herself. Not me

Is she authentic?What does she mean by freelancing? She knows quite a lot about me from the looks of it. Has my secret being leaked out? Why does it feel like she knows I'm Summer.

My cover is blown! No way. Right?


Goldbrooks restaurant

I wonder if that old woman can even read what's written on those papers… She must be delusional for all I know. It's my fault for stopping by.  Why can't I stop thinking about it?

"Selena? Hey! What's wrong with you? "

I looked up at the person that just tapped my shoulder, but a name wasn't popping up in my head. I know this person but I was distracted. Too distracted.

My gaze slowly left the red haired guy to an empty table. I slowly walked there and took a seat.

Maybe I  should ask her to explain further, that'll be much more relieving. But, it's also straightforward

"Selena!" someone snapped close to my face, the fingers almost poking my eyes causing me to blink and successful pulling me out of the path to a complete freak out.

I looked sideways, I could finally get a name.  It was Player!

"Life will be much more smoother once you accept the other half. Make sure you choose the right half. What does that even mean?" I flared up, slamming my palms on the table.

"Are you alright?" He sounded worried. I hate it when people worry about me.

"I am just overthinking. I was scared of falling in love, no… I mean not meeting my deadline. " I laughed

"What?" He looked more than confused.

"Never mind Player, the usual please. Three plates. I have a big one this time." I changed the topic bringing out my laptop from my bag. He knew that signals I have work to do.

I Opened my laptop and tapped the on button, I tried so hard not to think of what the fortune teller said.

Why did I even stop to collect the stupid paper? 

The other half doesn't necessarily mean love right? How can a man be the solution to my problems. They are even a major part of my problems.

"Here you go, three bowls of tasty shrimps and potato cuts" Why does the waiter sound so girly. I looked sideways and I froze. It was actually a girl. A freaking fleshy waitress.

I thought the brooks didn't hire waitresses! I begged a lot for a job here because it was really close to the beach and I got rejected each time. Is she the owners daughter or relative?

"Are you a girl or a boy?" I blurted out and quickly covered my mouth.

"Excuse me?"

"How did you get this job I mean?" I asked "Sorry if it's a bit rude and direct. I have a deadline due tonight and your answer can really help me a lot also it's also because I wanted to kind of work here but I was rejected each time. " I think I sounded too desperate. I hope she doesn't think I'm a scam and runs away.

"Well, if you want to interview me, you'll have to wait to my break time by 3:30." She checked her wristwatch and said "An hour to go."

"Thank you but I don't have that much time. Just three questions please.  I'm Selena and you're" I said

"Xiao Ning" she said and I looked at her in shock. She had a nice blonde warm skin with short black hair and big brown eyes, her figure is also not as slim as that of a Chinese.

"I get the look a lot. My adoptive grandmother is Chinese. She's the one that named me. I'm Coker Xiao Ning"

A girl named Xiao Ning and doesn't look a bit Chinese, something you don't see everyday.

"I'll call you?" I asked.

"Ninger or Rose…. Please you have to hurry up with the questions" She sounded hesitant, like she'll just tell me to wait till her break time the next second, so I quickly asked.

"Oh yes. How old are you? What did you do to make the boss allow you to work here? And lastly why here?"

I tapped play on my recorder.

"I am twenty one years old. I dropped out of university like six months ago and working in a restaurant is like the only job I could think of. Why here? This place has the best pay that accepts my empty résumé and lack of skills. The question on why the boss allowed me. I'm sorry I can't disclose that."

"No. I really need that answer particularly. I'd turn off the recorder." I said and even switched off the recorder and looked at her with begging eyes.

"I don't know…."

"Hey! I'm a regular here. I won't disclose any information that'll close the business down. I understand it was really hard to get this job. I tried to get this job too. "

She sighed.

"I signed a contract with the boss for three years promising to not get in a relationship or pregnant while working. He doesn't want to give me anything like maternity . Secondly, I should be ready to fill in if any of the annoying males here call in sick and final condition, I can't ever take an off day. I work four times a week four hours in the afternoon and two hours at night." She said at ago bending down closer to my face and smiled as she rose up and closed her notepad.

"Would that be all miss" She said sweetly and raised her voice a bit . I nodded and gave her a quick smile.

I was speechless. When did the world become this sh*ty!

I changed the title of my article from 'Age limits'  to 'Fighting with Age and Nature'. I smiled to myself while typing away on my laptop.

Women have a lot of natural demerits that shouldn't be counted as one. Sins and crimes ad things people should be scared of doing. Now, giving birth is scary thing because we are at risk of losing our jobs and dreams. Is giving birth a crime? Though people naturally don't want to give birth, they made that choice but a girl willing and wanting to give birth can't because her career would be as stake and if that's at stake, her future is also at stake...

A little bit after five, I left the restaurant. Rose and  Player were no longer on duty.

Stepping out I was welcomed with a heavy traffic accompanied with horns of different vehicles which made me a little dizzy because I've been staring at a bright screen for close to two hours. A little crowd was forming on the walkway and I couldn't help but grown.

It's already closing hours, I sighed to myself. I should have expected this.

I looked at the skies. It seemed like it'll soon pour. Subway it is then, I won't be able to make the bus.

I walked to the Zebra crossing and once the traffic light turned red, I rushed to the other side.  My phone was ringing so I slowed down a bit to fetch my ear buds and connect to it. My purse fell off. I looked up at the traffic light it had already turned green. I hurriedly picked it up and ran to the other side.

"Hello" I answered. I had to. It was Sarah.

"By 10pm tonight. That's how long I could extend it. Selena please don't let me down. I never pick the wrong person and I know it's not going to start with you." She sounded like she was being threatened and I was her only savior but she's actually mine.

"I will, I'm working  on it even as I'm — Haaaa" I screamed as my body collided with the cold metal of the black jeep's bumper that just hit before crashing on the cold tarred road with the right side of my body, the entire content in my bag scattered on the road.

My head hit the floor harder, it felt like it had cracked. It kept on pounding. The pain was indescribable and my vision blurred immediately. Blood flowed into my mouth and mixed with after taste of the potatoes I had earlier making me nauseating.  My body felt numb, the noise of the other cars around the people chattering kept ringing in my ears. I could not feel my right arm anymore as I tried to pick myself up.

The door of a car slamming snapped me up from drifting away with the pain and I heard footsteps coming close to me.

"Are you alright? "Is he even supposed to ask that. If I was, wouldn't I have stood up.

I slowly closed my eyes. The pain had already spread evenly to all parts of my body. It was unbearable.

Am I going to die like this? I haven't seen my parents this year at all! I haven't become a world famous writer. I haven't become the girl my parents want me to be. I haven't become the girl I want me to be.

A tear drop was the last thing I felt before succumbing to the pain.