Chapter Seventeen


Daniel's POV

Looking at her retreating figure, my heart felt a bit sad. I love staring at her. Her sculpted figure has been completely imprinted in my heart. She looked cute no matter what she did.

Her hair was midnight black, long and full. It always found its way to her face when she let it lose, I loved it that way. Sadly today, she packed it to a neat ponytail. Nevertheless, she still looked stunning.

She also looked cute when she ate. She was completely hypnotized by the food but I was mesmerized by her heart shaped lips. She loved red lipstick. I haven't seen her bare faced yet but, I'm pretty sure they'd look pretty no matter what.

 Thinking back to our brief staring contest, she had enticing, coffee brown eyes that always made my heart thump. I don't think my heart can ever be calm when I am with her, she was shy; in a cute way but I think it added up to her habit of staring at me for a long time. It made me tensed but I loved it. She had an amazing voice; it could soothe you no matter the storms. Her personality was also out of this world. I don't this there is a word to describe it yet. Sometimes I think she has split a personality.

Since our last date I never stop thinking about her, sadly her friend had an accident.

The door creaked open and I could feel her gaze on my body. I think I've teased her enough for the morning.

With the brightest smile ever, I turn back to beckon on her to seat quick. I planned a lot for us today. We can't spend all day having breakfast.

 The arc on my lips quickly turned to a thin line. I frowned. SHE was clearly smiling at me but her face lost some of it cheerful color. What happened in there? Her eyes had a faint shade of red. DID SHE F***ING GO IN THERE TO CRY? Why?

"Alexis. It is okay" I walk up to her and she tilts her head sideways.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry I'm behaving childish" She said dryly.


 Who says her actions are or were childish? If it is or was to be considered childish, then I want more of it.

"You know what. It's not okay. I completely embarrassed myself in front of you today. Not just with the whipped cream but, the questions. I don't even know what-"

"I love you" I blurted out interrupting her. I place my hand on her chin and raised her head up so she could look at me. I've been meaning to say that to her and since it's like this, I might as well give her security.  I made sure she stared into my eyes so she could see how since I am at this moment.

"What?" She looked speechless

"I said I love you." I smiled

"Say… Say it again"

She must be shocked. I am shocked also. I can't believe I'm confessing right now. But, I felt amazing at this moment. She wasn't rejecting my love.

"I love you." I could say it a million times at this moment if she wanted.

"Daniel, do you know what this means?" Her eyes watered, not staying still, rampaging every inch of my face.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply. Placing my hand in my right pocket, I got down on one knee, fetching out a box. I opened the box and displayed a customized necklace.

"Alexis, when we first met, I told you not to fall in love with me. You looked innocent. You are innocent; I didn't want you to get hurt. You made me promise for us to meet again. I'm grateful and glad you did. It was our second date that I realized; I've fallen in love with you instead.  I've been called many hurtful names by my exes and I deserve every single one of them. Alexis I've been the worst boyfriend in the world.  I'm not trying to scare you off, what I'm trying to say is that my past is quite disappointing. I wanted you to get to know me more but I'm scared you'd run away because you think you are childish. I love you. I really love you. I want to love you. I want to be with you. I want you to trust me because you make me want to trust you completely. I trust you. Alexis Krystal, would you be my girlfriend?"

"YES!" She said without a hint of hesitation in her face or tone.

I put on the necklace for her and enveloped her in a warm but tight hug. I never want to let her go. Burying my face in her hair, I inhaled deeply; peonies. It was fresh and lovely. I could feel her cheeks protruding on my neck; she was probably smiling with everything she got.

I wonder if she'd ever get to know that she made me love again. She helped me believe that I could be loved again. The past few days with her was much more helpful than three years of therapy. After my last girlfriend, I saw myself as an asshole. I saw myself as someone that couldn't love properly and completely.

I no longer had nightmare. I finally had dreams. Every single one was happier than, the former each night. Every single one was graced with her presence, her beautiful smile, her enchanting laughter, her captivating voice. I could never get enough of them.

I am sure I love her completely and I'm going to cherish and protect this forever. This is another chance. I never thought I'd be given again in this life.

"I'm full, how about you?" I asked not letting go.

She pulled away from the hug slightly, but didn't let go of her arms around me. Her eyes were filled with warmth, happiness and love.

"Let's ditch this place."


As we walked out of the restaurant, I took her hand, our fingers intertwining. She took a quick glance at me and turned away with a smile. She's acting shy right now because I took her hand? She never ceases to amuse me. I wonder what's going on in that beautiful head of hers.

"When are you picking me up?" Her voice was soft. She let go of my hand, clutching the handle of her purse with both hands as we arrived in front of her car.   

"How about seven o'clock?"

"That's fine by me" She replied fast. Her eyes fixed on mine; they excluded love, warmth, joy and a bit of reluctance.

"I wish I could stay by your side all day too." I said and she blinked away.  Smacking her lips together, she touched her cheeks with herb palm.

"Don't look at me. See you at seven."  She pulled on the handle of the car door multiple times. "Damned door." She whispered.

"It's probable locked." I chuckled. I walked closer to her; she was at least three inches shorter than me. I placed my chin on her shoulder and I could feel her shoulders rise as she inhaled.

"It is opened with a key." I whispered and crossing my arms round her, tapping her purse. I also used the opportunity to take another sniff of her sweet scent. It reminded me of a field of flowers and I had a bucket full of strawberry ice cream.

I felt her body stiffen. Her shoulders stopped its rising and falling. I glanced at the car window and noticed her eyes were closed and face flustered red. She looked so adorable. Letting out a gleeful chuckle, I wrapped my arms round her waist. Her eyes burst open and without giving her a chance to react I placed a kiss on her cheeks. This place and moment was definitely not where I wanted us to have our first kiss together.

I had to hold back everything she was pulling out from me.

 "Pick you up by seven."


Today is officially the slowest day in history. The digits '6:00' felt like it stayed in my screen for more than sixty seconds.

My secretary Stephen walked in at the perfect moment.

"ALk representative just called in. They would like to talk more about project ZERO." He hands me a Mi Pad with ALK's message highlighted.


ALK was currently the leading online shopping enterprise. They were the number one in almost every sector even having connections with the government. Talk about almost monopolizing the world. ALk is heading there.

"Perfect. Clear my entire schedule for that day."

He chuckled. "You planned your second official date with Miss Krystal on that day. All the reservations have been made."


I relaxed myself of the chair and caressed my temple.  "I'd take care of it."

I grab my jacket and car keys making my way to the car park. I better get some flowers and fresh air.

"Hello, good evening, welcome to PARADISE." A lady in her late forties said a warm smile.

"I need a large bouquet of flowers something that says I love you the loudest. It can be mixed. I don't want only roses."

"Your girlfriend or crush?" She asked teasingly. A bit unprofessional but I was unconditionally happy at this moment.

"Girlfriend." I felt out of this world as I said that word.

The shopkeeper wrapped up the bouquet consisting of three different types of flowers.

"This sure would make her happy. Come again." She gave a curt bow as she presented the flowers.

Stepping out of the flower shop, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Alexis name decorated with hearts appeared on the screen. My heart completely melting and gaze softening, I swiped the green icon up.

"It's really you!"She yelled before I could say a word. I pulled the phone away from my ear. Where's the shy girl from this morning?

I was about to placed it back to my ear but heard a beep instead. CALL DISCONNECTED.

"Daniel!" I stared at me phone again. it definitely read 'Call disconnected '

My eyes darted to every part of my surrounding, stopping only when I saw her beaming face and waving hands across the streets. She was almost jumping.


West gate RV Park.

 "We are going camping" She screeched but that did not diminish one bit of happiness in her voice.

I planned to be a gentleman all day but she didn't even let me do the first job; Opening the door the lady.

Her eyes sparkled with anticipation; she bolted out of the car charging to the door. As if just realizing that she was in public, her pace suddenly steadied then she turned back. I stepped out the car and took short strides to her side. I wanted to stare at her for a while longer. She was nibbling on her lips, her eyes to the floor but I definitely caught her stealing glances at me. She couldn't stand still or even properly stare at the ground.


"I'm just really excited"

"You don't have to explain yourself." My cheeks ached from smiling all day already. "You look amazing."

"What? I wore these, this morning."

"And I'm guilty of not complimenting since morning."

"Must you always turn me red. I mean make me blush."

"Would it be insane and weird to say yes. You look so cute when you turn red."

"You look so cute when you smile."

"You should stop covering your mouth. Your lips are amazing and any word that comes out of it is even more amazing."

"That sounded weird but comforting." She nodded

"I'm sorry, it kind of sounded cool in my head." It was obvious that I was overtly concerned.

She giggled.

"Are you going to keep me standing all night?" She asked staring at her feet.

Shoot. She's wearing heels.

"Let's go in."