The Life Story

Nivritti was fuming with anger. Kyung-Soo was being invasive, and she was not at all liking it. She ran away from India to avoid all the stares, all the questions, all the concerns but here Kyung-Soo was asking her to relive all the painful memories and she was not ready to do that.

"Oh my God, NK! Stop it," she shouted at him.

"No, I am not leaving," he shouted back.

Smoke came out of her ears, and she shrieked, "you really need to stop behaving like a stubborn child. Get up!"

The word 'child' blew Kyung-Soo's gasket. He grabbed her hand forcefully and pulled her closer making her sit next to him. He immediately placed his hand over her neck and brought her face closer to him. She could see the anger in his eyes. The soft expression that she saw every time was gone. Something hurt and angry was staring at her.