The Flashback


Delhi, India. It was the first day of my third year in college. I was on the welcoming committee. It was my team's job to help our fellow freshers. We set up a table at the entrance of the gate and guided every fresher to their respective departments.

A lot of girls and boys passed through our table after thanking us for helping them. Our job was to hand them a visitor's pass, the brochure of our college and a map that had every department highlighted on it.

We were busy with our work when a group of boys approached our table. Some were from the Media Journalism department, and a few were from the law department. Suddenly a boy with a happy and go-lucky attitude and a breezy smile approached me. His pearly whites were glowing in the morning light. The slick back hair and square jaw were enhancing his black, beautiful eyes.

"Hi! My name is Ritvik," he said.