Not a single word on the screen was legible for Nivritti. All she could see was the continuous motion of the second hand of the clock. Not a sound was audible to her. All she could was the tick-tock emanating from the watch. Her mind had drowned out all the other stimuli for her.
The clock was about to strike 6 pm. It was time to start the investigation. She first called up Vicktor and, in a whispering, tone asked, "are you ready? Meet us in the parking lot, basement level 2."
"Why are you whispering?" asked Vicktor.
"Are you ready?" she scolded.
"Um… Mr. Sidorov! One more thing."
"What?" asked Vicktor.
"Tell no one that I can speak Korean or understand it," requested Nivritti.
"What? Why?" asked Vicktor.
"It can be a great asset if used wisely," explained Nivritti.
"I understand. I will leave now," said Vicktor and disconnected the call.