The Following

Both girls were frozen in their position, one at the threshold of the lift and the other outside the lift.

"Hello! Hello!" Vicktor kept saying over the phone as Nivritti suddenly went silent. "Can you hear me?"

"Are you both getting in, I am getting late as it is," said Dae from inside the lift. Other people inside the lift too were staring at them.

"Sorry, Jae, get in," said Nivritti. Jae-Hwa gulped with fear and confusion and entered the lift.

"Inside the lift, see you in two minutes," said Nivritti over the phone and disconnected the call, not even waiting for Vicktor to reply. "Um… you left ages ago. How are you coming from floors up?" Nivritti asked Dae. Jae-Hwa silently stood behind everyone and kept staring at Dae with wide eyes and constant gulping.

"Oh, I was so busy in my thought that I took the lift that was going up instead of going down," replied Dae.