The Dubious Area

Even snails would move faster than the cars that were crawling on the road. As it was the end of the day, everyone with a car was on the roads trying to get to their homes. The black, unmarked SUV was trying hard to keep up with Dae's white car, but all the traffic was making it difficult.

The atmosphere inside the SUV was extremely tense. Vicktor kept sweating with fear even though the AC was on full blast. His heart was about to jump out of his chest. He never thought that members of ASD would be with him. When the girls came to talk, they never said anything about them.

"You should have informed me," said Vicktor and gulped with anxiety.

"About what? Dae or these two?" asked Nivritti.

"About everything. You withheld information. I cannot work like this. This is not how partners work," chided Vicktor.

"We are not partners, you are just here to help and clear my name and Jae's name," rebuked Nivritti.