The Myriad of Emotions

There was a staring match going all around. Dae was staring at the three people standing in the corridor. Jae-Hwa could not keep his eyes his eyes off Dae's angry face. Nivritti was staring at Vicktor and in turn, was staring at her.

Vicktor didn't know if he should run inside the hotel to get them out. Nivritti had no idea if she should push him to go inside the hotel. Going inside the hotel would mean that Dae would see Vicktor and immediately recognise him thus blowing Jeong-Eun's and Jae-Hwa's cover.

Vicktor nodded once at Nivritti asking what he should do. She could just gulp as she had no answer. He looked at her face and opened his car door to its full extent. He was about to jump off his car when Nivritti grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Please! For now, no one knows who they are. You gave them twenty minutes. They still have five minutes left. Please!" she pleaded.

"But…" Vicktor looked at her.