The Wait

"If I get bruises all over my body, you will answer to my fans," pouted Jung-Hwa, trying to catch Nivritti's hands, who kept hitting him and gesturing towards Jeong-Eun and Jae-Hwa as his words made them embarrassed.

"Don't take your shirt and you will be fine. AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT," she gritted her teeth.

Jung-Hwa said nothing. He pursed his lips and glanced at Nivritti. She too was avoiding looking at him. But the moment their eyes met, they both had to contort their lips to stop themselves from laughing.

A loud chuckle escaped from both their mouths, and they started laughing.

"Shut up, both of you!" scolded Jeong-Eun.

"Sorry! Sorry!" apologised Jung-Hwa, sniggering and trying his best to stop laughing but it was getting harder and harder. Nivritti had her mouth in her palms, hiding her face as she couldn't stop laughing.

"Ritti!" shouted Jae-Hwa and hit her on her thigh by reaching over Jung-Hwa. That made Nivritti laugh even harder.